Catalog excerpts

Mineral wool Plastomeric material Mineral wool TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS “ACUSTIC RC®”, is a sound insulating and sound absorbing panel, self bearing and rabbeted on two sides, made up of two layers (20 mm thick) of high density mineral wool, with plastomeric material 7.5 Kg/m2 nominal in between. Panel thickness 47 mm nominal Panel dimensions: 1000x600 mm. STANDARD FORMATS 1000X600 mm rabbeted on 2 long sides Panel thickness 47 mm nominal m2 30 per pallet TECHNICAL INFORMATION Self bearing panel Panel weight: 13/14 kg/m2 nominal Thermal conductivity λD: 0.037 W/m°K Thermal resistance 40 mm thickness RD =1.05 m2K/W Compression resistance: σ10 =0.048 N/mm2 LABORATORY TEST NO 0002-B/DC/ACU/08 DATED 29/01/2008 (see certificate 1A) “CSI” LABORATORY OF TECHNICAL PHYSICS/ACOUSTICS Measurement of sound insulating power (R) according to UNI EN ISO 140-3 standards and assessment of Rw index according to UNI EN ISO 717-1 standards. Test sample description: 1 high density rockwool, thickness 20 mm. 2 self bearing plastomeric mass, weight 7.5 kg/m2 3 high density rockwool, thickness 20 mm. Sample thickness 47 mm nominal. 1 Test result:
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LABORATORY TEST NO 170 DATED 05-11-2004, DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL PHYSICS (see certificate 1B) Faculty of Engineering, Padova University. Determination of a building section sound insulating power carried out in a laboratory environment in accordance with EN ISO 140-3 standards Test sample description: 1 plaster 1.5 cm. 2 perforated brick 8 cm. ® 3 ACUSTIC RC 4 hollow brick 12 cm. 5 plaster 1.5 cm. Wall thickness approx. 27 cm. Test result: Assessment index according to UNI EN ISO 717-1 standards Rw=54dB RESULTS OF TESTS CARRIED OUT AT THE BUILDING YARD, DATED 19-10-2004 (see certificate 1C)...
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Test sample description: 1 plaster 1.5 cm. 2 perforated brick 12 cm. 3 ACUSTIC RC® 4 perforated brick 12 cm. 5 plaster 1.5 cm. 6 Isorubber band 0.5 cm. Wall thickness approx. 32 cm. Test result: Assessment index according to UNI EN ISO 140-4:2000 standards R’w=53dB RESULTS OF TESTS CARRIED OUT AT THE BUILDING YARD, DATED 24-01-2011 (see certificate 1E) Test sample description: 1 plaster 1.5 cm. 2 perforated brick 12 cm. 3 ACUSTIC RC® 4 perforated brick 12 cm. 5 plaster 1.5 cm. 6 Isorubber band 0.5 cm. Wall thickness approx. 32 cm. Test result: Assessment index according to UNI EN ISO...
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RESULTS OF TESTS CARRIED OUT AT THE BUILDING YARD, DATED 16-10-2007 (see certificate 1F) Building yard: Via C. Percotto, Castions di Strada (UD) Test sample description: 1 plaster 1.5 cm. 2 hollow brick 12 cm. 3 rendering 1 cm. 4 ACUSTIC RC® 5 hollow brick 12 cm. 6 plaster 1.5 cm. 7 Isorubber band 0.5 cm. Wall thickness approx. 27 cm. Test result: Assessment index according to UNI EN ISO 140-4:2000 standards CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS Wall sound insulation will be achieved as follows: Installation of “ACUSTIC RC®”, a sound insulating and sound absorbing panel made up of two layers of high...
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LABORATORY TEST NO 0002-B/DC/ACU/08 DATED 29-01-2008 (1A) (Test Report} Panncllci cnmptwlo d.iir.iccnppmmcnfn Ira pamiclli in hna dt roccia e una massa bituimnosa Massa ■iiipLTliciak nmumta: 14 kjj/mq Massa bituminosa El p.iiiin. i- si iim uionlato n succoc flssaln mcdiante telaio metal tied c moi'sctli. Pros petto AI legal) Nfl AllrgaLii Descrlzfone pagtnu I SuliL-dt iLtmdic tumpoiienli 2
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LABORATORY TEST NO 0002-B/DC/ACU/08 DATED 29-01-2008 (1A) Hie memo iti prjvn. ALUS TIC KC Voiurna Mia dUim "Cuvtmto Volume <WI3 camera OJfnUiMHa cltmmt *i puva - - - - CITJ a 60117-1 Valutazimie sciwndo ISO "?|7-I (nolibi biviticIJI 100 \l$n W/.l ISIV.IL:I nikum/cmii ihttL-junc in hltoralnrin Division Mead IL RESP. DEli CENTKO Managing Director
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FACGLTA Dl INGEGNERIA DELL' UNIVERSITA Ol PADOVA DIPARTIMENTO Dl FISICA TECNICA DETERMtNAZfONE DEL PQTERE FONOfSOLANTE DI UN ELEMENTO Dl EDIFICIO IN LAB OR A TORIO SECONDO LA NORMA UNf EN ISO 140-3 Produttore: I SO S VSTEM S. a.s. - Via dell' Artig ianalo. 25 31047 Ponte di Piave (TV), Identifications del prodoffo: parele con intercapedine. inlonacala ambo i fati, realizzata con blocchi semipieni di laterizio porizzato (spes&ore 12 cm) e tramezze normal! (spessore & cm} con tnlerposli panne Hi ISOSYSTEM "ACUSTIC RC" (spessore 3,5 cm}. Elemento in prova montalo da: ISOSVSTEM S,a&. Data delta...
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FACOLTA Dl INGEGNER1A DELL UNIVERSlTA Dl PADOVA DlPARTIMENTO Dl FISICA TECNICA Disposixiono cIcii'clavGnto neft'ambiQnt* diprova; Oescrizjcvie tfe/re^jTje'Uo fn prora*: parete con intencapedine, inlonacata ambo i lati (spessore intonaco 1,5 cm), realizzata con blocchi semipieni di laterizkj porizzato (50x25x12 cm) e tramezze normali (50x25x6 cm} can intftrposti pannelli I50SVSTEM "ACUSTIC RC (100x50x3,5 cm) posarj a secco. II pannello ISOSYSTEM "ACUSTIC RC e composlo da unu strato di lana di roccia (spessore 15 mm), un compound bituminoso elastoplastomerico (spessore -5 mm) e da uno sfrato...
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RESULTS OF TESTS CARRIED OUT AT THE BUILDING YARD, DATED 19-10- 2004 (1C) Pottifft f(tnoianlanle spparcnrc secontln ISO iits 4 Misunuioni in opera dplt isolamcnto acusttco per via acrna Ira Umbkfltt Client*: ticiv itam Quia dm.i pwuva. ffl. 1 H.H4 Cantltre: Grtflslln COBrUI(0«, Hoteo a Vl» (Jer PermJVI« IWecile Clvctta. Sin Don! d Pt*ve (VE| turntnto lotto prow: Parete dtvlcom (09910(11(1 B1 a cogglcmo BJ p4»nol*mi SlraugraHa: BlnuHone (p. 13 cm. InWitaptSIn* tp. 5 cm. rtemptti con pannelo ACUSTIC HC, pe»o 11 kgAnq ip. «T mm lawtilo In lilwulo tp. J cm, Jntonaco ip 1,1 cm id lail ■ vlaU
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RESULTS OF TESTS CARRIED OUT AT THE BUILDING YARD, DATED 11-04- 2007 (1D) Risultati delle mi sure D.P.C.M S dicembre 1997 "Isotamento acu9lico passive- d&gli edifici' y§n1icq qatl'iSGiarriento al nj.7iore aemo dette oarelt weriicatf Parete 4\ separable :ra sogijiarni c-ianotaTa tra unila lato a vest Strai^afia tnionaco sp 1.5 cm. lateririo fbrato sp.'2 cm. Acualic RC sp.4.7om. lalertiip forato sp.12 cm interlace sp.l.Som Potera ror o sol ante apps rente seconds la UNI EN ISO U(M. Volume doH'cmbicntc rtcevcnte {m3): Himu: Tttusco Campdcnk: in ncuslica niiiientnti: Arch Sleftw Strndhrttn
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