Floor Drain
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Floor Drain - 1

Mssmm i5B§tt SHCNG Tfll BRflSSlUflR€ CO.. LTD. No.99 Sec.3 Chang Tsao Rd. Ho Me Chen Chang Hua 50841. Taiwan TEL: *886-4-7629971 FAX: *886-4-7526980 E-mail: ln!o©|uslime.com Website: www justime.com Facebook: www.lacebook.com/JUSTIME Floor Drain

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Floor Drain - 2

Sheng Tai Brasswore Corporolion (ST) was established back in 1976, by an ambitious and energetic management team. The strategy at that time was to provide a developing and manufacturing service for customers who demanded excellent design and consistently reliable quality. ST has been continuously developed over the past 41 years, in order to meet the dual requirements of aggressive market growth and a strategy of globalization. A significant investment in a Thailand production facility has enabled ST to move to the global forefront of brassware design and supply for bathrooms. In order to...

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Floor Drain - 3

Icon Description iNKfltall Applicable lor wet areas 1. Flow rate increases as the water volume increases. 2. Unique strainer design which prevents hair and any foreign objects. 3. Patented strainer prevents insects and backward water flow 4. Easy to install; easy to maintain. 5. Products are made to perfectly fit in the floor and underground pipe. sus304 Material used: Stainless steel 304 Applicable for public/ouldoor spaces

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Floor Drain - 4

Tile patterns with point floor drains Since the point floor drains are widely used in residential purposes, we provide some examples of drain arrangements with tiles. The easiest way to align the pointfloor drain is to work with square tiles and/ormosaic tiles.But we don't limit your imagination - you are free to design unique and functional space on your own. Thanks to a large variety of Justime point floor drains you won't be limited to specific patterns and colors. Justime linear floor drains create a one way pitch to drain the water. Therefore there are recommended to be used together...

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Floor Drain - 5

Residential houses and apartments dXUKfflBOE Justime premium linear solutions for hotel bathrooms guarantee maximum hygiene and safety. For builders, Justime floor drains offer the perfect way to plan and design a generous hotel bathroomshower. With an option to implement tiles into floor drain structure,hoteliers and architects may "hide" the visual aspects of the drain. Thanks to a wide range of Justime floor drains, you can visualize the interior and find the perfect solution for your own design.Planning to have a unique look with interesting patterns, the point brass floor drain is your...

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Floor Drain - 6

Brass point floor drain IrTj. Chrome CP A very classy shiny chrome finish is easy to match with other accessories and interior style in general. White CW Light and clear colors are widely used in the modern interior designs. Therefore white fittings by Justime are able to complement the entire look of the space. Gold PK A rich look of house accessories had been always attracted many eyes of your guests. With Justime PK gold finish you'll be able to highlight the most interesting parts of your interior. Matte Black MA Black floor drain is a great choice to match your black shower system and...

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Floor Drain - 7

Brass point floor drain : MStom A. Cover: For point bross floor drains we provide different styles of covers - with oval lines,with straight lines and even with flower pattern.Additionally all of the Justime brass floor drains come in five different colors for your choice: Matte Black, White, Chrome, Gold and AntiqueBrass. This way you will hove a freedom to choose the right style for your own unique interior. B, Dom-Grid A special dom-grid included in the Justime floor drain design. This part of the product works as a "filter" to catch hair, small trash and other unwonted porticles. It...

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Floor Drain - 8

.jyjsriMi 0303-62-79CP Floor Drain Brass Sue 100* 100 mm Seal Type Sell Seol Brow 0303-62-79CW Floor Drain Brass Size 100*100 mm Seal Type Sell Seal Brass Flow Roto S 15l/Min Outlet OD 40 mm Drain Core 0303-A1-7900 0303-64-79CP Floor Drain Brass Sue 100*100 mm Seal Type Sell Seol Brass Flow Roto Sr 15L/Mir» Outlet OD 40 mm Drain Core 0303-A1-7900 0303-64-79CW Floor Drain Brass Size 100* 100 mm Seal Type Sell Seol Bross 0303-62-79PK Floor Drain Brass Sizo 100*100 mm Seal Type Self Seol Brass Flow Rote i: 15L/Mln Outlot OD 40 mm Drain Core 0303-A1-7900 0303-62-79MA Floor Drain Brass Silo...

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Floor Drain - 9

Brass point floor drain : M5im 0303-71-79CP Floor Drain Brass Sizo 100* 100 mm Seal Type Soil Seal Brcm IS .55035, 0303-71-79CW Floor Drain Brass Size 100*100 mm Heigh. 61 mm Seol Type Soil Seal Brow Flow Rato Z15l/Min Outlet OD 40 mm Drain Core 0303-A 1-7900 0303-61-79CP Floor Drain Brass Sizo 100* 100 mm Height 43 mm Seol Type Sell Seol Brow Flow Rate. zlSUMin Outlet OD 40 mm Dram Core 0303-A I-7900 0303-61-79CW Floor Drain Brass Sizo 100*100 mm Seal Type Sell Seal Brow Flow Rate Zl5l/Min Outlet OD 40 mm Dram Core 0303-A1-7900 0303-71-79AB Floor Drain Brass Sizo 100* 100 mm Seal Type Sell...

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Floor Drain - 10

6310-10-80CP Floor Drain Brass Sin, 100-100 mm Sool 7>pe Self Seal Brass Flow Rate &22iyMin Oullcl OO 40 mm Drain Coro 6310-AQ-8000 6310-10-80KG Floor Drain Brass Sue 100* 100 mm Seal Type Self Seal Brass 6310-10-80PK Floor Drain Brass Size 100* 100 mm Seol Type Solf Seal Bross 6310-10-80MA Floor Drain Bross S.ze 100*100 mm Seal Typo Sell Seal Bross

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Floor Drain - 11

6310-10-80AB Floor Drain Brass Sim 100->00 mm Seel Type Sell Seal Brow Flow Rato >22l/Min Outlet OD 40 mm Drain Core 63I0-A0 8000 6310-60-80CP Floor Drain Brass Sue 100-100 mm Seal Type Sell Seal Brow Flow Rato fc22l/Min OuHel OD 40 mm Drain Corn 63I0-A0-800Q 6310-60-80AB Floor Drain Brass Sim 100'100 mm Sool Type Sell Seal Brass 6310-60-80MA Floor Drain Brass Sue 100* 100 mm Height 35 mm Seal Type Sell Seal 8ross Flow Rate fc22l/Min Outlet OD 40 mm DroinCore 6310-A0-8000 6310-60-80PK Floor Drain Brass Sir© 100-100 mm Seal Type Sell Seal Brass Flow Rote >22l/Min Outlet OD 40 mm Oram Coro...

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Floor Drain - 12

dJ(UJ5T Stoinless steel floor drain with o tile insertion function is your top choice if you'd like to visually hide the actual drain. In places like kitchen, guest bathroom and toilet it's vital to keep interior clean and stylish. Tile insertion option can help you to hide unwanted metal parts of the drain. Available in various shapes, the Justime tile floor drain provides you with more freedom to create interesting and quite unique spaces.

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All JUSTIME catalogs and technical brochures

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