Catalog excerpts

Statamant)ofTim»J[|JJ^fl] INDEX 6903 Story Faucet 01-02 6904 Dragon Faucet 03-04 6780 Tai Chi Faucet 05-06 6770 Still One Faucet 07-08 6922 Charming Faucet 09-12 Bathroom Accessories 13-17 Freestanding Collection 18 Bathroom Furniture 19 Distributors 20 www.justime.com StatementsofTime SHCNG TRI BRRSSUJflfl CO., LTD. 508 ismwmmm瀜mStonm K&JȉSI SSS snow@justime.com SiSWI fFSIS angus@justims.com TEL: +886-4-7629971 -4 FAX: +886-4-7526980 mi: 22582493 E-mail: shengtai@ms10.hinet.net
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S t a t e m e n t s o FTim.oJ[LD^rt]Rffl[] »2oo9flmiati-⣋Bmi "reddot design award winner 2009 " "!Ef|g-20093Eg*Si!lSTlf1-*ir stry 6903-Y7-80CP Angle Stop i-> 6903-97-80CP Kitchen Faucet Wall-Mounted 6903-94-81CP Bath / Shower Mixer W/Hand Shower & Hose W/Wall Bracket B903-9Q-80CP Sprayer W/Bracket 6903-U0-81CP Rim-Mounted Bath / Shower Mixer W/Hand Shower & Hose W/Wall Bracket - ■ B903-9Q-80CW Sprayer W/Bracket 6903-90-80CP Basln Faucet Y "t" 6903-9A-80CP l| SinkTap 6903-L0-80CP Bib Tap (Wall-Mounted) 6903 Sries Storyof2009 01 02 StatementsofTimeqJJQJ]jfrtlljiflO I m 鯢«2oo9^Mm^ttMSPi"...
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StotementsofTimeiJjy^^Sffl "reddot design award winner 2009 4 4 4 6780-91-81CP Single-Handle Lavatory Faucet W/Lift Rod 6780-91-80CP Single-Handle Lavatory Faucet 6780-9C-80CP Sink Tap 6780-90-81 CP Single-Handle Lavatoiy Faucet W/Lift Rod B780-90-80CP Single-Handle Lavatory Faucet 6780-9A-80CP Sink Tap 6780-94-80CP Bath/Shower Mixer Body 6780-93-80CP Shower Mixer Body 6780-99-81 CP Bidet Mixer 06 StotementsofT mm ˢ»2008.2009^«MSttSfflPis "iF product design award 201 O " 1 1 6772-96-80S1 Kitchen Faucet NSF 6772-95-80S1 Kitchen Faucet NSF il 6772-97-82S1 7772-95-82S1 7772-96-82S1 Kitchen...
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StotamentsofTim«JJ[]Jj^fl][S 'ii2oog^flmiBtf碣Bfrs "IF product design award 2010 6922 Sries The Charm is in the Dtail Faucel & Shower 6922-X6-82CP Single-Mandle Kitchen Faucet W/Sprayer 6922-93-81CP Shower Mixer W/ Hand Shower & Hose & Wall Bracket The Charm is in the D驩tail 6922-98-82CP Two-Handle Kitchen Faucet W/Sprayer 6922-94-81 CP Bath / Shower Mixer W/ Hand Shower & Mose & Wall Bracket 6922-98-82CP Two-Handle Kitchen Faucet W/Sprayer 09 10 StalementsofT i"- ttjiiyjSIliK m "ii2oo9^<iasitMffli?^ ' 6922 Sries The Charm is in the D⩩tail Faucet & Shower H *■ 6922-91-81 CP Two-Handle...
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StatementsofTime 6922 Sries The Charm is in the Dtail Bathroom Accessories 6922-14-80CP Double Towel Bar (60cm) 6922-15-80CP Double Towel Bar (76cm) 6922-65-80CP Bath Towel Rack (60cm) B922-20-80CP Soap Dish 6922-14-80CP Double Towel Bar (60cm) 6922-40-80CP Tollet Tissue Holder 6922-43-80CP Spare Tollet Tissue Holder 6922-20-80CP Soap Dish 13 14 StatementsofTimeqJ]Q-TJ^ITlffifflll 6991 S驩ries Purifying The Spirit of Bathroom (Stainless Steel) 7810 Sries Living Simply (Stainless Steel) Bathroom Accessories (Stainless Steel) Bathroom Accessories (Stainless Steel) 7810-70-80S1 Shelf (60cm)...
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mi 6923 Sries A Sens of VitaIity 6909 S驩ries Inspired by excellence - the living soul of bathroom Bathroom Accessories Freestanding Collection J 6923-20-80T1 Soap Dish 6923-10-80T1 Towel Bar (60cm) 0909-XO-4100 Soap Dish 6923-30-80T1 Tumbler Holder 6909-26-80CP Soap Dispenser f 6909-84-80CP Toilet Brush Holder 6909-45-8000 Cotton Wool Pot B901-2T-80CP Tray 240x175x30mm 0909-36-1100 0909-WO-4100 Tooth Brush Holder Tumbler 6923-40-80T1 Toilet Tissue Holder 6923-60-80T1 Towel Ring 17 18 6139 Sries *r^ite[jjii3j$jii Distributors sunrise mwmm ^tM颊m=+3s!Sl37-1is TEL: 02-2218-3838 FAX:...
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