Catalog excerpts
Cata logue
Open the catalog to page 1REPUBLIC OF FRITZ HANSEN™
Open the catalog to page 2The story begins in 1872. Fritz Hansen, master cabinet-maker aged 25, leaves his home town of Nakskov for the capital, Copenhagen, obtains a trade license and sets up his first cabinet making business in small rented premises. 1885 is a decisive year. Fritz Hansen starts a furniture production of his own, with his own furniture programme. In 1898, a sawmill is established north of Copenhagen, in Lillerød. Fritz Hansen is already well known for quality, as has been a matter of course ever since. In 1899, Fritz Hansen hands the business over to his son, Christian E. Hansen. Amongst other...
Open the catalog to page 77 broader, almost international significance. This means that designers of different nationalities, but with the same attitudes to design, are creating furniture in the name of Fritz Hansen. The Republic of Fritz Hansen is established to celebrate this. The Republic is founded on a design philosophy that knows no geographic frontiers, a philosophy distilled from the design heritage of Fritz Hansen and the company’s treasure chest of experience and competence. The design philosophy dictates that all design in the Republic of Fritz Hansen must be relevant in time, pure, original and...
Open the catalog to page 8Historien starter i 1872. Snedkermester Fritz Hansen rejser 25 år gammel fra Nakskov til Kongens København og indløser borgerbrev og grundlægger sit første snedkeri i små lejede lokaler. 1885 bliver et skelsættende år. Fritz Hansen får selvstændig møbelproduktion og eget møbelprogram. I 1898 bliver et savværk etableret i Lillerød nord for København. Fritz Hansen er allerede kendt for den høje kvalitet, som har været en selvfølge lige siden. I 1899 overdrager Fritz Hansen firmaet til sønnen Christian E. Hansen. Han lander bl.a. ordrer for Christiansborg og Københavns Rådhus, hvor det første...
Open the catalog to page 99 Møbler fra Republic of Fritz Hansen har gennem hele historien været designet af store arkitekter og designere og været en selvfølgelig del af indretningen af den til enhver tid førende arkitektur rundt omkring i verden. I dag er møbler fra Republic of Fritz Hansen en naturlig del af internationale virksomheders image og moderne storbymenneskers identitet. Det handler om at udtrykke sin individualitet og komme med et unikt statement. Det er hvor historien er kommet til i dag. Historien er ligeså unik som de møbler, der er en del af den. Det startede med en visionær snedkermester fra...
Open the catalog to page 10Die Geschichte beginnt 1872. Der Tischlermeister Fritz Hansen reist mit 25 Jahren aus dem Provinzstädtchen Nakskov in die Residenzstadt Kopenhagen, erwirbt einen Gewerbeschein und gründet seine erste Tischlerei in engen Mieträumen. 1885 ist ein entscheidendes Jahr. Fritz Hansen wird selbstständiger Möbelproduzent und stellt sein eigenes Möbelsortiment zusammen. 1898 nimmt ein Sägewerk nördlich von Kopenhagen die Produktion auf. Fritz Hansen ist bereits für hohe Qualität bekannt, die seitdem als Selbstverständlichkeit gilt. 1899 überläßt Fritz Hansen seinem Sohn Christian E. Hansen die...
Open the catalog to page 1111 sein Stern erstrahlt allerdings erst 1952, als er die Möglichkeiten erkennt, die von Søren Hansen bis zur Perfektion entwickelte Verleimtechnik bietet. Die Ameise™ steht am Anfang. Der dreibeinige, formgespannte Stapelstuhl wird auf Bestellung für die Kantine von Novo Nordisk entworfen. Die Ameise wird später zu einer Serie formgepresster Furnierstühle, deren Siebener™ mit vier Beinen und Armlehnen der meistverkaufte Stuhl in der Geschichte des Unternehmens wird. Später entwirft Arne Jacobsen das Ei™ und den Schwan™ für sein eigenes modernistisches Meisterwerk, das Royal Hotel im Herzen...
Open the catalog to page 12REPUBLIC OF FRITZ HANSEN™
Open the catalog to page 1313 Chr. E. Hansen with King Christian X Ax chair packaging, 1950
Open the catalog to page 14Arne Jacobsen and the Egg™ Production of the Ant™, 2007
Open the catalog to page 15The Swan™ in Panorama lounge Royal Hotel, 1960 Exporting to Hermann Miller Saw mill Production of Series 7™, 1957
Open the catalog to page 1619 Ant™, lacquer PK 71™, Acrylic Rug, Dune Initially, Arne Jacobsen designed the Ant™ for the canteen at Novo Nordic, an international Danish healthcare company. Today, the Ant is one of the prominent icons of the collection. Originally, the Ant was, however, close to ending up as just another prototype, because Fritz Hansen wasn’t convinced of the chair’s potential. The chair survived the initial scepticism, when Arne Jacobsen guaranteed to buy all chairs produced, if no one else would. Despite its minimalist form and svelte shape, the Ant is an extremely comfortable chair. The ant is a...
Open the catalog to page 20Ant™, painted beech
Open the catalog to page 2122 The Series 7™ designed by Arne Jacobsen is by far the most sold chair Series 7™, natural oak in the history of Fritz Hansen and perhaps also in furniture history. The pressure moulded veneer chair is a further development of the classic Ant™ chair. The four-legged stackable chair can be seen as the culmination of the use of the lamination technique. A technique refined to perfection during the Twenties and Thirties by Søren C. Hansen, the grandson of the founder, Fritz Hansen. The visionary Arne Jacobsen exploited the possibilities of lamination to perfection resulting in the iconic...
Open the catalog to page 23XXXXX ™ XXX xxxxxx xxxxxxx 24
Open the catalog to page 25Series 7™, lacquer, front upholstered Table Series, laminate
Open the catalog to page 26Series 7™, leather Essay™, oak
Open the catalog to page 28Series 7™, lacquer Table Series, linoleum
Open the catalog to page 2931 Grand Prix™, lacquer and coloured ash Table Series, linoleum The Grand Prix™ design, by Arne Jacobsen was introduced by Fritz Hansen at the Designers’ Spring Exhibition at the Danish Museum of Art & Design in Copenhagen, in 1957. Later that year, the chair was displayed at the Triennale in Milan where it received the Grand Prix – the finest distinction of the exhibition. After which the chair has always been called the Grand Prix. Originally, the Grand Prix was introduced with a wooden and steel base. Today the chair is available with a chromed, black or satin chromed base and is an...
Open the catalog to page 32All Fritz Hansen catalogs and technical brochures
64 Pages
32 Pages
24 Pages
144 Pages
DESIGN COLLECTION catalogue 2022
64 Pages
Catalogue 2020
65 Pages
3 Pages
3 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
VIA57 ™
4 Pages
RO ™
2 Pages
The Poul Kjærholm collection
15 Pages
The collection
19 Pages
The Series 7™
27 Pages
45 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
5 Pages
Little Friend
4 Pages
5 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
PK51, Rectangular
4 Pages
5 Pages
T-NO. 1
6 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
5 Pages
4 Pages
6 Pages
4 Pages
6 Pages
Grand Prix
5 Pages
Series 3300
4 Pages
4 Pages
Lissoni Sofa
4 Pages
Alphabet sofa
5 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
Serie S 7
7 Pages
Coat Tree
4 Pages
Kaiser Idell
4 Pages
5 Pages
Table Series shaker base
7 Pages
Swan Sofa
4 Pages
FAVN series
5 Pages
Swan series
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
4 Pages
5 Pages
China Stuhl
4 Pages
EGG series
5 Pages
ANT? Series
5 Pages