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texture modified food Good food in the care of the elderly
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texture modified food Good food in the care of the elderly
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Preparation of texture modified food
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Life expectancy and the average age are increasing. A growing number of people require assistance in the form of texture modified food. Food and meals are important – not just to satisfy the need of nutrition and energy but also to experience quality of life. Aging increases the risk off illness and malnutrition. It is therefore important that the meals served within the care of the elderly are of high quality and adapted to the needs, habits and preferences of the elderly themselves. HALLDE has produced advice and hints on how HALLDE machines and equipment can be used in the preparation of...
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Aging increases the risk of illness and malnu trition. It is there fore important that the meals served within the care of the elderly are of high quality and safety – and that they are adapted to the needs, habits and preferences of the elderly them selves. The food texture scale – p. 9 The Food Texture Scale Many elderly persons in care need texture modified food because of difficulties in chewing and swallowing. The various textures are explained in the Food Texture Scale and are divided into groups as follows: Whole and cut up refers to food of normal texture that is cut up on the...
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Coarse paté Beredning av konsistensanpassad mat The enjoyment of the meal is enhanced if its various components can be experienced separately – with regard to appearance, taste and feel. It is important that this is taken into account when preparing texture modified food. For example, when serving chicken fillet, mashed potatoes, cream sauce and green peas – the texture modified menu could be: chicken timbale, mashed potatoes, cream sauce and puréed peas. This texture is characterised by being soft and slippery, which makes it easy to eat even for those with severe difficulty in swallowing....
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As a care worker it is impor tant to be aware of the differences between various nu tritional beverages and multiple micro nutrient powders – when they should be used and how they should be served and added. Give priority to nutritional bevera ges that are nutrient dense since this makes it easier for the elderly to reach their daily require ments. Nutritional beverages and multiple micronutrient powders – p. 13 Nutritional beverages and multiple micronutrient powders When the need of nutrients and energy cannot be satisfied through the normal diet, nutritional beverages are a...
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Regardless of whether you work in a large or small kitchen you should choose a machine that processes quickly – in order to be able to grind foods without them becoming warm. This facilitates food preparation and preserves the fla vours and nutrients in the food. Choose the right machine for the kitchen – p. 15 Choose the right machine for the kitchen HALLDE has a number of machines that are adapted for use in the care of the elderly and health care. Your choice of machine is important. Not just to be able to work quickly and efficiently in the kitchen but primarily to be able to preserve...
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p. 16 – Choose the right machine for the kitchen Choose the right machine for the kitchen – p. 17 Many elderly people experience that food tastes differently than it did before, or has no taste at all. In most cases, this is due to the fact that the aging process involves changes in the sense of smell and taste. Good, properly prepared food with varied composition creates the right basic conditions to ensure the food is eaten. What are you preparing today? Hallde machines create the right conditions for a successful result What are you preparing today? A good choice of machine HALLDE...
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p. 18 – Choose the right machine for the kitchen Read more about HALLDE Vertical Cutter/Blenders and download a brochure. Hallde Vertical Cutter/Blender HALLDE has developed Vertical Cutter/Blenders that are adapted to the requirements of preparing texture modified food. HALLDE’s Vertical Cutter/Blender programme covers six models with a capacity of 3–6 litres gross volume. All models can process cooked and raw ingredients without the need for adding any liquid at all. This means that the taste, nutritional content and energy density are fully retained during the preparation process. HALLDE...
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Choose the right machine for the kitchen – p. 21 p. 20 – Choose the right machine for the kitchen Read more about HALLDE Combi Cutters and download a brochure. Hallde Combi Cutter HALLDE Combi Cutters are a combination of Vegetable Prepa a r tion Machine and Vertical Cutter/Blender in the same machine. The Combi Cutter offers the combined benefits of the Vertical Cutter/Blender and Vegetable Preparation Machine – which makes it ideal for preparing texture modified food. The machine works in the same way as a HALLDE Vertical Cutter/Blender, with specially designed knives and scraper...
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In order to prepare food that is good, well com posed and meets nutritional recom mendations, an organisation should have access to per sonnel with good dietary knowhow and skills. Such duties are often per formed by a trained administrative dieti cian, a dietician or diet consultant. Plan good food and select foodstuffs – p. 23 Plan good food and select foodstuffs When planning food within the care of the elderly it is important to bear in mind that the persons eating the food have had many years in which to discover the flavours and dishes they like. Habits and taste preferences are...
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Beredning av good food and selectmat p. 24 – Plan konsistensanpassad foodstuffs Most vegetables contain important fibre, vitamins and minerals. At the same time they provide little energy because they contain a great deal of water. Vegetables should be included in both lunch and dinner meals but in small amounts. Boiled vegetables are easier to chew than raw ones and can be energy enriched and made easier to chew with the aid of a little dietary fat or by stewing them. Raw vegetables and salads can be cut into small pieces or finely shred and enriched with an oil dressing. A HALLDE...
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