Catalog excerpts

Person photo: Getty Images DOOR TECHNOLOGY Paving the way to freedom of movement and safety – the motor-driven shoot-bolt lock
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Exclusion of liability The information provided in this publication consists of product descriptions. This is general information based on our experience and tests and therefore does not take any specific application into account. No claims for compensation can be made on the basis of the product descriptions. Although we have made every attempt to ensure the information provided here is accurate, it is non-binding. It should be adapted to the respective construction projects, usage and specific on-site demands. The publication has been compiled to the best of our knowledge. The...
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Solutions for barrier freedom must also reflect the exacting security requirements to be met in public buildings. The motor-driven shoot-bolt lock in conjunction with automatic swing-door drives is particularly suitable for use on double-leaf doors. From a single source: GU offers solutions using products that are harmonised to complement each other perfectly. Such systems are typically used in buildings where external doors must be securely locked at particular times or at all times while allowing barrier-free and convenient access and also functioning as an escape route. This includes...
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The narrow stile door lock features a particularly fast-acting motor and performs three functions: motor-driven movement of the lower and upper locking rods, (if required) a permanently-open function for the daily pass-through operation and finally the electric strike function which holds the passive leaf closed and only allows the active leaf to open.
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Benefits of the motor-driven shoot-bolt lock at a glance Security: locking elements at top and bottom. Optionally available in conjunction with a multi-point lock Comfort: fast motor = quick unlocking Efficiency: fast installation – only one milling required for the lock pocket Costs: no power supply required for the active leaf = no wiring Flexibility: one leaf of a double-leaf door can be used without motor lock or electric strike GU І WP00325-04-2-2 І
Open the catalog to page 5
Double-leaf doors in escape and rescue routes Components - passive leaf [l B-1893 / B-1993 motor-driven shoot-bolt lock Components - active leaf [2 The motor-driven shoot-bolt lock can be combined with Manually locking locking systems - Panic locks - Series 18 Self-locking locking systems - Panic locks - Series 19 - Multi-point locks - SECURY Series 19 Other components ^3 DTR-2 swing-door drive ^4 Hardware for emergency exit devices in accordance with EN 179 - Lever handle - Hardware for panic exit devices in accordance with EN 1125 - Push bars or touch bars ^5 Safety sensors...
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Possible combinations Lock versions for passive and active leaf Motor-driven shoot-bolt lock The motor-driven shoot-bolt lock B-1893 / B-1993 is approved to EN 179 / EN 1125 and EN 14846. It can be used for fire protection doors and is suitable for barrier-free construction in compliance with DIN 18040. No motor-driven lock or electric strike is required to open the active leaf; only a standard panic lock is needed. The motor-driven shoot-bolt lock can be combined with the BKS lock Series 18, 19 and SECURY 19. The motor-driven shoot-bolt lock offers enhanced security owing to the locking...
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Functional description Double-leaf escape doors fitted with swing-door drives and a motor-driven shoot-bolt lock Active leaf - Open The active leaf unlocks and opens automatically. The passive leaf remains locked. Automatic – 1-leaf Active leaf – Permanently open The active leaf is permanently open. The passive leaf remains locked. Permanently open – 1-leaf Active leaf and passive leaf – Open The active and passive leaves are unlocked. Both leaves open automatically. Once the set hold-open time has elapsed, the passive leaf closes first, followed by the active leaf, providing nobody is...
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Swing-door drive for double-leaf doors DTR-2 / DTR B-2 Convincing in detail: ■ Adjustable wind pressure function ■ Integrated mechanical closing sequence control for double-leaf systems Accessibility and comfort even for noise-sensitive areas For controlled opening without effort. Doors can be equipped in a very flexible manner with the DTR-2 / DTR B-2 swing door drive from the GU Group. The motor lock control unit and the power supply unit can be integrated into the swing-door drive. Fig.: Push-open version with slide rail Fig.: Push-open version with scissor-action arm Fig.: Pull-open...
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B-1893 motor-driven shoot-bolt lock Can be combined with the manually locking panic locks from Series 18. Accessories (please order separately) ■ Motor lock control unit ■ Connecting cable ■ Passive-leaf control lock ■ Verti cal rods ■ Guide plates for vertical rod ■ Fl oor strikers Optional: ■ Power supply unit (24 V DC / 4.2 A) ■ Emergency power backup system (fire protection) ■ Ma nual programme switch B-1993 motor-driven shoot-bolt lock Can be combined with the self-locking panic locks and multi-point locks from Series 19. Accessories (please order separately) ■ Motor lock control...
Open the catalog to page 10
Order information Locks / multi-point locks and other components All ordering information required for equipping a double-leaf narrow stile door with motor-driven shoot-bolt lock can be found in the ordering documentation listed below. DOOR TECHNOLOGY – PLANNING GUIDE AND ORDER CATALOGUE DOOR AND WINDOW TECHNOLOGY – DESIGN HANDBOOK AND CATALOGUE System solutions for narrow stile doors Door hardware and handles for windows and sliding elements Edition 05/2015 Modern door solutions Edition 09/2015 Hardware for escape doors to EN 1125 Hardware for project doors to DIN EN 1906 / EN 179 Lock and...
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Open the catalog to page 12All Gretsch-Unitas catalogs and technical brochures
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