Catalog excerpts
Specialised High Performance Package Sewage TreatmentPlants for Residential and Commercial Applications >
Open the catalog to page 1With the new improved range of BioDisc > ή packagedwaste water treatment plant, Klargester has built on itsexisting high performance product to deliver a treatment plant with even greater all round benefits. Not only will it meet the ever more stringent standards of controllingauthorities, but it has also been value-engineered to give short and long term cost savings. > All packaged waste water treatment plant require periodicservicing. A service and preventative maintenance programmeprolongs the life of the plant and identifies and rectifies problems before they become serious. Klargester...
Open the catalog to page 24.2141.083.61.552.173.010 Max Loading BOD(kg) per dayՕ Design flow volume (m > 3 /day) > ΕWaste water flows into the primary settlement zone where solids are settled out and retained. Accumulatedsludge should be drawn out periodically.Partially clarified liquor flows into the managed flow sectionof the biozone BioDisc > ծ BC to BG units are compact, self-contained, singlepiece treatment plants that utilise natural biological processesto effectively break down the pollutants in domestic andcommercial waste water. BioDisc .Here it is buffered both organically and hydraulically beforebeing fed...
Open the catalog to page 3All Kingspan Environmental catalogs and technical brochures
Modular cold rooms
20 Pages
Klargester BioFicient
2 Pages
Klargester Biodisc® BD-BL
2 Pages
Pumpstor Pumping Systems
16 Pages
Klargester Septic Tanks
6 Pages
Separators Brochure
8 Pages
Klargester Biosafe 1-4
4 Pages
Klargester Biodisc® BA-BC
8 Pages
Separators: Brochure
8 Pages
Klargester Biotec® 5-7
6 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
Klargester Beta+ Septic Tank
2 Pages
Klargester Envirosafe
6 Pages
Klargester Biodisc® BE-BL
6 Pages
Septic Tank
6 Pages
2 Pages
6 Pages
Grease Traps: Brochure
2 Pages
Klargester Holding Tanks
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
8 Pages
8 Pages
sludge separator
8 Pages