Catalog excerpts

Roma hcr "i Collezioni reallzzate con tecnologia dlgltale Gtfrcfcns rtBM Mm 4lgU tariK*:®_a4&acre m: a ramowr* nunftHjje dw ma^ts jMMcn nt DtjiBi Ttnuyi nugaitait Idea Ceramica attrmerso ma ricerca di idle eflnezza 6 approdara a Roma. Capoluogo Irailano. simbolo della nostra cultura e del nostri aid Infill qualltathi. Roma, arnica e modema alio stesso tempo, fra ville romaniche e contemporaneispazi metropoilia.nlla nostra "Roma", cheattrmerso toni elegant!, opachi. veilutati crea modcmlrQ che atrraxerso le trame marmoree aggiunge un rimando nostalglco e classlco a questo grande...
Open the catalog to page 2
■ « *■ « an ils -■ ad J* i-unaSBM h 3 ns- ■* jaaujialii Gres porcellanato smaltato Glazed porcelain tile Gres porcellanato smaltato Glazed porcelain tile PAVIMENTO / FLOOR TILES ROMA BEIGE 50X50 / 2O’X20' ROMA MOSAJCO MIX 20X50 / 8'X20*
Open the catalog to page 3
ROMA ROMA AVCfilO 20X50 / 8'X20'_FOMA BEIGE 20X50 / 8*X2 O ROMA LIST. FIORE 6X50/2 V.'X20' MAT1TA RCMA BEIGE 2X50/V«'X20'
Open the catalog to page 5
Open the catalog to page 7
nimHimnr«n Blcottura tradlzlonale nveaimemo •FWtt BUffeNM TYAK<*W\W*ttl W:o:caitfo (Brats* Ur*afcM • k c*ji kwtnzs amofflA^iaiB Special plecas lns«t/D«or mil lib 0M480 Roma List. Ffcce 6X50 / 2Vi"X20*| 22) pZ 0M451 Roma List. Struttula Hi 6X50 / 2Vi"X20"( 33| pz 0M250 Roma Beige OM260 R:<ra Mice r “■ a* " a * S m m as a i b ui • 0 toil H0M ■ Bit* ■ B BUB r . - v.v ■■ ■. % v - %v ■ . ■ BB I I B B IT I OM140ft:<TO UO&CQ MIX 2CK60 / fl"X20’: 41) mq 0M152 Matita Ftara Avorio 0M252 Ktatla &:<na Beige TUffl I p=d spe^l si lt*i6:<io veoluti a arafcie rtece. R> De s^d ss ful t<K crly....
Open the catalog to page 8
Gres Porcaltarato ROMA Beige Floor Ilia BaniKDfB 8j£O/3.7a#x20’ f£.tx« 15 tgtx«9.75 (07) pi Vartfta sod a srstofe arrp4E<fi. To te r.iti as fJl t>:« cr#y. MndaUe urtgjarram eo Cotas erases Attuflme rvr vaia patete
Open the catalog to page 9
ntthingai aifwe&ai Db Ardlel Kornai awertenze per la posainstructions for the la>i ng - verlegungsh inweise - conseils pou r la pose Tire lecolbflail e l podittl IdeaCaarrlca saiod alMma qualta, per pete ill perbposae A meglbe seroabcoterelnspicevol Ircorwrtent aa f Infitiro .1 eoisljllami dlsegite atom pceob regie base che itprrtBno qil d segilto. All kba (eranka predicts & llresare of tie hljlest qinlty. ind their nstibuai iseisy ard des n« present arrp am- Urd d Intaiwnlmcr a reqiire inyspedalc<inuswl prxedire. Incnter toebtan the lest posslMeerd esilt we sigge « >oi totttow ttee shi(4e...
Open the catalog to page 10
Inspiration for Idea Ceramica’s stylish and fine collection is the capital of Italy.Rome, symbol of Italian culture and quality, combines perfectly ancient with modern elements, creating a unique atmosphere among st Roman villas and contemporary architecture. Roma translates this emotion into living space by merging trendy colors, matte surfaces and velvet texture with images which capture the beauty of antique marble. +39 UK Uril i. Central Business Park. Rocnestec ME2 4LW ( n afYYM • <M I'kV ideaceramica ari%* tou^ how*
Open the catalog to page 11All IDEA CERAMICA catalogs and technical brochures
Pavimenti Dolomiti
1 Pages
Pavimenti Eternal Flame
1 Pages
Pavimenti Onici
1 Pages
Pavimenti River
1 Pages
4 Pages
13 Pages
Out & In
6 Pages
6 Pages
Collection EVERGREEN
6 Pages
Evergreen RIV.
6 Pages
6 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
The Stones
7 Pages
7 Pages
7 Pages
25 Pages
11 Pages
11 Pages
idea ceramica
75 Pages
+ 39 UK
107 Pages