NUOVO idee du luce
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NUOVO idee du luce - 2

Foscarini, una realtà italiana, libera e appassionata nel mondo del design e della luce, presenta le sue novità per il 2015. Nuovi progetti che seguono diverse ispirazioni e percorsi di ricerca. Nuove versioni, colori, tecnologie per lampade diventate icone nel panorama internazionale dell’illuminazione. Scopriteli nelle prossime pagine. Foscarini, a free and passionate Italian reality in the design and lighting world, presents its new ideas for 2015. New projects that came out from different inspirations and research paths. New versions, colours, technologies for lamps that have become...

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Indice novità — News overview Lumiere Rodolfo Dordoni, 1990 → p. 012 Twiggy Marc Sadler, 2006 → p. 014 Binic Ionna Vautrin, 2010 → p. 016 Magneto Giulio Iacchetti, 2011 → p. 018 Spokes Garcia Cumini, 2015 → p. 004 Lake Lucidi e Pevere, 2015 → p. 006 Chouchin Reverse Ionna Vautrin, 2015 → p. 008 Bahia mini Lucidi e Pevere, 2015 → p. 010 Technology → Magneto Giulio Iacchetti, 2011 → p. 018

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Sospensione, Suspension Spokes Garcia Cumini, 2015 Acciaio e alluminio verniciato. Varnished steel and aluminium. LED 35W 2700° K 2780 lm included Dimmerabile — Dimmable Energy class A+ Bianco, Giallo oro. White, Gol

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Parete, Wall Paolo Lucidi e Luca Pevere, 2015 ABS stampato a iniezione e verniciato. Varnished injection moulded ABS. LED 13W 3000° K 850 lm included Dimmerabile — dimmable Energy class A

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Sospensione, Suspension Chouchin reverse Vetro soffiato verniciato. Lacquered blown glass. Chouchin 1 Bianco / arancio, Chouchin 2 bianco / verde, Chouchin 3 bianco / grigio. Chouchin 1 white / orange, Chouchin 2 white /green, Chouchin

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Soffitto e parete, Ceiling and wall Bahia mini Paolo Lucidi e Luca Pevere, 2015 Policarbonato stampato a iniezione. Injection moulded polycarbonate. LED 21,5W 2850°K 2105 lm included Dimmerabile — Dimmable 220 / 240 / 120V: fluo 1×22W 2GX13 Dimmable version available Energy class A+, A

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Tavolo, Table Lumiere Rodolfo Dordoni, 1990 Vetro soffiato e alluminio spazzolato o verniciato. Blown glass and polished or varnished aluminium. 35 - 13 3/4’’ Lumiere grande 220 / 240V: halo 2×48W G9 120V: inc 2×40W G9 Energy class C Lumiere piccola 220 / 240V: halo 1×48W G9 120V: halo 1×40W G9 Energy class C — Vetro: bianco, bianco caldo, ciliegia, turchese. Glass: white, warm white, cherry, turquoise. Montatura: alluminio spazzolato, cromo nero, champagne. Frame: polished aluminium, black chrome, champagne. on →

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Terra, Floor Materiale composito su base di fibra di vetro laccato, PMMA, policarbonato, metallo verniciato e alluminio (LED). Varnished fibreglass based composite material, PMMA , polycarbonate, varnished metal and aluminium (LED). LED 33W 3000° K 2920 lm included Energy class A+ Dimmer incluso — Dimmer included 220 / 240V: halo 3×7 7W E27 120V: halo 3×100W E26 Energy class C Dimmer incluso — Dimmer included — Bianco, nero, cremisi, greige, indaco. White, black, crimson,

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Tavolo, Table ABS masterizzato e policarbonato. Polycarbonate and batch-dyed ABS. LED E14/E12 220 / 240V: fluo 1×12W E14 120V: fluo 1×13W E12 Energy class A+, A Bianco, rosa, verde acqua, blu, giallo, antracite. White, pink, turquoise green, blue, yellow, anthracite.

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Tavolo e terra, Table and floor Magneto Giulio Iacchetti, 2011 terra, floor tavolo, table LED 5W 2700° K 475 lm included Energy class A+ Bianco, nero. White, black. Acciaio verniciato opaco, ABS e supermagnete in terre rare. Matt varnished steel, ABS and super magnet made of “rare earth”.

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Soffitto e parete, Ceiling and wall Paolo Lucidi e Luca Pevere, 2010 Policarbonato stampato a iniezione. Injection moulded polycarbonate. LED 43W 2850°K 4210 lm included Dimmerabile — Dimmable 220 / 240 / 120V: fluo 1×40W + 1×22W 2GX13 Energy class A+, A

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Tre fotografi, sei location, per un modo diverso di vedere, interpretare, raccontare le molteplici anime della collezione Foscarini. Ritratti è una raccolta di visioni e situazioni - di cui vi presentiamo un breve estratto - nelle quali alcune fra le lampade più iconiche della collezione, accendono emozioni diverse: fra sogno e realtà, memoria e presente, arte e design. Three photographers, six locations for a different way of seeing, interpreting and describing the various souls of the Foscarini collection. Ritratti is a collection of visions and situations - here for you a small extract -...

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Ritratto d’ombra photography by Tommaso Sartor

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Ritratto quotidiano photography by Kasia Gatkowska

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Ritratto d’artista photography by Andrea Ferrar

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Ritratto della forma photography by Tommaso Sartori

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photography by Andrea Ferrari

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Ritratto familiare photography by Kasia Gatkowska

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Foscarini SpA via delle Industrie 27 30020 Marcon / Venezia / Italy T +39 041 595 3811 F +39 041 595 3820 Foscarini Inc 17 Greene Street, New York NY /10013 / USA T +1 212 247 2218 F +1 646 545 2564 Project, concept image, styling: Elisa Ossino Studio Foscarini Spazio Brera via Fiori Chiari 28 / via Pontaccio 19 20121 / Milano / Italy T +39 02 870 71320 Foscarini Spazio Soho 17 Greene Street, New York NY /10013 / USA T +1 212 257 4412 Concept and graphic design: Designwork art direction:...

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All FOSCARINI catalogs and technical brochures

  1. MyLight

    16 Pages

  2. Superficie

    4 Pages


    3 Pages


    3 Pages

  5. Caiigo

    3 Pages

  6. Buds

    3 Pages


    27 Pages


    117 Pages


    73 Pages

  10. BLOB

    2 Pages

  11. BIT

    2 Pages

  12. Tartan

    3 Pages

  13. tite

    4 Pages

  14. Chouchin

    5 Pages

  15. Plass media

    3 Pages

  16. Spokes

    3 Pages

  17. New Buds

    4 Pages

  18. BIG BANG

    8 Pages


    8 Pages

  20. BEHIVE

    8 Pages

  21. MITE

    12 Pages

  22. STEWIE

    8 Pages

  23. OSPACE

    8 Pages


    8 Pages


    8 Pages

  26. GREGG

    8 Pages


    12 Pages

  28. TWIGGY

    12 Pages


    12 Pages

  30. HAVANA

    8 Pages

  31. UTO

    8 Pages


    8 Pages

  33. YOKO

    8 Pages

  34. PLASS

    12 Pages

  35. DOLL

    12 Pages

  36. BOOK 2014

    340 Pages


    8 Pages


    21 Pages

  39. ANISHA

    8 Pages


    8 Pages

  41. BINIC

    12 Pages

  42. NEWS 04 2014

    52 Pages


    3 Pages


    3 Pages

  45. DOLL

    16 Pages

  46. NEWS 01- 2013

    28 Pages

  47. NEWS 04- 2013

    36 Pages

  48. WORKS 2013

    106 Pages

  49. BOOK 2013

    165 Pages

  50. NEWS 04 - 2012

    28 Pages

  51. APLOMB

    5 Pages

  52. BINIC

    9 Pages

  53. WORKS 11

    80 Pages

  54. NEWS 01 - 2011

    11 Pages

  55. NEWS 04 - 2011

    33 Pages

  56. BOOK 11

    219 Pages

  57. NEWS 09 - 2011

    15 Pages

  58. NEWS 01 - 2012

    21 Pages

Archived catalogs


    2 Pages


    100 Pages


    106 Pages


    111 Pages


    130 Pages

  6. LUX

    130 Pages