Reno HE
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Catalog excerpts

Reno HE - 1

Johnson&Starley RenoHE High Efficiency Boiler Range

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Reno HE - 2

p3 RenoHE p4 EasyInstallationandReducedMaintenance p5 RenoRangeFeatures p6 FlueOptions p7 TechnicalSpcification A Warm Welcome Johnson & Starley navo bcon oslabtishod srce 1922 and hve kyg boen r颜oriisoa as the UK's leading supplier cf tmovatwe Home Comfort Solutions to rte iJK ccxnsstic hea篮ng rra^. The company helped to ptaneer the first pccufr dcmesOc centra heatng System in the pcsl war pwicd and since then Ils rmovative and exciting appoach to the marmot has rosulted h a suxessWn ot Oie htfjiest qualrty heatng and ventilation solutions As a supplier to the hstaller, deveJopGf, pr^ate...

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Reno HE - 3

Reno HE HIG H EFFICIENCY WALL KUNG BOILERS WITH RENOWNED QUALITY Twnew Reno HE range ol high fllfciency boiGrs is apOy namod Reno stands 1er RenowxxJ qualtty* poriormanco, 03Habtty and ensrgy offeency Thse boilers are Sedbuk A raio3. asy to use and nsiari and with a cftofce cf mteligerit modete to surt the dltterino requrements of a wfle soai and prtwste housrg markot Thoy aro available in Natual Gas and LPG vtrscns. Modete aro availafcie to provtie a wUe chcfco cf hstalation options: Reno HE30C,XkW combnafcsn boier - Reno HE 25 S,25kW syslGm tester ■ Reno HE 25 H. 25 WV heat only Coter...

Open the catalog to page 3
Reno HE - 4

0) m Easy Installation and Reduced Maintenance Pressure oauoe and fimng ioop. alkwng shiple fllrg of the c#»swrk Օ DounloadabE hiscxy ensures straoht fcrward ccmmsaonng and tuture servie VioK a Reno he mcdefe are mm ccmpaBble ttroucfi a lap top conneclicn to permit fulty rerrote in-depth cSagnosBcs Tt mode to chocfc minrrujni and maximjm fffcw) ratos Forward Thinking Tho Reno he range includes many envtrcnmental and tochrxal innovations: Twn spork and dotect Հtoctrods wrtch provtde greaterstabliity and longer Hfe FUly rroduBbng buner, 7-25w. Wth wOg tun down and thormkster contrai far...

Open the catalog to page 4
Reno HE - 6

Flue Options For nexibfitycrf hstallatlon. tre Reno HE HQh Etficlency baier fange has tw> tbemg opllais - Concentnc Flue ?,"n TWin Flue The fbe terminal tseU. can t» rwod from The insida and tho ritemal Ibo has Duilt-h fall Օ Low profile flue turret has an intgral samc*no point lo ooth herease instateBon options and provcle easier servCing. HIGH EFFICIENCY BOILERS WAR M AIR CENTRAL HEATING VENTILATION SHEAT RECOVERY FILTERS t CLEANERS WATER HEATERS t CYLINDERS

Open the catalog to page 6
Reno HE - 7

fechnical Spcification Units Reno 30 C Reno 25S Reno 25H Consumer Features LPQOpQCn Y» Y» Y% fT鹏T 766 766 i-\Z mm 425 425 370 CcpK mm 300 300 300 ^Ja* QrfTt^uG dma* to* ara 1?3 */A VA OpOonal H/A M/A OpttonaiQpttonaJ Y« VA N/A Optfona Opflontf vos WA Y&8 -U ■)^'.;*i.f M;-v TechnlcaJFeatures % w.i 91.1 911 r^jaatfcr i cfiar^oﯮ t::p fTYTl 150 160 * hslalaUcn ctoararco oottom rln 200 200 200 IMiundBBnelBinui mm 5 5 5 mm 5 s 5 mm «0 450 au M'A WA Wtfmn haat rput cm iTk» t ui i ■ ■ i 響 i ■ iM i ■ a ■ il mvitti hW 255 25.5 KL/A 25.5 N/A KWmn hrt ouVul Ch fui oxc&nsftg mode) 25 iwn 25 25 mjtw 3.2...

Open the catalog to page 7
Reno HE - 8

Johnson & Starley The Reno HE High Efficiency Wall Hung Condensing Boiler Range is just part of Johnson & Starley's total Home Comfort Solutions. Thse include warm air heaters, ventilation, heat recovery Systems and ancillary products. The companys comrwment lo me market hcludes lui lechmca) support, after-sates service and installer tranng procjranimes both cn-srte and al me companys new head office iraining tacfity. Company Dtails T詩lphone 01604707012 Website Address Fax 01604762884 489�10 Email reiephcne Number Fax Number...

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