Catalog excerpts

一個台灣囝仔的故事 故事的起點 ~ 水龍頭的故鄉 - 鹿港頂番婆地區。一個剛出 社會的少年人,騎著一台二手的摩托車,以舊報紙來抵擋 寒冷的東北季風,挨家挨戶維修水電、推銷水龍頭,開啟 了勝泰進入水龍頭產業的契機。 從代工到自有品牌 頂番婆地區是世界各大水五金品牌的代工重鎮,以卓越的 製造生產力著稱,勝泰是代工廠的領頭者。 但勝泰認知到台灣必須要走出自己的品牌,建立「JUSTIME 巧時代」品牌,投入大量的研發及設計資源,獲得國際設 計大獎肯定,向世界舞台展現台灣設計力及精湛工藝,將 JUSTIME 品牌推向國際頂尖品牌。 巧時代 巧生活 生活就該是輕鬆且充滿美感的 JUSTIME 產品以人為本,提 供居家生活全面性的產品服務, 讓生活可以更為簡單便利 ; JUSTIME 產品注重細節,不僅提供完善且貼心的功能設 計,更以創新的造形突破窠臼,賦予生活用品時尚美感, 更能融入「家」的整體設計中。 The history started in the birthplace of faucet, Dingfanpo of Lukang. A freshman of society rode a second-hand bike and stand for the cold weather to fix and promote faucets door by door, and he...
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STORY JUSTIME Team searched for the original beauty to created Story Faucet, which is so close to everyone’s experience and makes people feel so comfortable, for telling a story of faucets.
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reddot design award Two-Handle Kitchen Faucet Sprayer(Push Valve) Kitchen Faucet
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Lucky 7 Seed is the fountainhead of all creation, but not all of seeds will be lucky to sprout and then grow up, so each budding seed is the symbol of hope and happiness. Spout of “LUCKY SEVEN” Series looks like growing stalk and the curved shape is like the lucky numeral-7 to bring good luck and create hopes for people to collect happiness. 種子,萬物生生不息的根源,並非所有種子都能成長,每顆 萌芽的的種子都是
Open the catalog to page 7
design heritage , modern bathing DRAGON Unique “G” type of DRAGON Series not only represents the letter “G” in DRAGON, but also means “G” for GOOD, the representative of a high quality artistic work. JUSTIME combined the ancient legend of fortune symbol of Dragon to sincerely wish the ancient blessing would purify the exhausted soul of the daytime while taking a bath. DRAGON 系列獨特的 G 造型不僅表現英文 DRANGON 中 的「G」字母,更以「G」字隱含著 G O O D
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Charming The oval shape with raised cambered surface is the major design of CHARMING Faucet; it’s just like the elaborate jewel and spreads the graceful atmosphere for your bathing space.
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Basin Faucet Kitchen Faucet Kitchen Faucet Basin Faucet Bath/Shower Mixer Basin Faucet
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Ether The concept of ETHER Series is based on the idea of the illimitable space outside of sky. Smooth lines and dim imagine are like the aurora on the ether and the current in the deep ocean, and the unique design breaks the so-called shape of faucets in people’s minds for bringing faucet to artistic decoration level. ” ETHER” 一字源自於古希臘,意指天空以外的無盡空間, 和古代中國道教所提出
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Two-Handle Basin Faucet Kitchen Faucet Adjustable Wall Bracket Bath / Shower Mixer Two-Handle Bathtub Faucet
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Taichi TAI CHI Series was inspired by the motion and concept of Tai Chi, JUSTIME design team utilizes its abstract perspective in the design; featuring the Tai Chi notion of “soft against hard” through its soft lines of the body and water flow.
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reddot design award Basin Faucet Basin Faucet Kitchen Faucet Water Drinking Faucet (Stainless Steel)
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Being Touch Nature NATURE Faucets present infinite imagination of life. Designer observed kinds of organisms to sketch the contours of product for expounding orderless growth and the concept of meristem, just like to personally experience the pulsation of life.
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Being Touch Chapter Water is necessary of life, and container of water is the important chapter of human culture. CHAPTER Faucets represent concept and imagination of water container of western and eastern culture to combine with modern lines for displaying simple beauty and present brand-new chapter of life. “水”是生活所需,盛水器皿是人類文明篇章。 Chapter 龍頭造型詮釋東西方文化對
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Basin Faucet Kitchen Faucet f!lSf INNOVATION Rfq] VOGUE KM QUALITY HBfsij SERVICE
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No.99 Sec.3 Chang Tsao Rd.Ho Ms, Chang @ M-AIL: info@justime.com
Open the catalog to page 21All JUSTIME catalogs and technical brochures
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
7 Pages
26 Pages
21 Pages
Bathroom Accessories
50 Pages
Floor Drain
30 Pages
Faucets & Showers
65 Pages
32 Pages
22 Pages
Statements of Time
12 Pages
2010 award and new products
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
Faucets & Showers
58 Pages
Bathroom Accessories
54 Pages
Faucet and Shower set
32 Pages
2010 award and new products
6 Pages
Bath Accessories
46 Pages