Catalog excerpts

INSPIRA Inspiring New Business
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Be inspired! La inspiración es un estímulo que favorece la creatividad y la concepción de ideas para resolver problemas o emprender proyectos. Este catálogo recoge una breve colección de ambientes de trabajo inspiradores creados en Barcelona para más de 40 ciudades en 4 continentes. Inspiration is a stimulus that fosters creativity and the development of ideas for addressing issues or initiating projects. This catalogue includes a small collection of inspiring working environments created in Barcelona for more than 40 cities on 4 continents L’inspiration est stimulante, elle est source de...
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President Donde los proyectos se culminan Where projects are completed La concrétisation des projets
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TrendBoss El estilo marca la diferencia Style makes a difference Le style fait toute la différence
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TechBoss La tecnología es irrenunciable Technology is essential La technologie est incontournable
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OpenOffice Juntos para conseguir los objetivos Achieving goals through teamwork Accomplir ensemble les objectifs
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OpenArea Un espacio para cada ambiente A separate space for every atmosphere Un espace, une ambiance
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INSPIRA From Barcelona to the world Barcelona ha sido cuna de grandes creadores que han sabido aunar talento y trabajo para conseguir el éxito, Gaudi, Picasso, Miró o Tàpies son algunos de los grandes nombres de una ciudad que trabaja para conseguir que el talento vea la luz. Barcelona is the birthplace of many creators who successfully combined talent and hard work to achieve greatness. Gaudí, Picasso, Miró or Tàpies are a few of the biggest names of a city that works to ensure that talent is brought to life. Barcelone a été le berceau de créateurs prodigieux qui, ayant su allier talent et...
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NewBoss Cerca de tu equipo Close to your team À proximité de votre équipe
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MeetingPoint Cooperar y compartir ideas Collaboration and idea sharing Cooperation et partage d'idees
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MeetingRoom Sumar todos juntos The power of association L’union des efforts
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Para tomar decisiones Well equipped for decision-making Pour prendre les decisions
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INSPIRA Details & Finishes
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Quality & Ecology ► Estructura Metalica / Metal Frames / Structure Metallique: 1. BL Blanco / White / Blanc (Ral 9010) 2. AL Aluminio / Aluminium / Aluminium (Ral 9006) 3. NE Negro / Black / Noir (Ral 9011) 4. CRM Cromo / Chromium / Chrome. ► Madera / Wood / Bois: 5. MC9 Arce / Maple / Erable (2009) 6. MR6 Roble 06 / Oak 06 / Chene 06 7. CE Cerezo / Cherry / Merisier 8. HA Haya / Beech / Hetre 9. MW6 Wengue 06 / Wengue 06 / Wengue 06 10. MGR Gris Ceniza / Ash Grey / Gris Cendre 11. MTE Teca / Teak / Theque 12. MEB Ebano / Ebene / Ebony. ► Cristal / Glass / Verre: 13. BB Blanco brillo /...
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Ctra. Sabadell a Mollet, km.5 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, 08130 Barcelona, España Tel. +34 93 544 34 34 · jggroup@jggroup.com · www.jggroup.co
Open the catalog to page 15All JG Group catalogs and technical brochures
13 Pages
5 Pages
Catalogue 60/40
24 Pages
Adapta Plus More Solutions
15 Pages
Melamine cupboards
18 Pages
PV + AMT Plus
42 Pages
PV + AMT Plus 2013
28 Pages
General catalog
83 Pages
Adapta Plus
60 Pages
21 Pages
3 Pages
13 Pages
5 Pages
4 Pages
19 Pages
9 Pages
33 Pages
2MOVE : Flip table
5 Pages
7 Pages
Metal Storage
28 Pages
15 Pages
Archived catalogs
3 Pages
4 Pages
83 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
56 Pages
Chairs 2010
42 Pages
[PV]+[AMT] Plus
42 Pages
25 Pages
Adapta System
38 Pages
46 Pages
56 Pages