Catalog excerpts

Kllemo headoce & showroom, Vrnamo, Sweden >
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It shall stand the wear of the eyeԔ Sven Lundh WHAT IS QUALITY? Furniture is a concept, with a will of its own, conveying an expression. It is no doubt difficult to choose when clever operators with glossy catalogues tell you about the most recent trends. You do not have to be particularly intelligent to realize that the latest is succeeded by something else in the next catalogue. Our ambition is to work with designers and artists who are aware of what quality stands for - accomplishment unaffected by trends. On reflection, it is obvious that quality is just not measured in term of such...
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Easy chair THESELIUS, Carolinasalen / Kungshuset, University of Lund, Sweden >
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Easy chair THESELIUS / WOOD, Hotel Plesner, Skagen, Denmark THESELIUS / WOOD 2007, Mats Theselius h 75 w 60 d 62 wood / leather / sude / cowhide THESELIUS 1990, Mats Theselius NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 1990, Mats Theselius h 70 w 60 d 62 h 171 w 57 d 22 polished aluminium / leather, matt polished aluminium / suede glass doors, brass details >
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BRUNO 1997, Mats Theselius h 70 w 56 d 69 steel frame, rivet prime leather Easy chair BRUNO, Gvle ConcertHall, Gvle, Sweden >
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AMBASSAD 1999, Mats Theselius Armchair AMBASSAD, Swedish Embassy, Berlin, Germany h 75 w 54 d 53 steel frame, rivet prime leather SHERIFF 2004, Mats Theselius HERBARIUM 2003, Mats Theselius h 78-88 sh 42-52 w 53 d 50 h 73 w 150 d 73 adjustable height and tilt function, rivet prime leather, glass desktop, steel frame, extension drawer steel substructure >
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COBRA oce chair with castors 2003, Mattias Ljunggren h 89-101 w 60 d 60 adjustable height and tilt function, steel frame, upholstered in fabric or leather COBRA chair / armchair 1990, Mattias Ljunggren chair h 89 w 42 d 52 / armchair h 89 w 59 d 52 steel frame, natural or stained birch/oak, upholstered in fabric or leather, stackable and linkable >
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Chair COBRA, Kalmar Castle, Kalmar, Sweden >
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COBRA stool 1990, Mattias Ljunggren h 45/65/85 w 32 d 32 steel frame, natural or stained birch/oak >
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COBRA conference chair 2002, Mattias Ljunggren chair h 88 w 49 d 59 / chair with armrests h 88 w 66 d 59 steel frame, upholstered in fabric or leather, stackable and linkable COBRA conference chair with writing tablet CCC Norra Latin, Stockholm, Sweden. Photo Jonas Sllberg >
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NON table 2002, Komplot Design NON bench 2006, Komplot Design h 72, 112 w 64 or 68x68 h 45 w 120 d 43 cm PUR-rubber in black, grey, red PUR-rubber in black, grey, red NON chair 2000, Komplot Design h 77 w 44 d 39 PUR-rubber in black, grey, red >
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NON, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden >
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KIASMA chair 2008, Vesa Honkonen KIASMA table 2008, Vesa Honkonen h 82 w 51 d 50 h 72 w 60 d 72 patinated steel frame, seat in transparent polycarbonate cast base, table top in acrylate with patinated steel plate >
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K IASMA, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsingfors, Finland >
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Photo Jacob Karstrm table KONCEPT, h 52 cm, 72 cm or 112 cm For use in conference rooms, restaurants and cafes. > 70, 90, 110, 130,140, 150, 160 cm Standard in laminate, white, oak or ash. Can be tted with electric and computer connections. > 70 x 70, 120 x120 cm Other sizes on request. > 90 x 180, 120 x 240 cm size="-1">
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Photo Jacob Karstrm >
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TRIPTYK I 35 TRIPTYK II 70 ؘ CONCRETE 1980, Jonas Bohlin h 87 w 49 d 53 solid ash; natural or stained, steel frame TRIPTYK III 1988, Jonas Bohlin h 72 w 210 d 70 solid ash, cast iron base ZINK 1984, Jonas Bohlin CONCAVE 1983, Jonas Bohlin h 155 w 27 d 35 h 45 w 220 d 50 solid birch, concrete base leather, black steel base, bentwood framework >
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GUTE 1998, Mattias Ljunggren h 80 w 47 d 48 beech, natural or stained, seat available in fabric or leather, with or without leather wrapped arms GUTE 1998, Mattias Ljunggren GUTE, Fabriken Furillen, Gotland, Sweden. Photo Johan Hellstrm. h 78 w 58 d 65 beech, natural or stained, seat available in fabric or leather, with or without leather wrapped arms >
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SOLITR 1985, John Kandell h 89 w 60 d 50 beech, leather VICTORY 1991, John Kandell SOLITĄR 1985, John Kandell CAMILLA 1982, John Kandell h 109 w 65 d 66 h 89 w 60 d 50 h 83 w 25 d 35 beech, natural seat webbing in hemp, seat in leather beech, leather beech SOLITR, Trapholt Museum, Kolding, Denmark SOLITĄR 1981, John Kandell h 200 w 20 d 29 solid unwrought mahogany wood >
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PILASTER 1989, John Kandell DNA 2003, Sigurdur Gustafsson ZINK 1984, Jonas Bohlin h 205 w 20 d 22 h 180, 44 h 155 w 27 d 35 solid birch; natural or stained, solid oak steel, 5 shelves solid birch, concrete base >
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BEATRIX 2007, Anna Kraitz h 78 w 80 d 62 steel legs in matt chrome, fabric or leather. BEATRIX, Sankt Jrgen Resort & Spa, Gteborg, Sweden. Photo Bj涶rn Sahlstrm >
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ANNA 1999, Anna Kraitz h 97 w 109 / 159 d 73 left or right mounted, fabric or leather >
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JAKOB THAU Steel frame or swivel base in chrome or powder paint 2,5 mm Aeroplane plywood, in birch, white or black. h 88 cm, w 72 cm, d 80 cm > ARMADILLO 2008, Jakob Thau h 88 w 72 d 80 steel frame or swivel base in chrome or powder paint, 2,5 mm Aeroplane plywood in birch, white och black, sheep skin size="-1">
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SPENZER 2004, Nils-Ole Zib h 72, 70 x 140, 92 x 184, 110 x 220 birch or laminate, detachable expansion legs in chrome >
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MARINO,Nordiska Akvarellmuseet, Skrhamn, Sweden >
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MARINO 1998, Olav Eldy h 45 w 180 d 53 steel frame in chrome, fabric or leather KLLEMO EASY CHAIR with swivel base h 95 w 75 d 68 steel base, fabric or leather The new London sofa made to your measurement. London is now available in any desired length. New London is the archetype for sofas, which can function , in all-interior settings. All the new London sofas are manufactured with attached seat coverings. You may choose between solid wood and steel legs. K脄LLEMO EASY CHAIR with swivel base, The new library building at MATHSSONSOFFAN 1939, Bruno Mathsson Sdertrn University College,...
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SKEPPARPALLEN / THE SKIPPERĴS STOOL 2001, Mats Theselius PIMPIM 1991, John Kandell h 60 w 30 d 30 h 85 w 50 d 48 brass, beech; white, black, light blue or marine blue birch, red/green, limited edition of 360 pcs limited edition of 360 pcs CONCRETE JUNGLE 2007, Jonas Bohlin SPRING 1992, Jonas Bohlin h 40, 65 h 90 w 183 d 90 lacquered steel frame, tabletop in concrete, including 25 hand-wrought iron, canvas handpainted by the artist, limited edition of 50 pcs handmade candles and aquarium gravel. limited edition of 100 pcs, numbered and signed. >
Open the catalog to page 28All KÄLLEMO catalogs and technical brochures
Kallemo product sheet bjorn
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Kallemo product sheet ettore
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Kallemo product sheet koppar
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Kallemo product sheet safari
2 Pages
Kallemo press release 2020
2 Pages
Källemo Collection 2013
68 Pages
1 Pages
Archived catalogs
News 2011
12 Pages
ARCTIC by Johan Linton
4 Pages
Mama Look, Anna Kraitz, 2010
4 Pages
Källemo Collection Spring, 2010
52 Pages