Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4


Catalog excerpts

Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 1

I wantthe hookon the left, she wantsiton the right. When I sayround, she choosessquare. I buya bar ofsoap, she would rather have liquid. Accessories >

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 3

Accessories With a choice, thatgrantseveryoneswish. >

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 4

Convincing variety: for example, with PLAN. Often, itsthe smallthingswhich make a big difference to the overallimpression. Thatiswhywe have evolved an extensive line ofaccessoriescollectionsover the yearsto offer you the largestpossible choice.Accessoriesfrom KEUCO aim to satisfyin termsdesign,qualityand functionality. A self-contained accessorycol- lection should accentuate itssurroundingsand lend an individualcharacter to the bathroom. Ascomponentofan entire interior concept, itcarries through the furnishing direction and setsunique accents in interaction with other elements. You have the...

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 8

The combination ofstraightlinesand round elementslendsthe accessoriesofEDITION 300 a rare elegance and establishesa stylish accentin everypartofthe bathroom. The elegantpresence ofaccessoriesdemonstrate in an especi- allybeautifulway, thatthe interior conceptofEDITION 300 treatsdetailswiththe utmostimportance and in perfectharmonyin everyaspect. > Productoverview >>> page 194 65 size="-1">

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 12

100 perfectlyround-outtheinterior conceptEDITION 100 in the area ofaccessories. Characteristicsofthe accessoriesin EDITION 100 are their upwardlyright-angled or horizontallycurved connectorswhich, in the contextofthe tube- shaped design, introduce a loosening ofstyle, thuspresenting added accents to the eye ofthe beholder. The refined beautyofthe soap holder, cylindrical paper holder and other style elementsofEDITION > Productoverview >>> page 186 69 size="-1">

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 22

2 . The newlydesigned accessorycollection CITY. 2 isan economicalsolution foreveryarea ofapplication. Elements, with tapered design, combine the usual KEUCO qualitywith a high levelofserviceability, modern comfort, and an exhaustive selection ofaccessories, establishing a wide range ofvariations for the comprehensive furnishing ofthe bathroom. And that, ata price-to- performance ratio which in itselfisreason enough to choose CITY. > Productoverview >>> page 220 79 size="-1">

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 36

Mymirror shines. To see myself, > allI have to do isturn on the mirror light. ButIllprobablyhave to shutmyeyesfirst, because ofthe glare. > Okay: Lighton and eyesshut? Or, lightoffand eyesopen? >

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 46

The flair with which a lightmirror can enchantyour bathroom isevidentin a mostimpressive way, forexample, in the 1.25 m wide lightmirror from EDITION 300 . Setin a high-glossburnished stainless-steelframe with fine polished glassand surrounding illumination in the inner frame, itblursthe boundarybetween utilityobjectand artpiece and definesnew dimensionsfor design in the bathroom. > 103 size="-1">

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 48

In smallmattersaswellaslarge ones: whether the small-formatrectangular version oftheEDITION 300 lightmirror, or the modelsin the seriesPLAN or EDITION 100 theyallcreate, inthere own way, an atmosphericfeeling in the contextofthe respective series. Moreover, you willfind manymore lightmirrorsatKEUCO which, whether from upscale to the price-consciousor modern to classic, willpresentyou with a wealth ofpossibilitiesin thearrangementofyour bathroom. Technicallyexquisite, with high qualitymirror glassand arange offormsand formatswhich few fabricatorscan offer. > Productoverview >>> page 238 105...

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 51

Fittings Thatsa tallshower. And the water isso far away. > Standing on mytiptoes? Ouch, thatdoesnҒtworkeither. >

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 53

Fittings Or justsimplyturn the knob. >

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Comprehensive Catalogue 2006 2/4 - 62

300 . EDITION 300 fittings, like springsofbeauty. The undiluted, robustform language ofthe conspicuouslylong water inflow, evokesan effect, asifwater hasseldom passed through a fitting in such a beautifulway. Remarkable design, lending an aura ofthe extraordi- naryto a bathroom. Experience the opposite ofmainstream: Wash- basin-, bath tub-, and shower-fittingsofEDITION > Productoverview >>> page 197 119 size="-1">

Open the catalog to page 62

All KEUCO catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Reva

    12 Pages

  2. Stageline

    20 Pages

  3. IXMO

    84 Pages

  4. EDITION 90

    33 Pages

  5. Royal 60

    1 Pages


    40 Pages

  7. KEUCO

    1 Pages

  8. Plan S

    1 Pages

  9. NEWS 2018

    6 Pages


    4 Pages

  11. News 2017

    63 Pages

  12. Hotel Interior

    52 Pages


    14 Pages

  14. New in 2015

    59 Pages

  15. ROYAL 60

    18 Pages


    15 Pages

  17. iLook_move

    10 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. news 2014

    12 Pages


    4 Pages

  3. Royal Reflex

    16 Pages


    33 Pages