Catalog excerpts
norhing more, norhing less JoH 6 me oeanon cf a beiQen company Gnetfere industries DvOa smee «G eerig essence in 1996. Jcn nas been speoaised il marufduring rncfoi and siairtess sreei forniure and criais of niQn quaitg foi me refaJ and ^noiesaies markef Joli manufactures rbles ans cna*s sar^yng me conremporary fendenoes m me fieid or dessin marenai rype ans sraWity jc*i ofeis 3(50 raiioKndde jote on cusiomeis leouesr Tne dive^eni enaraefer or ne dtfierer* iin䢉nngs a snarp eye for detai and me companys vson ror recerf deveioprnens and noveiftes nas nircMed ro me no mar joi» can ofer nmeiess...
Open the catalog to page 2adein Belgium □r wnen licornes toJol promues, ne trader» Beigium" labeishouid be ra*en «efaiiu > Dur producteurs O^feBeigan inlennsof ouaiiiucnd manufacture * Ali :aw ma feraiswlioutexception areof eufopeanquaify T ne \tfiole mantf acluring pcocess up to toe nnshed producr rates piacem Beigiun ■ we ahvays guarantee tos\detvery and affer-saies service loli doesnt lice (Te detachon befween rtdoor and oudoor rurmure Due to comprenerewe runchonalty and otcjmal design, our furnlure inositepecebominctton and oUdoon ts cfejrabE qualitܩs ensure mot il 6 ey te mainram and capabfe or wiretandmg...
Open the catalog to page 3new matenai 3 m IC new materidi WhaMsMatilux? MMux g etfje cieer glass rfiat ftas sr» ad-etcfted top tn^dndscobredonrneunde^ide Advantages: N o more gre«y ingers. Noreflethon initie suri No^blesaakhes.olmcetscrolch'free Feefe soit an d warm, The coat of paru on fhe u ndes仯Je is Baked r*o lh e Qfess and g saatch-free: The g -=65 e erope*ed. N o green or bije effecton the edQe of ihe glass ~ ^ - ij ■ icti'il olt. ■ij^fi-jj' b ijt: j jir-t il i_ WhaNs Ceiamlc? cﮩrame consets or mnerais fia* are pressed togeffierundahifi pressure dnd^h^iremperanjfe !觮flGOflC|tofo*mave*y...
Open the catalog to page 4_(faifcHiyc^- W\Ml r>yctoti I0O 100^9 m bi* fta-*>P». rM**^«fTrrio BlkTOdS «M t4jt MiOP. /urt*. oa =m o -, aM B> B0x75 «M t4i* *xy*>*X rnt*-K or tna Ofr &x*x>< WcrfWc IS0150*75 aTaM 07 Qii;iiMiM«iWi tfffM 04 OkCir^dr^V**- 11 1 ' 1 ■ ..." tj**Krm>fK suftaoriano BOC9H75 Ci< »*C>P* /«rt* O afflCS 200* 100x73 tM Cl* **X"*>W- r***t_f or-m o «00x73 tM 12. uOxudrifGratK 250x100x75 Md 13. euovfdra^wc 300x100x75 atM 01 BixnfrtNraft DQAMS reAMttfljesK)rc,HP. 130x40x45 -» « '1 J-aKﻏ rYXdOaittx **x, HP. 04 EkcroiCoVk 200x40-45 LtaM rtX^SteJAjtSttrK.HP*. 05 OucrotKi-ﯯJ* aao* M-"*. **wi *»A...
Open the catalog to page 7DDBDBB I lililiiiiiliiii! A I ? iJ T 7 U ﯯ -7fi II litiffi »5sSaSaaS»SS*"*fi 414444UA4AUV4 * » * a * a i » » a i » 1El1ElLCL 1CL 1U&EL KHH! mm \\\ iiii i S ■ 3 88888880D 000000000000
Open the catalog to page 1701.*.Vv' C» - i - , 1 11 12. ^ 13. Wcc 14 *ra v> ci» en rg rate nui » nul r». i. -۩ GXBOtTS I0OX10OX7S aoovioax?? ?S0* 100X75 il..,ni- ttj trafic. &j>i ۜw ahj MX3 a*tt* Ej fE^VC «QXf 0>Xr Cɩj ttOMl a*CM ii r «I» .mi*: p ■ * «uhwnr spartes . I . '0_ ivtf t.■ 200*3 CM 5 -ri r-^Ll-1- 550*40*45 CA ixaot te» wm&anDooi
Open the catalog to page 19MflM 0 *torvrb«itiftf 13. /4w □ EBS*u*6S5 Õ«■s■c.'j -ico tki cc<.pntav*c 210*69 «50 10a4x«5 10x40x785 p*u vtftv t*xw Il 3ۯVU*Wxr*cuXe 705X705X5 la<Xj*mt**v& 40* 40 x« KL <U*i o^x»ml»»Mxr> MMi
Open the catalog to page 26OS.J.^Ut.LVVI 70x60x315 140x69x4 S 10 » 69**5 210x60*45 xft>3 il iXrtTV» rc* rai H ?*C*03*| 1*0*09 rd. p xoartfn 01) la at OTofcwdKomf SUS«30a 14 50x30 x 14 sas. t5*10 40*40* 15 wUri u J ilmjlJ* stages t-rt:<T*? ^itT3^- ^r*r
Open the catalog to page 3131 c*>«lCfc*>. wyr ICO H lOfttSoii zr»j l^^jj
Open the catalog to page 33All Ghekiere Industries catalogs and technical brochures
Joli indoor/outdoor 2020
88 Pages
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indoor catalogue
60 Pages