

Catalog excerpts

Metropoli - 1

Home Srl Cucine Componibili Via III Settembre, 2 - 31030 Cison di Valmarino (TV) Italy - Tel. +39 0438 975155 - Fax +39 0438 975332-975584 - - - -

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Metropoli - 2

sommario summary_sommaire_ zusammenfassung_ zestawienie_coflep^aHMe

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Metropoli - 3

La cucina Metropoli e uno spazio in continuo divenire, adatto alla frenesia della quotidianita ma al tempo stesso agevole e da godere nei momenti di relax. The Metropoli kitchen is a constantly evolving space suitable for the frenzy of daily life but still making it easy to enjoy in those relaxing moments. La cuisine Metropoli est un espace continuelle-ment en evolution, qui convient a la frenesie de la vie quotidienne mais, en meme temps, confor-table et appreciable pour les moments de detente. Die Kuche Metropolis ist ein in standiger Evolution befindlicher Raum, geei-gnet fur die Hektik...

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Metropoli - 18

programma finiture programma finiture_ La nuova avanguardia dell'abitare. Fi nitu re34> finishes available. The new frontier in living solutions. programme finitions La nouvelle avant-garde de l'ameu-blement. program wykonczeniowy_ Nowa awangarda w twoim mieszkaniu. nporpaMMa OTfle^OK_ HoBoe aBaHrapflHoe pewem/ie Ann flOMa.

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Metropoli - 19

094 Snowy_ 094 Neigeux_ 094 Verschneit_ 094 Niveo_ 097 Fume_ 097 Fumer_ 097 Smoke 097 Fumo_ 098 Green marine_ 098 Vertmarine 098 Meer grün_ 098 Verdemarino 096 Petrol_ 096 Pétrole_ 096 Petrol 096 Petrolio_ 099 Argil_ 099 Argile_ 099 Lehm_ 099 Argilla_ Anta vetro Glass door_ Porte vitrée_ Glastür_ Drzwiczki szklane_

Open the catalog to page 19
Metropoli - 20

programma finiture Metropoli_01 Metropoli_04 Finiture: Petrolio, Niveo, Vetro Top: Marmo TE7 Finishes: Petrol, Snowy, Glass Top: Marble TE7 Finitions : Petrole, Neigeux, Verre Plan de travail : Marbre TE7 Ausfuhrungen: Petrol, Verschneit, Glas Abdeckplatte: Marmor TE7 Wykonczenia: Petrolio, Niveo, Szkto Blat: Marmur TE7 OTflenKa: He^Tb, CHexHWM, CTeKno CTonewm/mbi: MpaMop TE7 Finitions : Ocra Ausfuhrungen: Ocker Wykonczenia: Ocra OTflenKa: Oxpa Metropoli_02 Metropoli_05 Finitions : Ocra, Verre Ausfuhrungen: Ocker, Glas Wykonczenia: Ocra, Szkto OTflema: Oxpa, CTeKno Finitions : Fumer, Verre...

Open the catalog to page 20
Metropoli - 21

AD Marco Bortolin graphic design photo 3D print Grafiche Antiga Marzo 2013

Open the catalog to page 21

All Home srl catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Palù

    23 Pages

  2. Klee 23

    42 Pages

  3. Aura 22

    33 Pages

  4. Collection 21

    83 Pages

  5. Contea

    46 Pages

  6. Mela

    32 Pages

  7. Colormatt

    30 Pages

  8. Genesi

    30 Pages

  9. Lucenta

    34 Pages

  10. Lux

    26 Pages

  11. Olimpia

    55 Pages

  12. Polis

    46 Pages

  13. Quadrica

    27 Pages

  14. Reflexa

    21 Pages

  15. Regale

    21 Pages

  16. Simplicia

    43 Pages

  17. Gold Elite

    37 Pages

  18. Cantica

    27 Pages

  19. Cat Contea

    46 Pages