Company Brochure
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Company Brochure - 2

By having the confidence to follow our own path >

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Company Brochure - 3

Simplicity out of complexity has been our goal since our founding. The more sophisticated our know-how, the smoother our business processes. And the more advanced our capabilities, the simpler our sanitary systems are to install and operate. The result is ever-improving standards of quality and performance. >

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Company Brochure - 4

Geberit is European leader in sanitarytechnology.This is no accident. By applying ourknowledge to find ways to make improvements, we create innovationsthat optimize synergy and perfor-mance throughout the entire system.This is what we mean when we sayKnow-How Installed.But theres more to Geberit than ourproducts. Indeed, Know-How Installed is an appropriate description of thecompany as a whole. We provide a challenging working environment thatinspires and nourishes the personal andprofessional development of our staff. And as a knowledge-based organization,we have built up an ever-expanding...

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The companyҒs success in the sanitary industry is not down to one individual, but to all 5,400 employees in our worldwide network of over 60 companies and offices.Integration is a key element of our sanitary systems. The synergy created by a sequence of outstanding individual products ensures our systems outperformtheir contemporaries on many levels. All the way from installation, to their overalloperating lifetimes, Geberit sanitary systems deliver unrivalled performance interms of flexibility, efficiency and reliability. >

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Our key strength is the ability to optimizethe complete picture the entire sanitarysystem as opposed to just individual products. This is a philosophy that wecall ֑integration thinking. And it can alsobe described in terms of our ability to integrate many varied skills towards oneclearly defined goal. Take our project team concept, whichhas been behind all new product development over the past many years. Consisting of engineers, production andmarketing specialists, materials experts,etc., project teams allow us to bring together various forms of specialist know-how. Working this way makes...

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We think of our products as our family.In essence, they are. They are the resultof our cooperation and hard work, the things in which we take most pride. Like any family, they share the samefundamental characteristics: they are allthoroughly thought-out components thatexploit the latest in sanitary technology to deliver unsurpassed reliability, flexibilityand efficiency. And, like any family, theyalso have their own unique qualities. In total, our product range comprisesseven lines, designed to fit together incomplete solutions for both residentialand non-residential installations:...

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Before they are approved for production,we put our flushing mechanisms throughextensive endurance tests. In total, designs undergo up to a million test-runs.We do this to prove their undeniable reliability. But above all we do it to ensurethey live up to our own expectations.Predictability and reliability are of vastimportance in our industry. Faultlesssanitary systems are something end-users should be able to take for granted.Therefore its not only the flushing mechanisms that we put through theirpaces, we subject everything we design and manufacture to the strictest endurance and quality...

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Chaos Theory, also known as the butterfly effect, originated in1960 when a meteorology student theorized that the smallest, seemingly meaningless actioncould have a massive impact on weather patterns in other parts of the world. In simple terms, Chaos Theory states that no action is without consequence Җ a definition that fits Geberits approach to innovation perfectly. At all stages in thedevelopment process we challenge ourselves to find ways to make improve-ments. No matter how small. Because we know that even a small improvementwill produce an extraordinary effect when installed in an...

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To us, innovation is more than just a good idea. It is one that is capable of delivering its benefit time and time again. And we know how to employinnovative technology to prove it. Weowe a great deal to computer bytes,sound waves and millions of air and water particles in our test laboratories. Because they make it possible for us to test innovative designs to the extremebefore they go into production. More than 30 years ago we pioneeredthe use of simulation technology in ourindustry, by adopting techniques that had proven immensely successful inother industries. And while the...

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We are able to promise innovative levelsof performance and reliability becausewe prove them to ourselves first.When we began investigating ways toreduce noise in drainage pipes, we soon realized that we needed to discovera way of developing a heavy materialbased on polyethylene. This was all downto solidity: due to an increase in weight, the less the pipe would vibrate, andconsequently, the quieter it would be. But finding the solution was not asstraightforward. It took extensive researchbefore we discovered that a compositeof barium sulphate and polyethylene would achieve the desired...

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Jenni Chambers, Personal Assistant,Australia > Phil Payne, General Manager,Middle East Raphael Fssler, Product Design Engineer,Switzerland Francesco Rauli, Quality and Environment Assurance,Italy Darren Webb, Technical Development Engineer,United Kingdom Reinhard Prirschl, Controller, Austria > Franc krinjar, Maintenance Employee,Slovenia Alexei Iakovlev, Sales Manager,Russia Ralf Braun, Head of Logistics,Germany Alicia L׼scher, Production Employee,Switzerland Frdric Riche, Sales Representative,France Tom Beh, Product and Key Account Manager,USASusan Weng, Purchasing Manager,China Rui...

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Finding answers to persistent problems demands focus. Of course, it also demandsknowledge, but knowledge is ineffective without the skills to apply it practically. Our ability to apply our know-how to overcome limitations is what sets us apart. Weuse our know-how to push the boundaries of sanitary technology; to explore beyondfrontiers; and to open up new opportunities for architects, designers, engineers,planners, plumbers and, ultimately, end-users. >

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All GEBERIT catalogs and technical brochures

  1. 111.380.00.5

    1 Pages

  2. Clean disposal

    18 Pages

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