Catalog excerpts

ths european XPS association ENVIRNMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION According to ISO 14025 .10 itor D۩claration num Date of issue Validi ronmental Construction Products Organisation (E O-XPS-010101-1007 07.07.2010 Extruded Polystyrne (XPS) Foam Insulation EXIBA
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01 SUMMARY EXIBA - Extruded Polystyrne (XPS) Foam Insulation This Dclaration is based on the PCR document: PCR 詄Foam Plastics 2009" (reviewed as PCR Schaumkunst-stoffe", 2009-11 by IBU third party independent expert committee). Declaration Number ECO-XPS-010101-1007 Programme Operator IBU - Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Declared Product / Declared Unit XPS (extruded polystyrene foam) boards without halogenated blowing agent produced by the EXIBA members. The EPD applies to 1 m2 of 100 mm thick XPS board, i.e. 0.1 m3, with an average density of 34.5 kg/m3. Date of Issue 07. 07. 2010...
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PRODUCT APPLICABILITY OF THE EPD The companies contributing to data collection produce more than 90% of the XPS without halogenated blowing agents sold by EXIBA mem-bers in Europe. The data have been provided by 18 factories out of five companies (BASF SE, Dow Europe GmbH, JACKON Insulation GmbH, Knauf Insulation GmbH and URSA Insulation S.A.) for year 2007. PRODUCT CHARACTERIZATION Extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) is a thermoplastic insulation foam available in board shape with a density range from 30 to 50 kg/m3. For XPS products with densities or thickness different from the reference...
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2.1 PRODUCTION 02 MANUFACTURING XPS foams are mostly made of Polystyrne (90 to 95% by weight -CAS 9003-53-6), blown with carbon dioxide (CAS 124-38-9) and halogen-free co-blowing agents altogether up to 8% by weight. The drop in pressure at the exit die causes the polystyrene to foam into a board with homogeneous and closed cell structure. Then the boards' edges are trimmed, and the product is cut to dimensions. The smooth foam skin resulting from the extrusion process remains on the boards or is removed mechanically for particular board types to achieve better adhesive strength in...
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EXIBA - Extruded Polystyrne (XPS) Foam Insulation 2.4 end of life deconstruction In order to maximize the potential to re-use XPS boards, one must avoid that they are damaged or glued. Instead separation layers between the insulation and the concrete should be used or mechanical fixation should be applied. re-use In the inverted roof application XPS boards are installed loose laid and therefore can be easily removed and reused on another roof. For existing conventional flat-roofs the XPS boards can stay in place when for example the existing roof construction is thermally upgraded as a...
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SYSTEM BOUNDARIES AND SCENARIOS The system includes cradle to gate production of the foam board and an end-of-life (EoL) scenario with 50 % thermal recovery rate. This corresponds to a mass of materials for energy recovery of 1.73 kg XPS. The remaining 50 % are disposed off with the building and are estimated as being landfilled with the rubble. For the calculation of EoL credits (recovery potential in "Next Product System"), European electricity grid mix and average European steam production are used. Neither compo-nents for re-use nor materials for recycling leave the system boundaries....
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LCA RESULTS ENVIRQNMENTAL IMPACTST: 1M2 QF 100 MM THICK XPS BOARDS (EUROPEAN AVERAGE) Product Stage Construction Use St Process Stage End-of-Life Next Product System Resource input parameters Unit Raw material supply, Transport, Manufacturing Transport to building site Installation into building Use total Deconstruction / demolition Transport to EoL Waste processing Disposal Reuse, recovery or recycling potential Global warming potential (GWP 100) [kg CO2 eqv.] 14.154 0.526 0.223 5.960 -3.591 Ozone depletion potential (ODP) [kg R11 eqv.] 4.59 E-7 1.00 E-9 4.24 E-10 8.68 E-10 -1.74 E-7...
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m Editor ECO - Environmental Construction Products Organisation Postfach 18 02 20 53032 Bonn Germany phone +49 (0)7000 86 93 58-0 fax +49 (0)7000 86 93 58-1 mail info@eco-europe.org web www.eco-europe.org ECO Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Programme Operator Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Rheinufer 108 53639 Knigswinter Germany phone +49 (0)2223 29 66 79- 0 fax +49 (0)2223 29 66 79- 0 mail info@bau-umwelt.com web www.bau-umwelt.com ^iba Ihe europen XPS association Declaration Holder EXIBA - European Extruded Polystyrene Insulation Board Association Avenue E. van Nieuwenhuyse, 4 1160...
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