Catalog excerpts
HAWAII PREPARATORY ACADEMY ENERGY LAB Project Room Kamuela. Hl LEED9 FOR SCHOOLI Pi Hufcor Oprable Partition is inslalled in the Energy Lab at Hawaii Preparalory Academy. The Energy I ab has been awarded PtaSnunvtevel LEED® tor Schools 2,0 certification, which is the highesl LEED taling a school building can receive trom Ihe US. Grcen BuUIng CounciL Locatcd on the island of Hawal, the Energy Lab is the lirst building in Hawaii lo acfceve LEED Platinum certification under Ihe IFFD for Schools 2.0 rabng System. The Hawaii Preparalory Academy is an independent coedueational school providing a lui range ol opportunits for studen驯s. The l FFD 11 eadership in Fnergy and Fnvironmental Design) building certification program is an ecology-orienled System which concentrtes ils efforts on improving performance across live key areas ot crwironmcntal and human hcalth: energy efficience indoor enviionmerital quafly. materials slection, sustainable site devetopment, and water savings, FLEXIBLE SPACE Ihe raw materials in Hufcor partitions, such as gypsum, steel, and glass. can contribute to the achievernenl ot LEED points in the appiopriate LEED category. Ihe Hufcor acoustically ratcd op⩩rable partition nstallcd in the Project Room easily crtes smaller and larger an>ounts ol space, as requled. Fach room is equipped tor videoconferencing, mdia and stereo sound. as well as a computer tor student woifc. LIVING BUILDING CHALLENGE The Energy Lab also is a participant in the Living Building Challenge (18C), a enteria tha exceeds LEED Platinum certification. The L8C is comprised ot seven performance areas; site, water, energy. health, materials. equity and beauty. Nolhing in the building can be toxic in production, use, or disposai. If successtul, Ihe Energy Lab wiil be tfie (iisl K-12 school lacilily in Ihe worid to mcet the I iving Building ChaBongo The Energy Lab at Hawaii Preparatory Academy rs a tacility where students feve鯩op su^tainablG living pfactices. iutcor oprable partitions can be easiy moved Into position wben needed, Builder: (luality Huilders. Inc. Waimcat Hl Archited: Hanshurg Archriects. Boston MA Hufcor Diriribulor: Walfc Engineering, Honolulu, Hl P O. 8ok 591. 2101 Konnody Rd Janosvillo, WI 53547. USA Phone:800-542 2371. Ext 214 608-/56,1341 ■ FAX 608758.8253 Email: ■ F-4311 If HUFCOR World Leader In Flexible Space Management
Open the catalog to page 1HUFCOR COMMITMENT TO GREEN MAN U PACTURINQ, S U STAINABILITY AND LEED" As a member ot Ihe U.S. Green Building Council, Hutcor recognzes Ihe importance ot innovation in sustainable design. Hulcor par tilions are manufactured wilh raw malehals such as gypsum, sied, alumnum, glass and wood. Specihcd pcrcentages ot thse malerials cari contribute lo Ihe achievernent o( LEED points in the Materials and Resources Category ot ttie LEED rating System. The matefials in Hutcor products can also contribute to Ihe achvement ot LEED points in the Indoor Environrnental Quality and Rgional Materiab...
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