Giara Catalogue


Catalog excerpts

Giara Catalogue - 2

L arte della fusioue del Bronzo esiste mil a nostra valle da circa quattromila anni. Recent i indagini archeologicbe condone in tin piccolo abitato in media / idle Sabbia stdla Coma Nibbia mostrano tracce di starnpi in terracotta, scorie di fusione di bronzo e manufatti che testimoniano Tantica tradizione mctallurgica risalente al 1.800 AC E'possibile ammirare questi preziosi reperti al Museo Arcbeologico della Valle Sabbia in Gavardo inti tola to T.'uotno e il metallo net secoli " Oggi Giara Art Design e orgogliosa di poter continnate la produzione di preziosi ogget/i nei luogbi in cut...

Open the catalog to page 2
Giara Catalogue - 3

ht collezione Giara e frutto di una profonda ricerca neg/i stili che hanno caratterizzato le tarie epoche dell’arte e del/'architettura. I nostri prodotti sono realizzati in lega BRITANNWM e BRONZO, prestigiosi met alii di origins' medioevali, e vengono fiisi e lavorati manualmente net rispetto delle antiche tradizioni artigianali della nostra voile. In carat teristica del nostro prodot to, frutto di pluriennale esperienza uel settore, 6 di esserc proposto in finitura nuturale non veruiciato secondo nor me amhientali ed eco/ogiche attuali. the Grata Collection is the result of 'an in depth...

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Giara Catalogue - 5

Accessori per Porte Accessories for Doors

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Giara Catalogue - 8

M91-RI2II I Brume H.M = 33 H.min *» 20 M491-I28 \ Brouie H.tot = 39 H.min =23 AU91-30S \ Brume

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Giara Catalogue - 11

->'*r2v''.: ittm - "_?—S3 ■ ,%- + ■ -- ■ :r£T*L! ' : **tir ... , -< t ** *' ( v X * "■ c Ij -

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Giara Catalogue - 12

MI-PI ' Briiiinnit/w MI-HI ! liriliiiiniuin Ml-DK ilriitiuumm

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Giara Catalogue - 13

Urt fiore, art giglify simholo elegante e raffumto delta rultura e aell'artigfanatd parent ini unto net tnediaevo e setnfire alt Hale net tempo. Tin- Flwetttitu h'lelir dc lit is the symbol of elegance associated with Florentine culture da tin!' back to tbt Middle Ages. ^

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Giara Catalogue - 14

\Hrri,n/’iiun/\ Uran:t Emiture - Finisbhigt

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Giara Catalogue - 17

U/egrf/ite c sobriu, la forma ovale e a Jaffa per ambient i -Jove preralffmu llnee mo!to : .. \ . . classiehe, ■ - Complement!/ per /fuahiasi ■. . . ■ ; ' . - ■ tipu di par!si ton diteguo J ’ 1 * * *' ' ■ with ctsissica! Hues. ’ - ’ ‘ . ' ; Complements all types of • - ■ doors with clean and linear ‘. design.

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Giara Catalogue - 19

Eltgan te e ifibrin, la forma ovale e adatta per nmbknti Jure preraigono Unit motto dcmithe. Complements per quatsiasi tipo di porta con disegno pulito £ Harare. Elegant and di it ha the, the oval shapes is suitedfor Adones with cLifSlept lines. CutuptemeMi all types of doors with clean and linear design.

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Giara Catalogue - 20

flriiiiuiimnr llroiiit tlrihnmium iSramt Fmi tare - Finishings NR A7, Vi WR AS AI OPW BLK RRI

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Giara Catalogue - 21

Stilt tuedieoevale, cfiteiUt atchittUura e Ptspressione Ideigrandi spmi promt verso

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Giara Catalogue - 22

Standard 85 mm - AHrc misura a richiosta B5 mm standard - Other sizes available m Standard 5Vi ,l(140 mm) - Allre misure a richiesta 5 Vfe ■ standard * Older sizes available Finiture - Finishing!

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Giara Catalogue - 23

lilil!’- v ' IVv.V-' CC\ V*VVVv\ *W'. * '> <hrj,/F- ' t !* ■■ * - „ - " < ****.' .* ^f**i * -* a**-<

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Giara Catalogue - 24

* Standard 35 mm - Altre mi sure a richiesla 65 mm standard - Other sizes available

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Giara Catalogue - 26

■ttn'igpm/irtl Bronzy Finiture - Finishings

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Giara Catalogue - 27

La forma dci met alio Jifasnxito, nat urate tow? la roceia, helia come unit seultura. l be thafic of melted metal, natural like a rock, beautiful like a tculpHire.

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Giara Catalogue - 29

Forma i rmfit intla fatten te n tat a fin tint periods Mtdiaeride pit Oggftti tii USft if uut i di tittu e per itnpugualu re di spade. Traditional shape used state the middle ages for everyday me andfor handles of:suvrds.

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Giara Catalogue - 30

Mt5~230 H.tot = 60 lit} . ISritnmii/iiH Binitare - Finishing^ WB AS AI OPW

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Giara Catalogue - 31

Forma tradiiionalmente utata fin dal period a medioevale per oggetli di mo if no t id i c per impugna ture di spade. Traditional shape used since the middle ages for everyday use and for handles ofsnords-

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Giara Catalogue - 39

britakxium h' esprestione della cult urn d'aVangnardin Iiher a e ipregfuditdta del perindu. Qiteffii itile predrlige r trutferifili naturaU e accentua ii ruofo dell*OrtigLmato con produtioui limit ate. In Engl and the mu in proponent of this art form was William Morris whose work aroused the complete renewal of the forms of this decorative design. This style with 11 preference for the natural materials accentuates the handcrafted designs.

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Giara Catalogue - 41

Da taut forma nut urate cbe la nanwa ft off re da mhjlktia h'rom a natural thuja: (bat nature gave us millions of yean ago...

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Giara Catalogue - 44

Finitiirt - Finishings NB AZ VI WB AS

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Giara Catalogue - 46

Rnliiiiniiirri RrOHlTi Fmiture - Finishings AfJS AZ VI VVB AS A1 OPIV BLK Bill

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Giara Catalogue - 48

Pitiitlire - Finishing. NR AZ VI WR AS AI

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Giara Catalogue - 51

>M •■ * i l<f'* i t| ■: | HlJUIH' t*> i' -Mnipiti) i ■ ■ i(t [ } h i. 1 Tji ii - ;;%;;:«;«* %? * - ■ M MM - * * " * i *.* * ’I * | 4 - * i * fflttfi MP * - rrfM I <*■

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Giara Catalogue - 54

MI2-KA63 Finiture - Finishings NR AZ VI WR AS

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Giara Catalogue - 55

PA^ify >■ ■ • j %*k» *;?'1 *Jftl V?r*; j; fi -* iv

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Giara Catalogue - 57

*p*i££?Ic^ mmgm! ■ iM.»> ttHfbhh mAm

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Giara Catalogue - 60

Standard 85 mm - Altre misure a nchiesta 85 mm standard - Other sizes available * Standard 5 Vi "(140 mm) - Altre misure a richiesta 5 V411standard - Other sizes available

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Giara Catalogue - 62

Alpine ALP30W-MLQ2-50 (Mortise Lodk) llrrMttr Finiture - Finishings

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Giara Catalogue - 64

SU)2 SL02/FC |llTittiiittiiim H.tot = 7 Bmwfl H.lai = 4,5 BOl/hC KJR02 SL12-KI1 f Bnmic H.tol = 11 0 fora pafla = 48 Fmiture - Fmis kings NB AZ VI WB smm^j AI OPJV BLK HR I o „ fc>

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Giara Catalogue - 65

*> - :; '*;*,*' .■**ni»• • *;*2* -»•» ,»«• -r« fir* *1 rtir. V ’*•* -w . IWip ift **'■ • •«* v’*r» 17

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Giara Catalogue - 68

Fitiitore - Finishings

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Giara Catalogue - 71

AccessoryBRONZOt . — ~ - - ' F \ I I ' '

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Giara Catalogue - 73

Maniglioni ed Accessori per Mobili Pulls and Accessories for Furnitures

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Giara Catalogue - 74

Finitute - Finish ings NR A7, Vi WR AS Al OFJV BLR BRI

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Giara Catalogue - 75

r# f * »■ * j “““l —• C-* •■* ** gj|Sj * *■ - - " '

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