University Seatings- fixed seatings brochure


Catalog excerpts

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University Seatings-  fixed seatings brochure - 2

Inspired solutions for lecture halls. Attractive. Durable. Technologically nimble. 2 >

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University Seating University Seating is an integral partof any interactive learning or training environment. University Seating accommodates a wide variety of individuals. Floor- mounted bases support swing- away arms. Self-returning swivel seats automatically align when vacated for a clean look. Since they are attached, seats are never missing. Large worksurfaces provide more space for writing or computing than tablet arm seating. Underseat clearance and remarkable durability allow easy cleaning and maintenance. The entire system is UL approved.Options include : Worksurface or...

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Dimpled steel modesty panelLaminate modesty panelPerforated steel modesty panelPerforated wood modesty panel 5 >

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Seminar Tables These fixed tables meet a widerange of space requirements. Permanently mounted pedestal legs support continuous straight or radiused tops.In conjunction with moveableseating, arrangements are flexible and include wheelchair access. With Jury Base seating the appearance is neater and more controlled.Large worksurfaces provide morespace for writing or computing than tablet arm seating. The entire system is UL approved.Options include: Worksurface or undersurfacepower and data accessՕ Basic or select bases Variety of edge and modestypanel stylesՕ Custom modesty and end panels...

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Dimpled steel modesty panelLaminate modesty panelPerforated steel modesty panelPerforated wood modesty panel 7 >

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Sequence Seating When high-capacity seating isrequired, choose Sequence seating. Durable beam-mounted seats provide ample under-seat clearance for ease of cleaning. Curved or straight beams adapt to different seating configurations. Generous seat spacing enhances personal space and privacy. Choose the G Tablet with built-in armcap or the solid cast aluminum K Tablet for extra durability.Options include: Power and data module Օ Basic base Flip and fold tablet arms Օ Variety of seating styles Curved or straight beams Օ Floor or riser mount Flat or sloped floor mount > Power and DataG TabletK...

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Single Pedestal Seating Minimize distractions with seatingand tablet arms that are individually fixed to the floor, comfortable and functional. Maximize student or trainee potential with ultra-flexible, leading-edge seating configurations. Positioning of individual seats is unlimited.Options include: Basic or select bases Օ Flip and fold tablet arms Variety of seating styles Օ Floor or riser mount Flat or sloped floor mount > Riser MountG TabletK TabletF Tablet Ֆ 1000 Series onlyS Tablet 1000 Series only 9 >

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Jury Base Seating Minimize student and traineefatigue with ergonomically comfortable fixed seating. For critical listening and observation, the 360-degree rotation provides evaluation of all aspects of the environment. Automatic memory return keeps spaces looking clean and controlled.Options include: Seat slide mechanism forincreased individual adjustabilityՕ Fixed or adjustable height Basic or select bases Օ Variety of seating styles Arms available with Engage,Impress, Piretti 2000 Task and Piretti 2000 Managerial seating stylesՕ Flat or sloped floor mount 10 > 360 Degree SwivelSeat...

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Jury Base Seating Օ University Seating Seating Styles Piretti 2000 Managerial Jury Base Seating Օ University Seating Piretti Stack Sequence Seating Օ Single Pedestal Seating University Seating Piretti 2000 Task Օ Jury Base Seating Sequence Seating Օ Single Pedestal Seating University Seating Engage Օ Jury Base Seating University Seating 1000 Series Օ Jury Base Seating Sequence Seating Օ Single Pedestal Seating University Seating Dorsal Օ Jury Base Seating Sequence Seating Օ Single Pedestal Seating University Seating Torsion Օ Jury Base Seating Sequence Seating Օ Single Pedestal Seating...

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