Catalog excerpts

RG-50 Vegetable Preparation Machine • lices, dices, shreds, grates, S cuts julienne and crimping slices. • rocesses fruit, vegetables, P dry bread, cheese, nuts, mushrooms, etc. • able top machine made for T smaller kitchens. • rocesses up to 80 portions/ P day and 2 kg/minute. Vegetable Preparation Machine Food Preparation Machines Made in Sweden
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Highest possible reliability RG-50 is the most compact vegetable preparation machine from HALLDE. It is developed to suite smaller kitchens and the compact design makes RG-50 easy to put away and bring back when needed. The machine is a table top and can be used directly on the kitchen workbench. RG-50 pusher plate is swung up in a bow shape angle. This together with the low height makes for a better working posture. The powerful motor has a high starting and running torque and powers the cutting tool via a self tensioning belt. The motor speed is geared down which makes the RG-50 an...
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Top quality cutting tools for any cut and optimal results RG-50 Cutting Tool Guide Slicer 1, 2, 4, 6 mm. * 0.5, 1.5, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 mm. Crimping Slicer • lices firm and soft products, such as root vegetables, S onion, leek, cucumber, tomato, apple, citrus fruit, mushrooms, etc. • hreds lettuce and cabbage. S • or ripple slicing of beetroot, cucumber, carrots, etc. F • akes julienne potatoes and carrots for soups, cucumber M for salads, etc. • Julienne potatoes to curved French fries. • rates carrots and cabbage for raw salad. G • rates nut, almonds and dry bread. G • Grates cheese...
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RG-50 Vegetable Preparation Machine • Large half moon shaped feed cylinder that can take most items whole. • Compact table top model that takes up little space but is in spite of its size a very flexible machine. RG-50 can do what HALLDE’s larger machines do with the same good quality. • Easy piling of tomatoes, onions, bell peppers etc. for oriented slicing. • Self tensioning and geared belt driven motor gives a high torque. • Machine base is completely in ABS-plastic and holds for rough handling. • 42 cutting tools. Machine • otor: 1.0 kW. One-speed. 120 V, single phase, 60 Hz. M 220-240...
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RG-200 2015
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