Statements of Time
1 / 12Pages

Catalog excerpts

Statements of Time - 2

Two-Handki Kitchen Faucet Battery Powered Lavatory Sanaor Faucot (Cold Only) lollet Tissue Holder

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Statements of Time - 3

Sheng Tai Brassware Corporation (ST), was established in 1976, has been continuously developed products of bathroom accessory and faucets for many years with excellent manufacturing capacity. Together with a significant investment in Thailand and Cambodia operation has put ST to the forefront of global bathroom brassware design and supply. Today, ST is proud of providing comprehensive service to customers in global markets, like Europe, America Asia, Africa, and Oceania.

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ST has established the own brand, JUSTIME, and build up the orofessional service network by the global agent system to offer the high quality service and products to universe for Increasing the Importance of bathing space rJUSTIMEj sit. S»£*S«aaM • *£»«»ff**»im • • jt^S'SAwSSa

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Mow, ST is the industry leader in bathroom brassware with orofessional technology and extensive investment, the company nas installed advanced production equipment and precise quality testing instrument

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ST continuously comes up with the new designs, anc manufactures various products lead the trend,of market, Design Team of ST not only go abroad to study the fashion trenc wgularly, but also brainstorming the new creation to integrate with high quality and aesthetics from oriental and western cultures for bringing fashionable atmosphere for the bathing State merits of Time GOOD DESIGN AWARDS - Chicagc KAPOK PRIZE-CHINA INNOVATIVE DESIGN AWARD Im^nJ^DJ^ INTERNATIONAL DESIGN HXCIXDH EXCELLENCE AWARDS teiisfpstte rJusTiMEj i^ipDP> ^imn^mm^mM^m. l^Al^sSi+^r^)ttS- reddot , iF , IDEA , Good Desigr...

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Matching Your Specific Desire : )H[O:OV^LY 4P_LY >/HUK :OV^LY >/VZL JT >>HSS )YHJRL[

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Design Heritage , Modern Bathing *7 :OV^LY 4P_LY >/HUK :OV^LY >/VZL JT *7 )H[O:OV^LY 4P_LY >/HUK :OV^LY >/VZL JT >>HSS )YHJRL[

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Pleasant Surprise ?*7 )H[O:OV^LY 4P_LY >/HUK :OV^LY >/VZL JT >>HSS )YHJRL[ 4*7 ;OYLL/HUKSL )H[O[\I -H\JL[ >/HUK :OV^LY

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All JUSTIME catalogs and technical brochures

  1. 7790-XW-80CP

    1 Pages

  2. 7790-XF-80CP

    1 Pages

  3. 7790-X3-80CP

    1 Pages

  4. 5790-X2-80CP

    1 Pages

  5. 5790-92-81CP

    1 Pages

  6. 7790-90-80CP

    1 Pages

  7. 5790-91-80CP

    1 Pages

  8. Bathtub&Basin

    21 Pages

  9. Floor Drain

    30 Pages


    32 Pages


    22 Pages


    21 Pages

Archived catalogs