Catalog excerpts
I M P RIN T © KLH Massivholz GmbH Publisher and responsible for content: KLH Massivholz GmbH Version: 01/2012, Cross-Laminated Timber The content of this brochure is the intellectual property of the company and is protected by copyright. Any type of reproduction is strictly forbidden and only permitted after written approval from the publisher.
Open the catalog to page 2CROSSL AMINATED TIMBER CROS S - LAMINATED TIMBER Cross-laminated timber (German abbreviation: KLH) is produced from layers of spruce wood that are arranged crosswise on top of each other and glued to each other with a pressing power of 6 N/mm² to form large-sized solid wood elements. The crosswise arrangement of the longitudinal and transverse layers reduces the swelling and shrinkage of the wood in the plane of the panel to an insignificant minimum and considerably increases the static load-carrying capacity and dimensional stability. In order to rule out any damage caused by pests, fungi...
Open the catalog to page 4Maximum length 16.50 m Maximum width 2.95 m Maximum thickness 0.50 m Minimum production lengths m, respectively in 10 cm 8 increments up to the maximum length Produced widths 2.40 / 2.50 / 2.72 / 2.95 m On request 2.25 m KLH solid wood panels are offered as standard in nonvisible quality, industrial visible quality and domestic visible quality. Special surfaces can be provided on request. For further information, as well as quality details about the respective surfaces, see the following pages and Factory cutting or beaming takes place using state-of-theart CNC technology, the...
Open the catalog to page 5PRODUCT ADVANTAGES • Ecologically sustainable building material • Recommended in terms of building biology • Positive ecobalance • Healthy, comfortable room climate • Solid wood construction with lasting value • Freedom in architectural implementation • Flexible design without a grid pattern • Compatible with steel, glass and other materials • Excellent static properties • Increasing space thanks to slender construction elements KLH solid wood panels are used both as load-bearing, reinforcing elements and non-load-bearing elements. Detached houses and apartment buildings Multi-storey...
Open the catalog to page 6GENER A L BUIL DING A PPR OVA L FOR GER M A N Y All approvals and certificates are available for download at By request, we would be pleased to send them to you in printed form.
Open the catalog to page 7Large-sized solid wood panel with crosswise glued lamellae Cross-laminated timber (CLT), plywood boards (PBs), X-Lam Structural elements for walls, ceilings and roofs Service classes 1 and 2 according to EN 1995-1-1 Spruce (pine, fir, stone pine and other wood types on request) 3, 5, 7 or more layers depending on static requirements Thickness 10 to 40 mm, technically dried, quality-sorted and finger-jointed (with additional internal sorting to ensure compliance with our high material specifications) C 24 according to EN 338, maximum 10% C 16 permitted (compare ETA-06/0138) Formaldehyde-free...
Open the catalog to page 8S T ANDARD P ANEL S AND P ANEL S T RU C T URE S KLH STANDARD PANEL T YPES AND STRUCTURES COV ER ING L AY ER IN T HE T R A NS V ER SE PA NEL DIR ECT ION T T ( WA L L ) Nominal thickness in mm COV ER ING L AY ER IN T HE LONG I T UDIN A L PA NEL DIR ECT ION T L (CEIL ING/R O OF ) Nominal thickness in mm * * * Special panel types Special panel structures are available on request. By using double layers, for example the longitudinal or transverse rigidity of the panel can be further enhanced. The fire resistance of the KLH solid wood panel can also be influenced by modifying the structures and...
Open the catalog to page 9Non-visible quality is only recommended for non-visible construction components, planked from both sides. The lamellae are sorted according to strength classes. Most of them are rated as C 24 strength class timber, use according to approval. The longitudinal layers are fingerjointed. INDUSTRIAL VISIBLE QUALIT Y (IVQ) As a standard, industrial visible quality is executed in a one-sided manner. A double-sided version of this surface is available on request. Industrial visible quality is suitable for industrial surfaces, but not for visible surfaces in living areas. For industrial visible...
Open the catalog to page 10S URFA C E QUALI T Y A C C ORDING T O EN 1 3 0 1 7 - 1 No open glue joints Open joints: Wood type mixture Not permitted; in case of spruce, 10% fir permitted Well-balanced colour and texture Largely balanced colour and texture Healthy, intergrown knots in spruce up to 40 mm diameter permitted; individual black knots permitted Healthy, intergrown knots and individual black knots permitted Natural knot plugs permitted Resin pockets Repaired resin pockets Bark pockets Occasional pockets permitted Occasional surface cracks permitted Occasional surface cracks and end cracks up to a length of 50...
Open the catalog to page 11QUALI T Y DEFINI T ION S FOR K L H S OLID W OOD P ANEL S NON -VISIBLE QUALIT Y (NVQ) IN SPRUCE Spruce lamellae of strength class C 24 and in low proportions C 16 according to approval are used for the production of panels in non-visible quality. KLH solid wood panels in non-visible quality are suitable for use as load-bearing, non-visible components. INDUSTRIAL VISIBLE QUALIT Y (IVQ) IN SPRUCE With a wood moisture content of 12% (+/- 2%) the maximum joint width is 4 mm. The width of the individual lamella remains at the discretion of the manufacturer. For products of industrial visible...
Open the catalog to page 12QUALI T Y DEFINI T ION S FOR K L H S OLID W OOD P ANEL S Architect: Hiendl Schineis Architek tenpar tnerschaf t Eckhar t Mat thäus Fotograf ie Glued, laminated one-layer panels made of spruce are used for TT panels of domestic visible quality (for standard panel types, see price list). The surface is planed and smoothed. • low cost component for any rework on the surface A should be taken into account in the assembly price • standard form, only one side of the panel is of In domestic visible quality; panels of domestic visible quality on both sides can be produced on request Breadthways...
Open the catalog to page 13IN S T RU C T ION S FOR U S E OF K L H S OLID W OOD P ANEL S IN V I S IBLE QUALI T Y GENERAL INFORMATION ON WOOD AS A CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CHANGE OF WOOD MOISTURE AND IMPACTS ON THE VISIBLE SURFACE Wood as a construction material can look back on an ancient tradition and is highly valued because of its properties and the room climate it brings about. Comfort, well-being, a feeling of security and harmony with nature in addition to its positive effects on the environment are important arguments both for private and public building owners. In the production of KLH solid wood panels, the...
Open the catalog to page 14All KLH Massivholz catalogs and technical brochures
20 Pages
32 Pages
35 Pages
Wooden feelings
13 Pages
Environment and Sustainability
40 Pages
Assembly & Installation
28 Pages
Building Physics
32 Pages
Lifting Systems
28 Pages
Archived catalogs
Mission Statement
8 Pages