

Catalog excerpts

Stone ICONS - 2


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Stone ICONS - 3

STONE ICONS BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES OF SPACE AND TIME —2 Oltre la dimensione dello spazio e del tempo | Au-delà des dimensions de l’espace et du temps | Jenseits der Grenze von Raum und Zeit | За границами пространства и времени Desiderio di sensazioni forti e pure, a contatto con materiali naturali che accompagnano la nostra voglia di evasione verso mondi incontaminati, dove la natura è protagonista. Stone Icons incontra questa esigenza e si offre come rivestimento a pavimento e a parete, per creare spazi confortevoli in cui il tempo scorre più lentamente, in armonia con le nostre emozioni....

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Stone ICONS - 4

STONE ICONS NATURE AS THE BACKDROP FOR DOMESTIC LANDSCAPES — 4 La natura fa da sfondo a nuovi paesaggi domestici | La nature comme arrière-plan des nouveaux paysages domestiques | Die Natur bildet den Hintergrund für neue Wohnlandschaften | Природа служит фоном для новых домашних пейзажей Stone Icons è una collezione composta da una selezione delle pietre più rare presenti in natura, estremamente resistenti, dall’estetica forte e stonalizzata, con vene delicate e a volte decise, ognuna con un suo personale carattere, come un’opera d’arte creata dalla natura. Le finiture naturale o...

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Stone ICONS - 5

01_Stone Icons Cardoso 02_Stone Icons Moca 03_Stone Icons Atlantic 04_Stone Icons Milk 05_Stone Icons Mosaico Esagona Milk 06_Stone Icons Mosaico Bacchette Moca 07_Res Art Pottery 08_Res Art Talc 09_Res Art Lava STONE ICONS MATCHING COLOURS AND SURFACES

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Stone ICONS - 6

STONE ICONS CARDOSO INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SPACES WITHOUT BOUNDARIES Interno ed esterno senza più confini L’intérieur et l’extérieur sans frontières Innen- und Außenbereich haben keine Grenzen mehr Внутренние и наружные пространства, не имеющие

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Stone ICONS - 7

Stone Icons Cardoso 60x120 . 23,62”x47,24” Stone Icons Cardoso Outdoor 60x60 . 23,62”

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Stone ICONS - 8

STONE ICONS Cardoso Stone Icons Cardoso 60x120 . 23,62”x47,24” Stone Icons Cardoso Outdoor 60x60 . 23,62”

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Stone ICONS - 9

STONE ICONS MOCA HARMONY OF SHADES WITH AND EXOTIC CHARM Armonia di toni dal fascino esotico L’harmonie des tons au charme exotique Harmonie der Farbtöne von exotischem Reiz Гармония тонов с экзотическим очарованием

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Stone ICONS - 10

Stone Icons Moca 120x120 . 47,24”x47,

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Stone ICONS - 11

STONE ICONS Moca Stone Icons Moca 120x120 . 47,24”x47,

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Stone ICONS - 12

STONE ICONS MILK INVITING SURFACES, OPEN TO NEW EXPERIENCES Superfici avvolgenti, aperte a nuove esperienze Des surfaces enveloppantes, ouvertes à de nouvelles expériences Für neue Erfahrungen offene einhüllende Oberflächen Мягкие поверхности, позволяющие испытать новые ощущения Stone Icons Milk 60x120 . 23,62”x47,24” Stone Icons Mosaico esagona Milk

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Stone ICONS - 13

STONE ICONS Milk Stone Icons Mosaico esagona Milk 30x26 . 11,81”x10,

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Stone ICONS - 14

STONE ICONS ATLANTIC PRACTICALITY, PURITY AND NATURALNESS Funzionalità, rigore e naturalezza Fonctionnalité, rigueur et naturel Funktionalität, Strenge und Natürlichkeit Практичность, строгость и натуральность Stone Icons Atlantic 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” Stone Icons Mosaico bacchette Atlantic 30x30 . 11,81

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Stone ICONS - 15

Stone Icons Atlantic 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” Stone Icons Mosaico bacchette Atlantic 30x30 . 11,81”x11,81” Stone Icons Atlantic Outdoor 60x60 . 23,62”x23,62” Res Art Lava 160x320 . 62,99”x

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Stone ICONS - 16

STONE ICONS Piastrelle di ceramica in gres porcellanato - Gruppo Bla UGL Porcelain stoneware tiles - Gruppe Bla UGL Carreaux de ceramique en gres cerame - Group Bla UGL Keramikfliesen aus Feinsteinzeug - Groupe Bla UGL KepaMunecxan nnnTKa U3 KepaMorpaHUTa - fpynna Bla UGL THICKNESS SURFACES TECH INFO NaturaLRettificato Natural_Rectified NatureLRectifie Natural_Rektifiziert HaTypaabHbin_PeKTnGnuupoBaHHbin

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Stone ICONS - 17

STONE ICONS SIZES & SURFACES Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified...

Open the catalog to page 17
Stone ICONS - 18

STONE ICONS SIZES & SURFACES Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified...

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Stone ICONS - 19

CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Packages | Emballages | Verpackungen | Упаковка Technical characteristics | Caracteristiques technique | Technische eigenschaften | Texничecкиe xapaктepиcтики PZ | PCS Thickness 6,5 mm 30x26 mosaico esagona 30x30 mosaico bacchette 8x120 battiscopa 33x120x5 gradino lineare LL 33x120x5 gradino angolare LL dimensione esterna cassa crate overall dimensions Lastre di ceramica in gres porcellanato - Gruppo BIa UGL (UNI EN 14411_G) Porcelain stoneware slabs - Gruppe BIa UGL (UNI EN 14411_G) | Dalles en céramique en grès céram - Group BIa UGL (UNI EN 14411_G) Keramikplatten...

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Stone ICONS - 20

AD: Marketing Dept. 03/2019 © Ceramica Fondovalle S.p.A. È vietata la riproduzione, totale e parziale del catalogo in tutte le sue forme. Reproduction of this printed catalogue totally or partially, is forbidden. Ceramica Fondovalle si riserva di apportare, qualora lo ritenesse opportuno, eventuali modifiche di natura tecnica o formale ai dati riportati in questo strumento. I colori sono puramente indicativi. Ceramica Fondovalle reserves the right, when it deems necessary, to make technical and formal changes to the data included herein. The colours are purely illustrative.

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All FONDOVALLE catalogs and technical brochures

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  2. UPPER

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  6. INFINITO 2.0

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  8. TOKA

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  10. SPACES

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  11. CHALET

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  12. ACIDIC

    27 Pages

  13. KOMI

    28 Pages

  14. SHA RDS

    27 Pages

  15. ART_compressed

    33 Pages

  16. Organizer 140

    140 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. DREAM 2019

    52 Pages