Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 3A BLEND OF WOODLAND BEAUTY AND THE LIGHTNESS OF CLOTH Un bosco incantato si stempera nella leggerezza del tessuto | Une forêt enchantée s’estompe dans la légèreté du tissu | Ein verzauberter Wald löst sich in der Leichtigkeit des Gewebes auf | Сказочный лес растворяется в легкости ткани Un progetto giocato fra le “trame del lino” e un “paesaggio naturale”. Lastre di grande dimensione in gres porcellanato accolgono tracce evanescenti di un bosco incontaminato, intenso come un’opera d’arte in continuo mutamento. In questo modo la natura entra all’interno dell’architettura restituendo un...
Open the catalog to page 5SUBTLE COLOURS AND SENSORY FEATURES — 4 Colori e sensazioni di profonda delicatezza | Des couleurs et des sensations profondément délicates | Farben und Eindrücke von tiefer Zartheit | Цвета и ощущения, пронизанные глубокой нежностью Dream si ispira alle trame fini e naturali di un lino artigianale: uno dei tessuti più antichi del mondo e ancora oggi utilizzato ampiamente nell’interior design per la sua estetica semplice ma raffinata. Un intreccio leggero e “disegnato” attraversa una superficie proposta in tre tonalità: “Cotton” un bianco fresco e luminoso, “Navy Blue” e “Sage”, due nuances...
Open the catalog to page 6V^A'^AV^ .vVVVVWVVWWt^ A-W^vy/ AVVW 1V" v* ^ M-VV/ -“■ ■' Wv.ww.* WW W*vvuv> w»'JVVt\M A !•'.Vrtw-w^wkj WWavj /Jyw-WWWWNW'W ■■* jvW-VSJ
Open the catalog to page 7MATCHING COLOURS AND SURFACES
Open the catalog to page 801_Dream Navy Blue 02_Dream Sage 03_Dream Cotton 04_Spaces Stone 05_Spaces Board 06_Infinito 2.0 Lincoln 07Jnfinito 2.0 Marbletech White 08_Komi Traditional 09_Freelab Grey 10_Chalet Oak
Open the catalog to page 9DREAM JUNGLE TROPICAL BEAUTY FEATURING PAINT STROKE DESIGN Fascino tropicale dal tratto disegnato Une esquisse de charme tropical Tropischer reiz mit gezeichneten zügen Tропическое, нарисо
Open the catalog to page 10DREAM WOODS / SAGE A NATURAL, MINIMAL, STYLISH LANGUAGE Codice naturale, essenziale e raffinato Un code naturel, essentiel et raffiné Natürlicher, essentieller und raffinierter Kodex Натуральный, сдержанн
Open the catalog to page 16Dream Woods 120x240.47,24”x94,49’ Dream Sage 120x240.47,24”x94,49’ Freelab White 120x120.47,24”x47,24’
Open the catalog to page 17DREAM Sage DREAM Woods FREELAB White
Open the catalog to page 20Dream Woods 120x240 . 47,24”x94,49” Dream Sage 120x240 . 47,24”x94,49” Freelab Grey 120x120 . 47,24
Open the catalog to page 23Dream Woods 120x240 . 47,24”x94,49” Freelab Grey 120x120 . 47,24”x4
Open the catalog to page 24FREELAB Grey DREAM Woods DREAM Sage
Open the catalog to page 25DREAM WOODS / NAVY BLUE AN ASSORTMENT OF MATERIALS FOR WARM, BALANCED SPACES Mix di superfici per spazi caldi e armonici Un mélange de surfaces pour des espaces chauds et harmonieux Mix von Oberflächen für warme und harmonische Räume Смесь разных поверхностей для создан
Open the catalog to page 26Dream Navy Blue 120x240 . 47,24”x94,49” Dream Woods 120x240 . 47,24”x94,49” Chalet Walnut 20x120 . 7,87”x47,24” Komi Natural 120x240 . 4
Open the catalog to page 27Dream Woods 120x240 . 47,24”x94,49” Chalet Walnut 20x120 . 7,87”x4
Open the catalog to page 28Navy Blue DREAM Woods CHALET Walnut
Open the catalog to page 29DREAM WOODS A NATURAL LANDSCAPE PROVIDES THE BACKDROP FOR A WORLD OF DREAMS Un paesaggio naturale accompagna lo spazio dei sogni Un paysage naturel accompagne l’espace des rêves Eine natürliche Landschaft begleitet den Raum der Träume Натуральный пейзаж
Open the catalog to page 30Dream Woods 120x240 . 47,24”x94,49” Spaces Stone 120x120 . 47,24”x4
Open the catalog to page 31DREAM Sage SPACES Board
Open the catalog to page 32Dream Sage 120x240.47,24”x94,49’ Spaces Board 80x80.31,50”x31,50’ Chalet Oak 20x180 . 7,87”x70,87'
Open the catalog to page 33DREAM WOODS REST AND RELAXATION IN THE MOUNTAINS, SURROUNDED BY THE BEAUTY OF NEVERENDING WOODLANDS Relax ad alta quota nell’incanto di un bosco senza fine La détente à haute altitude dans l’enchantement d’une forêt sans fin Relax in großer Höhe, im Zauber eines endlosen Waldes Отдых на высоте, погрузивши
Open the catalog to page 34Dream Woods 120x240 . 47,24”x94,49” Chalet Walnut 20x180 . 7,87”x7
Open the catalog to page 35DREAM Cotton Navy Blue
Open the catalog to page 36Dream Navy Blue 120x240 . 47,24”x94,49” Dream Cotton 120x240 . 47,24”x94,49” Komi Natural 24x240 . 9,45
Open the catalog to page 37gvnafcir itTfl’es, uiSiEI y;?r:t % TO?Sgi «: A--ili!i3.Wj' :gJjS MlaS^KBisBLe ‘fcau/rkbES
Open the catalog to page 38Lastre di ceramica in gres porcellanato - Gruppo BIa GL | Porcelain stoneware slabs - Gruppe BIa GL | Dalles en céramique en grès céram - Group BIa GL | Keramikplatten aus Feinsteinzeug - Groupe BIa GL | керамические плиты из керамогранита - группа BIa GL THICKNESS 6,5 mm SELF LEVELING Naturale Rettificato | Natural Rectified Naturel Rectifié | Natural Rektifiziert Натуральный Ректифицированный Navy Blue TECH INFO DCOF Pavimenti abbinabili | Matching floors | Revêtements de sol à assortir | Kombinierbare Fußböden | Сочетающиеся полы Cotton / Navy Blue / Sage FREELAB / KOMI / CHALET / RES...
Open the catalog to page 39DREAM Naturale Rettificato | Natural Rectified | Naturel Rectifié | Natural Rektifiziert | Натуральный Ректифицированный
Open the catalog to page 40Navy Blue
Open the catalog to page 41DREAM Naturale Rettificato | Natural Rectified | Naturel Rectifié | Natural Rektifiziert | Натуральный Ректифицированный
Open the catalog to page 42Prodotto con 3 diverse grafiche confezionate in modo casuale | Produced with 3 different graphic designs which are randomly combined and then packed | Produit avec 3 graphismes conditionnés de façon fortuite | Hergestellt mit 3 verschiedenen Graphiken, die zufällig zusammen verpackt werden | Изделие имеет 3 разных графических решения, произвольно разложенных по упаковкам Prodotto con 4 diverse grafiche confezionate in modo casuale | Produced with 4 different graphic designs which are randomly combined and then packed | Produit avec 4 graphismes conditionnés de façon fortuite | Hergestellt...
Open the catalog to page 43DREAM Naturale Rettificato | Natural Rectified | Naturel Rectifié | Natural Rektifiziert | Натуральный Ректифициро
Open the catalog to page 44All FONDOVALLE catalogs and technical brochures
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Organizer 140
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147 Pages