Catalog excerpts

Physically reticulated polyethylene thickness 10 mm nominal self-adhesive overlapping selvage Elastoplastomeric mass Laying side TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS “Acustic System® 10”, is a two-layer footfall noise insulation coating with adhesive selvage, made up of 8 mm closed cell physically reticulated polyethylene and elastoplastomeric “SBS” type material (-15°C) weighing 3 kg/m2. STANDARD FORMATS 1000X7000X10 mm Mantle thickness 10 mm nominal 12 rolls for pallet m2 84 per pallet TECHNICAL INFORMATION Self adhesive overlapping selvage 8 mm reticulated polyethylene, density 30kg/m3 elastoplastomeric “SBS” type material (-15°C) weighing 3 kg/m2. DETERMINATION OF DYNAMIC RIGIDITY ACCORDING TO UNI EN 29052-1 STANDARDS. Test report dated 22-04-2008 (PGM) (see certificate 12A) Apparent dynamic rigidity: MN/m3=55 COMPRESSIBILITY TEST ACCORDING TO UNI EN 12431 “DETERMINATION OF THICKNESS FOR FLOATING FLOOR INSULATING PRODUCTS”. (see certificate 12B) Load applied to screed ≤ 5.0 KPa
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FOOTFALL NOISE INSULATION TEST ON ACUSTIC SYSTEM 10 SPECIMENS IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNI EN ISO 140-7. A footfall noise insulation test was performed on ACUSTIC SYSTEM® 10 specimens in accordance with UNI EN ISO 140-7, using a 20 + 4 Bausta type floor and a levelling screed of about 7 cm. The indexes of footfall noise normalized levels were assessed for the tested product in three different experimental conditions corresponding to three different floating screed thicknesses. The improvement in footfall sound insulation performance is given as the difference between the results of tests...
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RESULTS OF TESTS CARRIED OUT AT THE BUILDING YARD, DATED 26-12-2010 (see certificate 12D) Test sample description: 1 plasterboard tiles. 2 wrapped rockwool. 3 bent tile floor with air pocket of approximately 30 cm and reinforced concrete core of 7 cm. 4 5 cm concrete cover. 5 ISORUBBER 1 cm. 6 ACUSTIC SYSTEM 10 thermal insulation layer - 1 cm 7 8 cm sand and cement cover. 8 tile finish. Test result: Assessment index according to UNI EN ISO 717-2 standards CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS Floor footfall noise insulation and the separation between screed and perimeter walls will be achieved as...
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DETERMINATION OF DYNAMIC RIGIDITY ACCORDING TO UNI EN 29052-1 STANDARDS (12A) 4. RISULTATI OELLE MISURE_ Nell a tabelia a seguire $i ri porta no: frequenza di risonanza riievata per ciascuna posiiione di mi$ura e frequenza di risonanza media Con relative deuiazione Standard per i quettro cam pi on i a cui si aggiungcno specifiche inerenti peso c schiacciamento. Tabella Z: valorl mcdl totali P.G.M. di P.I. Marco Pincelli via Spallanzani, 2 41036 Medolla (MO)
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COMPRESSIBILITY TEST ACCORDING TO UNI EN 12431 (12B) Determine! tone del ID spessore degli isolanti per pavimenti galleggianti second o UNI EN 12431 Clienle Isosystem via deH'Artjgianato. ne25 31047 Panta di Piava (TV) Produttore Isosystern Fornltore Isosystem viadell'Afligianatn. n°253i047 Ponte di Piave (TVJ Stnbiliniento di produ;ione Isosystem via deH'Ariigianflto, n°25 31047 Pants di Piava (TV) Identifications del prod otto Descriziane prodorto: Manlo in polielilene espanso nelicolato fisicamerite densfta 30 kg/mc. sp. 8 mm, colore bianco, aeoopplato ad una membrana elastomerica Tipo...
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COMPRESSIBILITY TEST ACCORDING TO UNI EN 12431 (12B) La compressibliita, c, viene determinata come differs nza tra d: e dB , Da essa si pub rlcavare i| livello di compressibilita del prodotto, eonrispondente a un carico massimo appiicabile sul massecto. TabRlla 2 Livello di compressibility del prodotto testato ] test sul prodotto evidenziano valori di compressibilita inferiori a 2 mm; pertanto il suo livello di Rcstando a dlsposizionc per eventual! chlarlmcntl che si rendcsscro neccssari d e gradito porgere dlstinti saluti. AcousTk laboratory P.G.M. di P.I. M. Pincelli, 41036 - Medolla (MO)...
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LABORATORY TEST DATED 17-04-2008(120) 3,2, CERTIFICATO 01 PROVA - MISURE CON MASSETTO OA 4 CM Livelfc. A prMiione uiwri * eallpeHie notmiliimto riipHlo •iraiierbimenro aeuiuci UNI EH IS014D-7.S: 200Q kfeurnbor-* in aptxa twiso)iittnlo dai miwe d! talptitia d! sofai CSfcrt*: htatyrivrt ul vntWI' Afligijmto. 25 P*il4 di Piirt {TV) Dais produziane Spcssonc Iclalc del provino: Spessone roasBelta Sofln cut B poslc il JHwwio: Dimensione ITIHSSBIIO: Volume ambiBnto ncevwHe: Doscrizicrwdel pfodafla: toanto in pohelilana eipanso nabcolato liiicamante denula 30 mgrre. ap. fi mm, ratone bianco,...
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LABORATORY TEST DATED 17-04-2008 (12C) 3.3. CERTIFICATE M PROVA - MISURE CON MASSETTO DA 6 CM UmHIetll prnslMie sonort« di CBlpntla rtcniul iuatc rispette airaawblnHma. acuities UNI EN ISOHD-Tffl: £000 Clienla: lioayileri MI via dell'flnigtoossa, 25 Pome (ft Ham fTif} Uala p/Dduiione. Dsla pruvs: Spessone [Dials c? mftvino; Spobwjno miisMrtlu toum cui 6posLo il ptoviiKi: Volgnitf oinuwlu *KsvwulV. □wcrizicnedel pnodeflc: MiirHi) in (xAHilnna HSiMnsn rgSajlalKf Nsil^rTHiUlB (Jungila 30 it&n-; *p, a mm, cwof* bi*nc« a«ucpia» *d una ni*mo«ns »lwt*m*ri« Nmw*sa irt stss da 3 fco-'ing Valutazlona...
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LABORATORY TEST DATED 17-04-2008 (12C) 3.4. CERTIFICATE DI PROVA - MISURE CON MASSETTO DA 8 CM Livrflo* pfWKiqiKHDnQra di cafprttig nOrniadifrfo riKp«hi jUjHOftirmjnLo atysUpj UNI EN ISOHP-Tfl; SOW MIswBzlane In epu drfmelameftlio <Sil rmnof e dl talpeslio n I solal CkiefKn: iHwy&lem sil via dad' Aitiglanalo, 25 Porta d Piavs I TV) Data pnavt: Spasipfe Male del pfoutio. Spei-aore masaettD aono cul e posto II pmvinac Manio «i polidilonc D^WKW rclcoloiu lisicomcmc dcn^iii 30 ketone, tp. S mm, cplor* bi*ntO. nCCOptUlO *d On* mamtHana ela^ornenea oduminosa In S9S da £ kjg.'mq \'3 iL:asione...
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RESULTS OF TESTS CARRIED OUT AT THE BUILDING YARD, DATED 26-12-2010 (12D) Potera forioi sol ante apparente secondo la Norma ISO 140-4 Misurazionl In opera deM'isolamento acustico per via a area tra ambienti ClicnLp . A-Emmc Co*1ruric*ii Edili di M A Data doll* prg*a ■ 9 e*cdi 22 iu9»o 2010 Dow;rLrh;«ir< e rtmlificazicno ddla sdurtura edilwa « del* condixwnrdi misuraztprte ■ Soifl*o1fa uffico f> 3 del piano secondo e 11 5 del ppanopnmov oomposJoda: eonbrotorTrilo ii ■ y .i-idrotle di eartongeiso eon Una dp rotei* imbutiifla. ulaio prarat*« icaro di T*o.olo avando un vuoio <Twfa di eirc* 30...
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