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Catalog excerpts


This manual covers several different models, and not all models are shown. The cooktop you have purchased may have some or all of the items listed. The locations and appearances of the features shown here may not match those of your model. All BTU ratings shown are for Natural gas unless otherwise noted. D > OFF OFFOFF OFFOFF C E > HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite AB F > HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite A.Left front burner control knobB.Control knob off positionC.Left rear burner control knobD.Center rear burner control knobE.Right rear burner control knobF.Right front burner control knob...

Open the catalog to page 4

HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite >

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HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite >

Open the catalog to page 6

3. Clean clogged burner ports with a straight pin as shown. Do not enlarge or distort the port. Do not use a wooden toothpick. If the burner needs to be adjusted, contact a trained repair specialist. > IMPORTANT: Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air around the burner grate edges.Before cleaning, make sure all controls are off and the cooktop is cool. Do not use oven cleaners, bleach or rust removers. Burner cap: Always keep the burner cap in place when using a surface burner. A clean burner cap will help prevent poor ignition and uneven flames. Always clean the burner...

Open the catalog to page 8

Heavy soil, dark streaks, specks and discoloration IMPORTANT: Before cleaning, make sure all controls are off and cooktop is cool. Always follow label instructions on cleaning products.Soap, water and a soft cloth or sponge are suggested first unless otherwise noted. > ■ Cooktop Cleaner or nonabrasive cleanser:Rub product into soil with a damp paper towel or soft cloth. Continue rubbing until white film disappears. Burned-on soil > ■ Cooktop Cleaner and Cooktop Scraper:Rub creme into soil with damp paper towel. Hold scraper as flat as possible on surface and scrape. Repeat for stubborn...

Open the catalog to page 10

Food spills containing acids, such as vinegar and tomato, should be cleaned as soon as the cooktop, grates and caps are cool. These spills may affect the finish.To avoid chipping, do not bang grates and caps against each other or hard surfaces such as cast iron cookware.Do not reassemble caps on burners while wet. Sealed Burner models See Sealed Surface BurnersӔ section. > Do not clean in dishwasher. Cleaning Method: Cleaning Method: > ■ Nonabrasive plastic scrubbing pad and mildly abrasive cleanser:Clean as soon as cooktop, grates and caps are cool. > ■ Liquid detergent and water.Wipe with...

Open the catalog to page 11

Before calling for assistance or service, please check Troubleshooting.Ӕ It may save you the cost of a service call. If you still need help, follow the instructions below.When calling, please know the purchase date and the complete model and serial number of your appliance. This information will help us to better respond to your request. > To order accessories, call the KitchenAid Customer eXperience Center toll free at 1-800-442-9991 and follow the menu prompts. Or visit our website at and click on Shop-Online,Ӕ then Accessories.Ӕ Portable appliances, bakeware, cookware,...

Open the catalog to page 12

Pour rduire le risque dincendie, de choc 钩lectrique, de blessures ou de dommages lors de lutilisation de la table de cuisson, il convient dҒobserver certaines prcautions l驩mentaires dont les suivantes : > ■ Dbrancher lalimentation 钩lectrique avant dexҩcuter des rparations la table de cuisson. > 頢֠ Ne pas utiliser la table de cuisson comme source de chauffage ou de rchauffage dune pi钨ce. > ■ Ne pas remiser dans des armoires au-dessus de la table de cuisson, des objets que des enfants pourraient vouloir atteindre. Les enfants pourraient se blesser gravement en grimpant sur la table de...

Open the catalog to page 16

Ce manuel couvre plusieurs modles diffrents, et tous les mod詨les ne sont pas illustrs. La table de cuisson que vous avez achete peut comporter tous les articles 驩numrs ou seulement certains d'entre eux. L'emplacement et l'apparence des caract驩ristiques illustres peuvent ne pas correspondre ceux de votre mod頨le. Toutes les caractristiques BTU illustres correspondent au gaz naturel sauf mention diff驩rente. D > OFF OFF OFF C E > HiMedLoLt HiMedLoLt HiMedLoLt OFF OFF AB F > HiMedLoLt HiMedLoLt A.Bouton de commande du br詻leur avant gaucheB.Bouton de commande la position Off (arrt)C.Bouton de...

Open the catalog to page 17

HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite >

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HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite HiMedLoLite >

Open the catalog to page 19

Souillure lgre 騠 modre > 驢֠ Essuie-tout ou ponge humide propre : Nettoyer pendant que la table de cuisson est encore tide. Vous devriez porter des mitaines de four pour ce nettoyage. > Ne pas utiliser des nettoyants abrasifs, tampons en laine d騒acier, chiffons de lavage rugueux ou certains essuie-tout en papier. Des dommages peuvent survenir. Renversements de matires sucres (gel詩es, confiseries, sirop) Mthode de nettoyage : > 颖 Grattoir pour table de cuisson : Nettoyer pendant que la table de cuisson est encore ti(de. Vous devriez porter des mitaines de four pour ce nettoyage. > ■ Un...

Open the catalog to page 24

Essayer les solutions suggɩres ici dabord afin d钒viter le cot d黒une visite de service non ncessaire. Il est possible que lappareil n钒ait pas t converti ad驩quatement. Contacter un technicien de service ou voir la section Assistance ou serviceӔ. > ■ Utilise-t-on du gaz propane? > ■ Est-ce que le cordon dalimentation est dҩbranch? Brancher dans une prise 3 alv頩oles relie la terre. > 頢֠ Un fusible est-il grill ou le disjoncteur s'est-il dclench驩? > Remplacer le fusible ou renclencher le disjoncteur. Si le probl驨me persiste, appeler un lectricien. > 颖 Le br;leur est-il mouill? Le laisser scher....

Open the catalog to page 25

Archived catalogs


    28 Pages