

Catalog excerpts

OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 2

Selected natural harmony. Archetipi di bellezza naturale reinventati in una veste perfetta e idealizzata. Archetypes of natural beauty reinvented in a perfect, idealised version. Archetypes de beaute naturelle reinventes sous une forme parfaite et idealisee. Ul<x <LUi-H fft-LU LU ^ zog LU O' LU LU « o yj </> Ol < Ol Archetypen von naturlicher Schonheit neu erfunden in einem perfekten und idealisierten Look.

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 3

n IJC • Per te, per invitarti a scoprire e riscoprire i nostri materiali, abbiamo-treato questo oggetto assieme ad altre iniziative speciali. Siamo al lavoro per offrire con continuity materiali e ispirazioni che si aggiungono al piu grande assortimento di lastre ceramiche, per creare nuo vi accostamenti e suggestioni. We ha ve created this object along with other special initiati ves for you, as an in vitation to discover and rediscover our materials. We a re working to continue offering you materials and inspirations to add to the biggest assortment of ceramic slabs, creating new...

Open the catalog to page 3
OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 4


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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 5

green" maxiim: GREEN RANGE

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 6

“Nel bianco si muovono incroci di venature, forti e decise nel disegno, raffinate nel colore grigio cenere. Un marmo conosciuto da secoli per la sua personality inconfondibile, proveniente dalle lontane sponde dell'asia minore”. calacatta grey “Boldly drawn ash grey veins cross over a white background. A marble that has been renowned for centuries for its unique personality, freon the distant shores of Asia Minor”. « Des entrelacs de veines aux lignes tranches et nettes et d'une couleur gris cendre tres raffinee sillonnent la blancheur de la dalle: un marbre repute depuis des siecles pour...

Open the catalog to page 6
OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 8

Wall cladding Oaloeatto Grey Wall & floor Walk On Silver

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 9

Wall cladding Calacatta Grey

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 10

CAL ACAT TAG REY Wall Calacatta Grey Floor Verde Persia

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 11

Wall Calacatta Grey Floor Verde Persia

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 12

The purest, deepest and brightest beauty “Sulla montagna “In the mountains of toscana, c'e la cava Tuscany is the quarry dove Michelangelo where Michelangelo cercava il marmo piu sought out the chiaro e omogeneo, brightest, most even per scolpire i suoi marble for sculpting « C'est au creur des montagnes de Toscane que se trouve la carriere ou Michel-Ange recherchait les marbres les plus clairs et les plus homogenes pour sculpter ses chefs-d'reuvre ». “In den toskanischen Bergen befindet sich der Steinbruch, in dem Michelangelo den hellsten und gleichmdfygsten Marmor fur seine Meisterwerke...

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 13

status ARIO deli cato

Open the catalog to page 13
OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 14

stato ARIO deli cato Wall, floor & reception desk counter Statuario Delicato

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 15

Wall, floor & reception desk counter Statuario Delicato Tables Verde Persia

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 16

aosta green marble_ “Frammenti di bianco nel verde, suggestioni di neve dentro boschi di abeti. Le rocce delle alpi italiane e la storia millenaria della Valle d'Aosta sono racchiuse in un grande classico marmo: austero, profondo e puro". “Fragments of white on green, suggesting snow in a stand of fir trees. The rocks of the Italian Alps and millennia of history of the Aosta Valley enclosed in a great classic marble: austere, profound and pure". « Des fragments de blanc constellent le vert tels des flocons de neige tombant sur des sapins. Les roches des Alpes italiennes et l'histoire...

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 17


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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 18

AOST agre en ma rble Wall Statuario Delicato Floor & countertop Aosta Green Marble

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 19

Floor & countertop Aosta Green Marble

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 20

aost agre en ma rble Wall & floor Aosta Green Marble Statuario Delicato Lift Aosta Green Marble

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 21

Wall & floor Aosta Green Marble Statuario Delicato Lift Aosta Green Marble

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 22

“Vanto dei palazzi di re e imperatori, e I'omaggio a un marmo prezioso e raro che sin dall'antichita si estraeva nella lontana Persia. Nelle lastre perfette, un'esuberante varieta di colori danza mutevolmente attorno a un verde dal tono inrnnfnnHihilp” “A homage to a marble that has been rare and precious since antiquity, the pride of the palaces of emperors and kings, from the quarries of far-off Persia. Flawless slabs in which an exuberant variety of colours flicker around a unique shade of green”. « Privilege des palais royaux et imperiaux, Verde Persia rend hommage a un marbre rare et...

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 24

Wall Verde Persia Floor Onice Perla

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 25

Wall Verde Persia Floor Onice Perla

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 26

Infinite green shades reveal the magic of nature. “Superfici che liberano una potente e variegata sinfonia di venature, come le infinite sfumature di verde dei prati irlandesi sferzati dal vento. Una materia ricercata e unica nei colori caldi e decisi, che rivelano abbinamenti creativi di sorprendente bellezza". “Surfaces releasing a powerful, va riegated symphony of veining, like the infinite shades of green of wind-lashed Irish meadows. A uniquely refined material in warm, bold hues creating creati ve juxtapositions of surprising beauty". « Des surfaces qui expriment une riche et...

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 27


Open the catalog to page 27
OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 28

CONN EMAR BLEI RISH Wall Connemarble Irish Floor Gaudi Stone

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 29

Wall Connemarble Irish Floor Gaudi Stone

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 30

OPEN YOOR crea tivity Mix & Match II piu grande assortimento di colori e materie in Iastre di grande formato. The biggest assortment of colours and materials in maxi-slabs. Dalles grand format : le plus grand assortiment possible de couleurs et de matieres. Die grofyte Auswahl an Farben und Materialien in grofyformatigen Platten. calacatta grey SAHARA GAUDI hOIR STCHE ONICE A^RA ONICE MALAGA ONICE GIACA statoario delicato SAHARA LOIR ONICE ONICE MALAGA GIACA

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OPEN HOUSE 2020 - 31

Superfici per architettura e arredamento versatili, affidabili e creative. Versatile, dependable and creative surfaces for architecture and furnishings. Des surfaces polyvalentes, fiables et creatives pour l'architecture et rameublement. Vielseitige, zuverlassige und kreative Oberflachen fur Architektur und Einrichtung. Aosta green marble STATUARIO DELICATO SAHARA hOIR ONICE MALAGA ONICE ONICE ALABASTRIK) REALE connemarble irish STATUARIO DELICATO SAHARA LOIR GAUDI ONICE STCNE AMBRA

Open the catalog to page 31

All FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Walk On

    40 Pages

  2. moonstone

    52 Pages


    250 Pages

  4. BOOK 2020

    290 Pages

  5. BLAST

    44 Pages

  6. venice Villa

    117 Pages


    80 Pages