

Catalog excerpts


CREATIVE PATTERNS FOR A UNIQUE DESIGN —2 Patterns creativi per un design singolare | Des modèles créatif pour un design singulier | Kreative Muster für ein einzigartiges Design | Креативные мотивы для уникального дизайна Textures mutevole e preziose, con trame più o meno fini, costruiscono spazi di luce e colore coniugando tradizione e modernità, in un binomio ricco di personalità. Shards offre nuove soluzioni di stile per chi ama un interior design che non lascia indifferenti, in cui le superfici sono protagoniste in abbinamento ad arredi minimali, accessori dalle forme eclettiche e...

Open the catalog to page 3

BOLD PAIRINGS OF COLOUR AND MATERIALS — 4 Accostamenti audaci di materia e colore | Des assortiments audacieux de matière et de couleur | Kühne kombinationen von materie und farbe | Cмелые сочетания материала и цвета Ispirata al “terrazzo veneziano”, un grande classico del design italiano, Shards è articolata in due differenti texture (Small e Large) in tre tonalità nel formato 120x120 cm dove frammenti di pietre, cocci e marmi, miscelati a cemento e calce formano un composto unico dall’aspetto irregolare e dalla matericità variabile. La superficie lucida prende volume con la rifrazione...

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01_Shards Small Grey 02_Shards Large White 03_Shards Large Black 04_Shards Small White 05_Shards Small Black 06_Shards Large Grey 07_Shards Mosaico Ball Small White 08_Acidic Silver 09_Res Art Pottery 10_Res Art Lava 11_Res Art Cobalt SHARDSMATCHING COLOURS AND SURFACES

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SHARDS LARGE BLACK / LARGE WHITE RIGOROUS ELEGANCE WITH A CONTEMPORARY APPEAL Rigorosa eleganza dall’appeal contemporaneo L’élégance rigoureuse au charme contemporain Rigorose Eleganz mit modernem Appeal Строгая элегантность с современным очарованием

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Large White Large Black Shards Large Black Glossy 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” Shards Large White Glossy 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” Res Art Pottery 160x320 . 62,99

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SHARDS SMALL WHITE INFORMAL STYLE WITH A TRADITIONAL ALLURE Stile informale che profuma di tradizione Un style informel qui sent bon la tradition Informeller Stil, der nach Tradition duftet Неформальный стиль, дышащий традициями Shards Small White 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” Shards Mosaico Ball Small White 29,1x33,6 . 11,46”x13,23

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SHA RDS - 10

Shards Small White 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” Shards Mosaico Ball Small White 29,1x33,6 . 11,46”x13,23” Res Art Cobalt 160x320 . 62,99

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SHA RDS - 11

Shards Mosaico Ball Small White 29,1x33,6 . 11,46”x13,

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SHA RDS - 12

SHARD SMALL GREY SATO --------iViYiViViVm • iiiiimii .’.vm .!i ■.1.1.1 A-1.'.1.'. V/,V.-.VV, 1.1.1. >.1,1.1 V/.-A1'.-.1'.-. VA,"-/A.J. 'J. CREATIVE CONTRASTS FOR REFINED ATMOSPHERES Contrasti creativi per atmosfere ricercate Des contrastes creatifs pour des atmospheres raffinees Kreative Kontraste fur auserlesene Atmospharen KpeaTUBHbie KOHTpacTbi gris M3bicKaHHOi/i aTMOc^epbi ■ . . Shards Small Grey 120x120.47,24”x47,24” Acidic Silver 160x320.62,99”x125,98”

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SHA RDS - 13

Shards Small Grey 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” Acidic Silver 160x320 . 62,99”x125,98

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SHARD LARGE WHITE LIGHT SHAPES FOR RADIANT BEAUTY Leggerezza di forme per una luminosa bellezza La légèreté des formes pour une beauté lumineuse Leichtigkeit der Formen für eine strahlende Schönheit Легкость форм, создающая яркую красоту Shards Large White Glossy 120x120 . 47,24”x47

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Large White Shards Large White Glossy 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” Res Art Talc 160x320 . 62,99”x

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SHARD SMALL BLACK NEW COMFORT WITH A SOPHISTICATED DESIGN Un nuovo comfort dal design sofisticato Un nouveau confort au design sophistiqué Ein neuer Komfort mit einem modernen Design Новый комфорт с утонченным дизайном Shards Mosaico Ball Smal

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Shards Mosaico Ball Small Black 29,1x33,6.11,46”x13,23’ Shards Small Black 120x120.47,24”x47,24”

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Small Black Shards Mosaico Ball Small Black 29,1x33,6 . 11,46”x13,23” Shards Small Black 120x120 . 47,24”

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SHARDS LARGE GREY CROSSOVER OF SURFACES FOR UNDERSTATED ELEGANCE Contaminazioni di superfici per una sobria eleganza Des contamination de surface pour une élégance sobre Vermischungen von Oberflächen für eine schlichte Eleganz Смешение поверхностей для строгой элегантности Shards Large Grey Glossy 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” Infinito 2.0 Statua

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SHARDS Piastrelle di ceramica in gres porcellanato - Gruppo Bla UGL Porcelain stoneware tiles - Gruppe Bla UGL Carreaux de ceramique en gres cerame - Group Bla UGL Keramikfliesen aus Feinsteinzeug - Groupe Bla UGL KepaMunecxan nnnTKa U3 KepaMorpaHUTa - fpynna Bla UGL THICKNESS SURFACES Glossy / NaturaLRettificato Glossy / Natural_Rectified Poli / NatureLRectifie Glossy / Natural_Rektifiziert noni/ipoBaj-man / HaTypa^bHbin_PeKjnGu4npoBaHHbin

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SHARDS SIZES & SURFACES SIZES & SURFACES 6,5 mm SMALL Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” SHA025

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SHARDS SIZES & SURFACES MOSAICO BALL 6,5 mm SMALL Natural_Rettificato Natural_Rectified Naturel_Rectifié Natural_Rektifiziert Натуральный_Ректифицированный 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” SHA024 Small White Small Grey Small Black Small White Small Grey Small Black 41 — Rivestimento abbinabile | Coordinated wall tile | Revêtement à assortir | Passende Wandfliese | Сочетающаяся покрытие

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SHARDS SIZES & SURFACES SIZES & SURFACES 6,5 mm LARGE Glossy_Rettificato Glossy_Rectified Poli_Rectifié Glossy_Rektifiziert Полированная_Ректифицированный Glossy_Rettificato Glossy_Rectified Poli_Rectifié Glossy_Rektifiziert Полированная_Ректифицированный 120x120 . 47,24”x47,24” SHA032

Open the catalog to page 23

All FONDOVALLE catalogs and technical brochures

  1. DREAM

    39 Pages

  2. UPPER

    23 Pages


    23 Pages


    25 Pages


    21 Pages

  6. INFINITO 2.0

    107 Pages


    44 Pages

  8. TOKA

    19 Pages


    32 Pages

  10. SPACES

    21 Pages

  11. CHALET

    25 Pages

  12. ACIDIC

    27 Pages

  13. KOMI

    28 Pages

  14. Stone ICONS

    21 Pages

  15. ART_compressed

    33 Pages

  16. Organizer 140

    140 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. DREAM 2019

    52 Pages