Catalog excerpts
MANNEQUINS MADE TO MEASURE H*ns Boodt mannequ*>s <*o be as individual as real doodc All tho elements that move up our cC'etlws are totally interchangeable so you can create cxecsci, the characters you want All Hans Boodt manneou ns share th« same u>*Que ONA mordt've Create. Outch. 'eoe ous and yCK*ng It'S our vison to use innovation and insolation to be tne authority m the shoo window manner*** world Our mission <S to bo the most dosirod mode to measure' mannequin comoany m the fashion world Creating characters is our soeoaty it's what wo love and what we do best _CUSTOM-DESIGN a mannequin...
Open the catalog to page 2Article number F7S06 StOl*COOc Hgh gloss while Finish: Pantooc warm gray 9C g'osi with make uo
Open the catalog to page 6IN A WORLD OF GLASS EVERYTHING IS TRANSPARENT Coz««*oo: W<XXIC<YOO<S ArtKSe numOCC HTF-02 FwWfc Glass
Open the catalog to page 9VELVET GLASS VIBRANT COLOR MIRROR MARBLE WARM GRAY GOLD Redefined luxury
Open the catalog to page 103D DESIGN PROCESS Driven by craftsmanship, powered by innovation 30 printing has revolutionized the way we work at Hans Ooodt At your request. Our expert artists create mannequins with an unprecedented level of quality >n a matter of days using 30 software and advanced modelling techniques Watch as your feccbac* *s .ncorporated m real and ou* custom-deveooed 30 Bmt*r$ bu W your creaion from the ground up.
Open the catalog to page 11MWnUOM Whafs the Sy-J <dea’ Set you' .mag naton «w Everything is possible now The lirst step m the dcs*gn process helps us agree with yoo on the direction to take Dong things digitally <s cleaner and au<kcr than clay but establishes the basic lorm in exactly the same way as traOtonal methods Add rg the fnai touches Prototyping on a SO printer k' The 30 printer Starts its work
Open the catalog to page 12Elegance and oo>se. Ono of the signature cOkjctweos of ou' Premium label. the Studo Cd'octon. orcscots your Oeugns the way you want them to be seen oe-fectfy W,-h soft shou'dcrs. hoe w*s and a rysge of DMutAil features Featuring Defect style ana grace. tho StuOo collection is confront yet soobstoatcd. gentle but strong Both males end females am focused on Ngh feshoo eoo together they create a oerfect balance neat to each other
Open the catalog to page 14EHflinceWoOrt* One of the signature collections of our iab<H. the Studio co/reci-on. orcscnts yoo' devgns the way you want them to be seen perfectly With soft Vou’Oo'i fme w*s and a range of beautiful features Featuring perfect style and grace, the Studio collection is confident yet sophisticated, gentle but strong Both males and females aro focused on Ngh fashion and together they create a perfeet balance ne-t to each other
Open the catalog to page 16LIBRA Charming. so©h<st reined are iust a * keywords that coi star sign libra 8a harmony rule th-s Libra coBectioo >s (o' couture :h their cerlec: S'?mg. y ensure any garment looks amajing. The >chable magnetic legs •^ogmg. hydraulic base these manneouins very easy to work With Pantone warm gray 9c gloss ^ Wired OOW chrome
Open the catalog to page 17SOMETIMES ~l£- Collection: Fantasy number F400VHG Stockcolor High g'oss whtc I Customized | Finish: Panton^^l gray 9c gV>ss ^ £* **• <**»* hi os and knees: Pantone warm gray 9C flock COIcclOn: Fantasy
Open the catalog to page 19RELAX Collect on: Fm-sh-Flo< arms: Wooden harxis: B’cod V* Casual Pjntono warm gray 9c motto Pan tort<* warm gray 9c motto Pantone warm gray 9C wash
Open the catalog to page 20Collection: Wonderwood Article number: HTF-02/fBR Stockcolor; Whie cotton I Customized I Fob-* tmish body and head Pan,one warm gray 9C Wooden arms; Pan,one warm gray 9C ma„e Collection: Wonderwood
Open the catalog to page 25THE MANNEQUIN MAKERS At Hons Boca/ Monneouins we strive for ti>e i>cst ooss/bfc woy of working. Wo Jove mannequins but we love reaipeodc even mere- Wo react oo&ty. Oe*ver anytime anywhere. t*w+ * tou<yn ana outsoe the do* But most of an we want to know our c'ents So don't hesitate to contact us ^oQhonsboootcom focebookco'«fr*nSbooaimdnr*qwns
Open the catalog to page 27DRIVEN-BY CRAFTSMANSHIP, ' POWERED BY INNOVATION.' IMsicoOuwertefc CSOana owner Hens BoodManneQuinsJ ' ROTTERDAM': BARCE MEXICO I MIL
Open the catalog to page 28All HANS BOODT MANNEQUINS catalogs and technical brochures
42 Pages
Tailored Magazine
9 Pages
Blend Magazine
21 Pages
Hans Boodt Premium Magazine #9
57 Pages
Hans Boodt Magazine #8.1
148 Pages