Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 2Roof Systems Turn gati aksesuarlanyla birlikte, surekli artan renk ve yuzey gesjtliligi, su gegirmezlik, ISI yalitimi, basing mukavemeti dayanimi, donma ve gbzulme dayanimi, ruzgar basmcina karsj dayaniklilikla alaninda CE standartlarimn turn bzelliklerini saglamaktadir. Alisjlagelmisjn disjnda, renksegenekleri, buyuklugu ve dmur boyu garantisiyle l§IKLAR Kiremit urunleri size farkyaratma imkani sagliyor. With all roof accessories and colored roof tiles properties such as continuously growing color and surface variety .water resistance, thermal insulation.durability, resistance to pressure...
Open the catalog to page 3Macedonian Tile Teknik Ozellikler/ Technical Specifications Naturel Kiremit / Sirh Kiremit / Siyah / Black Natural tile Glazed tile Yesil / Green Aegean Blue O Su gegirmezlik / Water impermeability O Donmaya kargi direnq / Frost resitance O Agirlik / adet / Weight I piece O Kiremit montaji gita araligi / Distance between lathes
Open the catalog to page 4Geleneksel Alaturka kiremitinin estetik etkisini yaratacak §ekilde tasarlanmi§tir ve buyuk modem kiremitlerin yerle§tirilmesin- de olan her turlu emniyet ve kolayliga Designed to give the impression of the traditional Alaturca roof tile, while incorporating all safety and ease in placement features of the modern large roof tiles.
Open the catalog to page 5Mediterranean Tile Teknik Ozellikler / Technical Specifications Naturel Kiremit/ Sirli Kiremit/ Siyah /Black KahverengiI UgRenk/ Natural tile Glazed tile Brown Three Coloured Yesil /Green Aegean Blue & Boyutlar / Dimensions ® m2 bazinda adet / Piece per m2 O Su gegirmezlik / Water impermeability & Donmaya kar§i direng/Frosfrestfance O Agirlik/ adet / Weight/piece ® Kiremit montaji gita araligi / Distance between lathes
Open the catalog to page 7Roman Tile Teknik Ozellikler/ Technical Specifications Naturel Kiremit / Natural tile Sirli Kiremit / Glazed tile Aegean Blue Three Coloured O Su gegirmezlik / Water impermeability @ Donmaya kargi direng/ Frost resitance G Agirlik / adet / Weight I piece O Kiremit montaji gita araligi / Distance between lathes
Open the catalog to page 10Alaturka kiremite benzerligiyle l§iklar Granada tipi kiremit geleneksel ve modern yapilar igin idealdir. Aynca sirli ve birgok The l§iklar Granada type tile, thanks to its resemblance to the Alaturca tile, is ideal for more traditional and modern constructions. Also available in smalto or in a range of
Open the catalog to page 11Dutch Tile m2 bazinda adet / Piece per m2 : 14 adet / m2 Su gegirmezlik/ Water impermeability : > 20 saat (EN 539-1:2005) Donmaya kar§i direng / Frostresitance : 150 dongu (EN 539-2:2006) Kiremit montaji gita araligi / Distance between lathes : 34,5 cm -| -|
Open the catalog to page 13Marsilya kiremit form olarak.duz hatlara sahip bir kiremit modelidir. Ozellikle gati degi§imlerinde ve yuksek katli binalarda kullamlmaktadir. Montaj kolayligi ve gift oluklu guvenir kilit sistemi ile sektdrun en goktercih edilen kiremit modelidir. Marsilya roof tile is a model with a flat form. This model is especially used in tall buildings and in renovation projects, Easy to install and safe with its double channeled locking system, It is to most preferred roof tile model of the
Open the catalog to page 14Marseille Tile Teknik Ozellikler / Technical Specifications Boyutlar / Dimensions M2 bazinda adet / Piece per m2 Su gegirmezlik / Water impermeability Donmaya kargi direng / Frost resitance Agirlik / adet / Weight I piece Kiremit montaji gita araligi / Distance between lathes
Open the catalog to page 15AMASRA OZEL QATI URUNLERI Macedonian - Special Roof Products Left Lateral Verge Havalandirma Kiremiti Yarim Kiremit Left Over Eave Yarim Tepe Kiremiti Half Top Under Ridge Tile Anten Kiremiti Ma^ccessones Round Base Tepe Kiremiti iwSJaAcesso/fes Top Under Ridge Tile Sag Yan Sagak Kiremit J^ASS!^ Right Lateral Verge Basamak Kiremiti MatwAce&ssones Stair Carpet Tepe Kiremiti Top Under Ridge Tile Natural / natural Ug Renk / tee colour Kahve / brown \fesi / green Gri / grey Kiraim / red Sari / yellow Sirli / glazed MEM / blue Siyati / black Ege Mavisi Aegean Blue PADOVA OZEL QATI URUNLERi...
Open the catalog to page 16VALENSiYA OZEL QATI URUNLERi Dutch - Special Roof Products Anten Kiremiti Round Base Stair Carpet Sag Yan Sagak Kiremit JSTSSSS Right Lataral Verge Left Lataral Verge Havalandirma Kiremiti Top Under Ridge Tile Yarim Kiremit Left Over Eave Natural / natural Uf Rwk / (nree cofour Kahve / brown Yesjl / green Gri / grey Kirmizi / red San / yellow Sirli / glazed Mavi / blue Siyah I black Ege Uavisi Aegean Blue GRANADA OZEL QATI URUNLERi Roman - Special Roof Products Havalandirma Kiremiti Top Under Ridge Tile Basamak Kiremiti M^SS^ Stair Carpet Right Lataral Verge Top Under Ridge Tile (Left) i...
Open the catalog to page 17MAHYALAR - GENEL Ridges - General Ridge Tile Mahya Accessories Padova - Amasra / Afedtefranean - Macedonian, Aim Kapama Kiremiti MaSJaAccessortes Ck}Yol Mahya Granada - \falensiya / Roman - Dutch Kahve/brawn Ye§il/green Gri/grey Kirmizi/recf San/ye/tow Sirii /g/azecf U?Renk fnree co/our Mavi/Wue Siyah /Wac/c EgeMavisi Aegean Blue
Open the catalog to page 18QATI AKSESUARU\RI Roof Accessories Buhar Dengeleyici Ortuler/ vapor balance drapes Boyut/s/ze Renk/coiour 3-katmanh urun; 100g/m2; buhar gegirgenligi: 3-Layer product: 100glm2; vapour permeability; 3-katmanh urun; 120g/m2; buhar gegirgenligi: 3-Layer product; 120g/m2; vapour permeability; 3-katmanli urun; 165g/m2; buhar gegirgenligi: 3-Layer product; 165g/m2; vapour permeability; 3-Layer product; 4901m2-; vapour permeability, vapour barrier Active Control Mahya Bantlari/ ridge tapes Aktif buhar kesici; 98g/m2. Ya§am alanlarinda nefes alabilen ig kaplama malzemeleri ile birlikte...
Open the catalog to page 21QATI AKSESUAR^\RI Roof Accessories Asik Ta§ima Profili/ ridge support Baca Duvar Dibi Detay Urunleri/ chimney waterproofing products Iki ayakli klasik a§ik ta§ima profilidir. Mahya gitasinm gok kolay ve hizh bir §ekilde sabitlenebilmesi ayrica yiiksekligin ayarlanmasinda da gok kullam;lidir. Aridge batten support type SECTION allows for easy stable and quick height adjusment and levelling of ridge battens. AIGminyumdan imal kendinden yapi§kanli baca dibi duvar bandidir. Biitil malzemesi sayesinde gati penceresi ve baca diblerinde mukemmel su izolasyonu saglar. A self - adhesive aluminium...
Open the catalog to page 22All Isiklar Building Materials Inc. catalogs and technical brochures
General Product Brochure
2 Pages
8 Pages
Facing Brick Catalogue
48 Pages
6 Pages
Thermal Insulation Systems
6 Pages
General Brochure
2 Pages
46 Pages
Paving Brick
48 Pages
Brick Slab Catalogue
36 Pages