Catalog excerpts

COOL ROOF SINTOFOIL Reflecta White TPO/FPA polyolefin waterproofing membrane S.R.I. EX LA 102% E IN D R RE E C TA NC FL synthetic waterproofing systems – SO
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URBAN HEAT ISLANDS In major cities, summer and winter temperatures are higher than in the surrounding rural areas. For a medium size city, it is calculated that the temperature difference between downtown areas and the outskirts ranges from 0.5 °C to 3 °C, with significant variations in microclimate. This phenomenon, known as the Urban Heat Island or UHI effect, is chiefly due to the fact that the asphalted and concrete surfaces of built-up areas absorb larger amounts of solar energy: on sunny summer days, streets and roofs can often reach temperatures in excess of 60 to 90 °C. AVERAGE...
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COOL ROOF: SINTOFOIL REFLECTA WHITE SRI 102% SINTOFOIL REFLECTA WHITE Sintofoil is a waterproofing membrane produced by coextruding a TPO/FPA thermoplastic olefin and flexible polypropylene alloy. SINTOFOIL sheets are designed for easy bonding with a hot air gun, as no adhesives of any kind are required. The REFLECTA WHITE colour ensures high solar reflectance and thermal emittance for excellent Cool Roof performance. Recommended uses: waterproofing all kinds of roof surface. SINTOFOIL REFLECTA WHITE can be supplied in ST, RC, RG and RT versions. Reflectance “R” 91%(*) (Albedo) + Emittance...
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SUSTAINABLE BUILDING The GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL of Italy promotes the spread of the LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification standards developed in the United States by the US GBC. Now adopted in 41 countries around the world, LEED’s parameters for sustainable construction are the heart of a rating system for “green” buildings applied to new construction, major renovations, schools and homes. The rating criteria are grouped into seven categories: • sustainable sites; • water efficiency; • energy and atmosphere; • materials and resources; • indoor environmental...
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Green Roof
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