Catalog excerpts

C M Y CM MY CY CMY K affisch ljusrosa med jämnstora k i grupp 2011-01-31 copy.pdf 1 2011-01-31 14:16:52 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K affisch med stora k 2011-01-31 copy.pdf 1 2011-01-31 14:18:40 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K py.pdf 1 2011-01-31 14:14:25 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K affisch med många k och spring collection variant utan spring collection 2011-01-31 copy.pdf 1 2011-01-31 14:15:32 KÄLLEMO NEWS 2011 KÄLLEMO collection spring 2011
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Lina Huring Staff an Holm Anna Kraitz Mats Theselius Jakob Thau Ma.. Klenell
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WHAT IS QUALITY? Furniture is a concept, with a will of its own, conveying an expression. It is no doubt diffi cult to choose when clever operators with glossy catalogues tell you about the most recent trends. You do not have to be par.. cularly intelligent to realize that the latest is succeeded by something else in the next catalogue. Our ambi.. on is to work with designers and ar.. sts who are aware of what quality stands for - accomplishment unaff ected by trends. On refl ec.. on, it is obvious that quality is just not measured in term of such things as strength of glued joints, etc....
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CRAWLING TABLE by Anna Kraitz steelframe, turned wheels in ash tabletops in ash veneer H 52 D 55 L 120 cm
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DARJEELING by Anna Kraitz steel frame with turned handles and wheels in solid ash trays In ash H 94 D 48 L 98 cm
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BABE by Anna Kraitz Steel frame, lacquered or coppered, leatherbelt H 190 W foot 61 top 59 cm white copper blue ”nobody puts Babe in the corner”
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line whirl check landscape HURING by Lina Huring lacquered steel frame, trays with 4 diff erent pa.. erns H 50/35 W 65
Open the catalog to page 7
SPECTRA by Ma.. Klenell Wooden frame in solid ash. 5 fi xed cushions in diff erent matching colours 5 loose cushions in diff erent colours H 70 W 95 D 102 SH 36 cm
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SPOT by Staff an Holm table top and legs in solid ash dismountable legs, delivered in fl at pack H 48 W 85 / H 42 W 55 cm
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BIRD stain fi .. n limit H 69 RONDO by Jakob Thau turned legs in solid ash, chromed or lacquered steel knot and foot ring, seat in ashveneer H 46/76 W 39 cm
Open the catalog to page 10
BIRDLAND by Mats Theselius stainless steel, chromed frame and milled fi .. ngs, corian armrests, leather limited edi.. on of 360 pcs H 69 W 59 D 74 cm
Open the catalog to page 11
KÄLLEMO KÄLLEMO AB box 605 331 26 värnamo sweden www.kallemo.se info@kallemo.se made in sweden
Open the catalog to page 12All KÄLLEMO catalogs and technical brochures
Kallemo product sheet bjorn
2 Pages
Kallemo product sheet ettore
2 Pages
Kallemo product sheet koppar
2 Pages
Kallemo product sheet safari
2 Pages
Kallemo press release 2020
2 Pages
Källemo Collection 2013
68 Pages
1 Pages
Archived catalogs
ARCTIC by Johan Linton
4 Pages
Mama Look, Anna Kraitz, 2010
4 Pages
Källemo Collection Spring, 2010
52 Pages
kallemo Collection08
32 Pages