Catalog excerpts
ISKU INTERIOR 1. SEATING FURNITURES Universal chairs and conference chairs Student chairs Easy chairs and sofas Control room and office chairs 2. TABLES Conference tables Coffee Tables Universal- and dining tables Office desks and electric desks Classroom desks
Open the catalog to page 3Design Samuli Naamanka Seat and backrest: the seat and backrest are made of Grada-veneer. The sur face is birch- or beech veneer, stained birch veneer, technical veneer (LN birch, birch natural colour, LSG deadwood grey, LMG dark grey, LPLY veneer). Frame: graphite, silver or chrome. Upholstery: without upholstery, fabric upholstered seat or fabric upholstered seat and backrest. MORE INFORMATION The product family also includes a chair trolley. The chairs are stackable, 12 chairs on the floor and 25 on a chair trolley. The Lightness B with loop-legged legbase can be linked by the pads. The...
Open the catalog to page 4TUOLI 50 Design Kurt Hvitsjö MATERIALS Seat and backrest: laminate (black or white). Metal frame: graphite, silver, chrome, black or white. MORE INFORMATION Isku classic design product from 1950s.
Open the catalog to page 5MATERIALS Seat: birch natural colour, beech or oak, stained birch, laminate (12 laminate colours). Frame: graphite, silver or chrome. Upholstery: without upholstery, upholstered seat or solid upholstered panel. MORE INFORMATION The 31 93, 31 95 and 3199 models are stackable and linkable (the pads have a loop-legged leg-base, the pipe frame has separate linkable fitting). Available with sleek or felted pads. The 31 95 and 31 99 are available with a 5-star base with castors or pads. Th e chair with armrest can be fitted with a writing pad.
Open the catalog to page 6Design Raimo Rasanen MEASURES MATERIALS Wooden parts: birch natural colour, stained birch and laminate (12 laminate colours). Seat: fabric upholstery. Backrest: wood or fabric upholstery. Frame: graphite, silver, chrome. MORE INFORMATION The 31 50 and 31 51 are stackable and can be supplied with removable covers. The 31 51 with armrest is also available in a 5 cm higher version and with a writing pad. The 31 50 and 31 51 are available with antimicrobial features.
Open the catalog to page 7MATTI Design Juha Lätti MATERIALS Seat and backrest: birch natural colour, stained birch and laminate (12 laminate colours), U p ho l s te r y : w i th o u t up h o l s ter y, f ab r i c up h o l s tere d seat or upholstered seat and backrest. Available with invisable mechanism for link ing the chairs in rows by the pads. Stackable. Available with fe l te d p a d s. Th e M a t t i c h a i r c a n b e h u n g e d u p o n hooks that are placed under the table.
Open the catalog to page 8RUDOLF Design Mikko Paakkanen MORE INFORMATION Seat: birch natural colour and beech, stained birch, laminate (12 laminate colours). Frame: graphite, silver or chrome. U p h o l s t e r y : w i t h o u t u p h o l s t e r y, upholstered seat and back rest or full upholstery. Armrest: black plastic. A mechanism for link ing chairs in rows is available as an op tional ex tra for the chairs with pipe frames(separate fittings) and loop-legged legconstructions (linked by the pads). The c h a i r s w i t h p i p e f r a m e a n d l o o p - l e g g e d l e g c o n s t r u c t i o n a re stack able....
Open the catalog to page 9RUDOLF Design Mikko Paakkanen Seat height and seating height for upholstered chairs + 1cm
Open the catalog to page 10VERSIO Design Tapio Anttila MATERIALS Wooden par ts: Birch natural colour and beech, stained birch. Frame: Graphite, silver, chrome. MORE INFORMATION 3176, 3177, 3178 are stackable. 3176, 3177, 3178 also available with a 5-star basewith either castors or pads, with the condition that the height can be adjusted 410-520 mm.
Open the catalog to page 11Design Raimo Räsänen MATERIALS Fr a m e : 3 1 8 4 a n d 3 1 8 6 b i r c h n a t u r a l c o l o u r a n d b e e c h , s t a i n e d b e e c h . Th e 3 1 8 4 s e at i s a l s o ava i l a b l e w i t h a o a k u p h o l s t e re d s e a t . T h e 3 7 0 3 a n d 3704 birch natural colour or stained birch. S e at : w i t h o r w i t h o u t u p h o l s te r y. E a s y c h a i r 3 7 0 3 a n d s o f a 3 7 0 4 a l w ay s h ave u p h o l s t e re d s e a t a n d backrest. MORE INFORMATION Stackable. Also available with a removable seat a n d r e p l a c e a b l e c o v e r. A m e c h a n i s m f o r...
Open the catalog to page 12Design Woodi 0152H MATERIALS Frame: lacquered massif birch. Seat: form pressed veneer. Backrest: form pressed veneer with birch coloured surface. MORE INFORMATION The legs have screw fastenings with felted pads. Accessible with 21 mm chair raising blocks. The upholstery is available as removable upholstery cover and moisture resistant. The upholstery of the backrest is always removable. As an accessory, the chair can be supplied with push handles and the front legs with castors. For special orders, the chair can be supplied in oak.
Open the catalog to page 13Frame: birch, composition of veneer laminate. Metallic parts: chrome. S e a t a n d b a c k r e s t : w i t h o u t u p h o l s t e r y, f a b r i c upholstered seat or fabric upholstered seat and backrest. MORE INFORMATION A mechanism for linking chairs in rows is availab le as an optional ex tra. Stack able. The produc t family also includes a chair trolley.
Open the catalog to page 14Design Juha Lätti MATERIALS Frame: birch natural colour or beech, beech. Upholstery: fabric. Metallic parts: graphite.
Open the catalog to page 15MATERIALS Frame: birch natural colour and beech, stained beech. Upholstery: without upholstery or fabric upphol-stered seat. MORE INFORMATION Composition of veneer laminate. Available with a removable cover and mechanism for linking chairs in rows. Available with sleek or felted pads. Stackable. The 3106 and 3107 are available with antimicrobial features.
Open the catalog to page 16SIGNUM Design Raimo Räsänen Wooden par ts: birch natural colour and beech, stained beech or laminate (12 laminate colours). Frame: graphite, silver or chrome. Upholstery: signum 3110 and 3111 without upholstery, fabric upholstered seat or fabric upholstered seat and backrest. Signum 3113 and 3114 are fabric upholstered. MORE INFORMATION The 3110 and 3111 are stackable and can be supplied with a replaceable cover. The 3111 is available with a mechanism for link ing chairs in rows. Available with sleek or felted pads.
Open the catalog to page 17All ISKU catalogs and technical brochures
KAB Seating
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KLIK Tapio Anttila
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1 Pages
3016 M JR
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Kaari product card
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Mr. Snug product card
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Ritz product card
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Signum product card
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Sigur product card
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Syke product card
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Tere product card
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Isku Health
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Learning Environments
47 Pages
Isku School 2017
11 Pages
Isku Office 2017
103 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
13 Pages
Duo Conference
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Working Environment
164 Pages
Isku Learning Solutions_2014
28 Pages
60 Pages
Archived catalogs
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BEA chair
2 Pages
Drawer units 2003
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KANTTI Product series
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KOMBI shelves
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LIEHU chair range
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Link partition screen
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MAC Pupils' Workstation
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MINUS chairs
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NEON chairs
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ORGANO Easy chair
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VERSIO chair range
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VIRE chair
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TUUBI sofas
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TENDO storage furniture
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Chairs TEEMA
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SUMMA group workplaces
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Step office chairs
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SOMOS chairs
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SLIM office chair series
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SISTER chair range
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PRIMA student desks
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OTTO chair
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MATTI chair
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MATRIX T desks
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MATRIX J desks
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LOGO chair range
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KLIK Seminar table
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ELEMENT partition screen
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DYYNI sofas
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Drawer units 2007
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Desk accessories
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For a good internal air
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Learning Environments Collection
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Working Environment Collection 2007
148 Pages