Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 3SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 4SURFACE DESIGN Hafenterminal der Reederei Frisia auf Norderney
Open the catalog to page 5Beton SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 6Beton Ladenbau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 7SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 8Beton Ladenbau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 9Beton SURFACE DESIGN Show-Küche – Ausstellung in Shenzhen, China 8
Open the catalog to page 10Beton · Rost Ladenbau · Gastronomie SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 11imi-beton Vintage | Messe- Ladenbau
Open the catalog to page 12Messe Essen, Halle 6 - Snack-Point Bauherr: Messe Essen Architekt: Ulrich Krautwald Architekten, Essen, 2018
Open the catalog to page 13SURFACE DESIGN Ladenbau · Möbelbau
Open the catalog to page 14Ladenbau · Möbelbau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 15SURFACE DESIGN Ladenlokal Beckmann-Schmuck in Rheine 14 Ladenbau · Wandgestaltung
Open the catalog to page 16Ladenbau · Wandgestaltung SURFACE DESIGN Säulenverkleidung mit imi-beton Matte
Open the catalog to page 17SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 18Messestand der Firma Falke auf der ISPO 2017 in Munchen
Open the catalog to page 19SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 20Gastronomie- Hoteleinrichtung SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 21Beton SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 22Messebau ·Ausstellung SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 23imi-beton vintage SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 24SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 25SURFACE DESIGN Messe- Ladenbau
Open the catalog to page 26Messe- Ladenbau
Open the catalog to page 27SURFACE DESIGN Messe- Ladenbau Architektur: trojanworks, Foto: Carsten Trojan
Open the catalog to page 28SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 29imi-beton Plus | Konferenzraum SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 30SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 31SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 32SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 33SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 34SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 35SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 36SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 37SURFACE DESIGN Beton Buroeinrichtung
Open the catalog to page 38SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 39SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 40Büroeinrichtung · Akustik SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 41SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 42SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 43SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 44Büroeinrichtung · Ladenbau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 45SURFACE DESIGN Privater Innenausbau
Open the catalog to page 46Privater Innenausbau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 47SURFACE DESIGN Privater Innenausbau
Open the catalog to page 48Privater Innenausbau · Möbelbau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 49SURFACE DESIGN Privater Innenausbau
Open the catalog to page 50Privater Innenausbau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 51SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 52imi-beton | Küche SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 53SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 54SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 55SURFACE DESIGN Beton Kucheneinrichtung
Open the catalog to page 56SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 57SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 58imi-beton vintage, imi-rost glatt | Badezimmer SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 59SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 60SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 61SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 62SURFACE DESIGN S T S Stefan Schmitz GmbH & Co. KG
Open the catalog to page 63SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 64imi-beton | Fußboden SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 65Beton SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 66Messebau · Fußboden SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 67Asphalt SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 68Beton · Asphalt Doppelboden · Fußboden · Messebau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 69Beton SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 70Beton Treppe SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 71imi-beton Outdoor SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 72SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 73SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 74Gartengestaltung · Eingangsportal SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 75imi-beton Fassade
Open the catalog to page 77SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 78Beton Fassade SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 79Beton Fassade SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 81SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 82SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 83Rost Gastronomieeinrichtung
Open the catalog to page 84SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 85imi-rost tief | Badeinrichtung SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 86SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 87SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 88Privater Innenausbau
Open the catalog to page 89SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 90SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 91SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 92SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 93imi-rost tief | Gastronomie
Open the catalog to page 94SURFACE DESIGN Mobelbau • Gastronomieeinrichtung
Open the catalog to page 96Ladenbau · Raumteiler SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 97Kupfer SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 98Kupfer Gastronomie SURFACE DESIGN Bilder: ©Dittel Architekten GmbH
Open the catalog to page 99imi-metal Messing | Hotel- Veranstaltungsgebäude
Open the catalog to page 100HolidayInn Osnabrück, Fotos: Joachim Grothus
Open the catalog to page 101SURFACE DESIGN HolidayInn Osnabruck, Foto: Joachim Grothus
Open the catalog to page 102Stahl Hoteleinrichtung HolidayInn Osnabruck, Foto: Joachim Grothus
Open the catalog to page 103SURFACE DESIGN StahlHoteleinrichtung ■ X'WjV.' '■'X'X'X'K 'In* ‘X: • 1 :SSv!v:-!
Open the catalog to page 104Messebau • Ausstellung '
Open the catalog to page 105imi-altholz sonnig rustikal | private Jagdhütte SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 106Altholz SURFACE DESIGN imi-altholz dunkel-gehackt | Marstallcenter Ludwigsburg
Open the catalog to page 108Altholz SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 110Privater Innenausbau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 111SURFACE DESIGN Event- Ladenbau · Küche
Open the catalog to page 112SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 113SURFACE DESIGN Möbelbau · Privater Innenausbau
Open the catalog to page 114Privater Innenausbau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 115imi-monyt Steinpaneel SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 116SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 117Steinpaneele SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 118Steinpaneele Privater Innenausbau SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 119SURFACE DESIGN Steinpaneele Messebau
Open the catalog to page 120Steinpaneele Messebau SURFACE DESIGN Swissbau Design Award 2014, Bronze in der Kategorie Standbauten über 80 m2. Walter Meier Klima Schweiz AG Fotograf Stefan Schmidlin
Open the catalog to page 121Steinpaneele SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 122SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page SURFACE DESIGN
Open the catalog to page 124All H. Schubert GmbH - imi surface design catalogs and technical brochures
imi-wave flyer
2 Pages
17 Pages
imi-beton Matte
4 Pages
Beton original imitation
6 Pages
4 Pages