Catalog excerpts

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Almost a century of experience: since 1936… the company’s growth THE COMPANY IMPER ITALIA S.p.A. was established in Torino in 1936, producing water repellant compounds, sealants and bituminous emulsions for waterproofing roofs, foundations, reservoirs, dikes, canals and other types of construction. Subsequently, the company responded to growing market demand with a range of special coatings designed to protect large-scale steel structures such as viaducts, tanks, and pipelines from corrosion. Next, these IMPER ITALIA protective products and systems were joined by compounds for protecting,...
Open the catalog to page 3
CERTIFICATION IMPER ITALIA S.P.A. is committed to optimizing its processes to ensure that they are efficient, effective and economical. Since 1995 IMPER ITALIA’s Quality Management System has been certified to ISO 9001, testifying to its focus on customer satisfaction through continuous improvement and ensuring compliance with the customer’s needs and all applicable requirements. All levels and functions of the IMPER ITALIA organization, top management in particular, implement an occupational health and safety management system to satisfy all requirements for the workplace established by...
Open the catalog to page 8
QUALITY WATERPROOFING Achieving long-lasting waterproofing performance is a question of starting from a well-executed design, using quality products and entrusting the job to installers who can be relied upon to follow the manufacturer’s directions. (See the section covering general application instructions in DATAQUAD 2000 and the accepted codes of practice that establish standards for workmanship). An important document in the sector, which should always be followed by waterproofing professionals, is the CODE OF PRACTICE for Continuous Roofing issued by Italy’s IGLAE construction industry...
Open the catalog to page 9
“AGRÉMENTS”: QUALITY CERTIFICATES Quality that extends to service As the performance-related quality of waterproofing membranes also depends on how they are installed, the IMPER Division maintains a customer service department staffed by specialists in design and installation techniques. The customer service department fulfils a variety of functions: solving tricky waterproofing problems, developing new products, research, performing diagnostic site surveys, training installers (at the Mappano Plant’s Training Center), providing designers with up-to-the-minute information, and working out...
Open the catalog to page 10
Bitumen-polymer waterproofing membranes used for certain specific applications are subject to CE marking requirements. Consequently, bitumen mem- branes that do not carry the CE marking cannot be put on the market, distributed or used for these ap- plications anywhere in the European Union. The CE Marking certifies that the membrane is fit for its intended use, and is thus intended to protect the consumer. It is affixed by the manufacturer on the ba- Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (which lays down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products and repeals...
Open the catalog to page 11
2) Product Data Sheet The Product Data Sheet (PDS) delivered together with the product summarizes information about the • It provides a concise description of the membrane • It indicates the methods of installation • It specifies the recommended uses • It carries the CE Marking and the last two digits of the year in which the marking was affixed, together with data identifying the Notified Body that issued the kTATlitWiTO A VISTA - STWitO IMTUMDEO KMTO PSJ7EZ;CKl; FKSJUT7E ■ StWttO CWLEJlOfTAPJ STRA.TC JJfT] -KISALITA 1MID1TA OAL - TIPO: T Applicable standards Reinforced bitumen sheets for...
Open the catalog to page 12
EXTENSIVE TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION • Website: www.imper.it. • Data sheets covering all products on the price list. • Product brochures. • Divisional price list: a mini-guide to the Division’s products and their main characteristics. • Product samples. • Presentations of the company and the Division. • Dataquad 2000. • Design suggestions. DATAQUAD 2000 In 1989, IMPER ITALIA inaugurated DATAQUAD, the waterproofing sector’s first computer program developed to help designers draw up specifications. It was a menu-based program providing a limited number of ready-made designs and sample...
Open the catalog to page 13
THE PRODUCTS The IMPER Division markets a wide range of waterproofing products: from prefabricated distilled bitumen-polymer membranes to synthetic liquid-applied waterproofing materials, bituminous emulsions, bonded multi-layer insulating systems, auxiliary materials and much more. Distilled bitumen-polymer membranes More and more countries have issued construction regulations mandating the use of materials with specific technical characteristics and performance features which have been checked and certified by official institutes. A significant number of the IMPER Division’s membranes...
Open the catalog to page 14
PARALON PLUS SERIES The PARALON range has been on the market for 45 years. In addition to its outstanding technical merits, which have made PARALON PLUS a byword for reliable performance and durability, the ITC Agrément certificate now covers the entire PARALON PLUS range of products designed to meet the most widely varying design and application needs. Certification covers both the classic talc-treated and slate surfaced membranes, as well as those featuring IMPER’s TEXTENE® surface finish. The current PARALON PLUS family products: • PARALON NT PLUS • PARALON ARD/HS PLUS • PARALON...
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NEW CUSTOMIZED LABELING FOR TERMOTENE® AND PARALON RANGE PACKAGING As a further guarantee of the origin and authenticity of PARALON range products and thus prevent the sale of imitations, the range now features new customized labeling. TERMOTENE® thermoplastic film is now prominently marked with the word PARALON (similar to the IMPER label). In addition, the white pallet wrap now carries the word PARALON in red letters as shown in the photo.
Open the catalog to page 16All Imper Italia catalogs and technical brochures
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2 Pages
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2 Pages
Green Roof
8 Pages
Cool Roof
4 Pages
2 Pages