

Catalog excerpts


Il tempo maestro5 > Quando la tradizione artigiana diventa futuro di design Design da vivere9 > Ovvero, la filosofia del designed to be used蓔 Progetto punto acqua27 > Il cuore dellarredobagno Stocco Savoir-faire37 > Nessun dettaglio Ҩ un dettaglio Collezioni sotto la lente51 > LAbc dellҒarredobagno Stocco Le Collezioni65 > Design Paolo Bistacchi Tavola colori241 > Tutti i colori e i materiali delleleganza Stocco 2 size="-2">

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Time is our masterArtisan traditions become the future of design > For Stocco, the past, present and future share one common denominator: passion forfurniture, attention to detail, and love of quality. Stocco was established in San Giorgio in Bosco (Padua, Italy) back in 1969. The first furniture to emerge from the young company was solidly made, multi-functional, and essential. Over the years, however, Stocco built on these themes to establish the firm foundations of craftsmanship that are one of the companys strong points today. Between 1970 and 1980, intuition of new market trends led...

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Today Stocco is a modern company, and a leading manufacturer in quality bathroom furniture, whose unique and Italian design is sought after all over Europe. Stoccos owners have also secured the services of expert and experienced managers. Customer and market oriented, and decisively avant-garde, Stocco has chosen to remain a streamlined, compact company, precisely to pay maximum attention to customer needs. Stocco ist heute ein modernes Industrieunternehmen mit einer marktfҼhrenden Stellung im Segment der anspruchsvollen Badezimmermbel, deren besonderes, italienisches Design in ganz Europa...

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Design for livingOr, the designed to be used蓔 philosophy > Stocco furniture is made to be used, not only to be admired. Our designers admit no exceptions to this policy: Stocco furniture has to be pleasing to the eye and practical in everyday use. All Stocco furniture is the result of a careful design process that takes into account exactly how and why we use our bathroom furniture. Stocco furniture is designed to be totally interactive, because people and furniture need to live together. That is why Stocco base units all have ergonomically correct heights, why our washbasins are always...

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Quando si acquista un mobile Stocco importante sapere che quell਒elemento si adatter, praticamente, a qualsiasi altro presente nel nostro catalogo. Che si tratti di basi portalavabo, colonne, pensili, specchi, moduli sospesi o angolari, ogni elemento pensato per abbinarsi fornendo infinite combinazioni. Tutti i mobili Stocco, ad eccezione di 48 Over (collezione con profonditਠ 48 cm), sono disponibili nella profondit di 35 cm; la nuova collezione Arco offre anche la profondit 48 cm. Le altezze delle basi possono essere di 48 e 64 cm (in 48 Over anche 32 cm) e i raccordi sono garantiti da...

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Disegniamo i nostri mobili per rispondere alle esigenze dichi li usa: top praticissimi da utilizzare; basi robuste e stabili, con barre di rinforzo in metallo protetto da vernice a forno; maniglie porta-asciugamano che diventano utili appoggi portatutto; elementi organizza-spazio che sfruttano ogni angolo del mobile; cassetti e cassettoni capienti, a sgancio rapido, totalmente estraibili; mobili sospesi per la massima praticit di pulizia. > At Stocco, we design our furniture to satisfy the needs of the user. Our tops are therefore superbly practical; our bases robust and stable, with...

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The capacity of our washbasins is legendary. The basinsthemselves are ergonomic in shape and size, with the mixer tap always centrally placed, even on asymmetric designs. And the materials we use for our washbasins are always attractive, shiny, practical, and extremely easy to clean and maintain. Unsere Waschbecken haben ein geradezu sprichwrtlichesFassungsvermgen. Die Becken sind sowohl in der Form wie auch in der Dimension ergonomisch, der Mischhahn befindet sich auch bei Unterschr涤nken mit asymmetrischen Linien immer in der Mitte. Die Werkstoffe, aus denen wir unseren Waschbecken...

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Our mirror cabinets are super capacious and feature folding,lifting, or sliding doors. Our mirrors with shine rib finished edge are available in various shapes and heights, and can be equipped with side panels and practical CE marked switched power sockets and defogging devices. Dimensions range from 70 cm to over 2 metres - big enough for the whole family!Unsere extra-gerumigen Spiegelschrnke haben Falt-,Schwing- oder Schiebet䤼ren. Die Spiegel mit bndiger Glanzkante sind in diversen Formen und mit unterschiedlichen Hhenabmessungen lieferbar. Ausstattbar sind sie mit seitlicher...

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La forma di un lavabo Stocco non ha eguali. Nasce ad hoc,disegnata per integrarsi perfettamente con il mobile base che la accoglie. Base e lavabo formano, dunque, un unico raffinato insieme. > Stocco washbasins are famed for their unique shape. They are specially designed to fit perfectly into their base units: base and washbasin create in this way an only refined ensemble. > Die Form eines Waschbeckens von Stocco scheut keine Vergleiche. Sie wird ad hoc entworfen, um sich perfekt in ihren Unterschrank zu integrieren: Unterschrank und Becken bilden eine elegante Einheit. > La forme dune...

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Le linee dei lavabi Stocco richiamano lo stile dellacollezione di cui fanno parte: rigorose e minimali, capienti, tondeggianti, asimmetriche, morbide, eleganti. Che sia sopra o sottopiano, in pezzo singolo o con top integrato, ogni lavabo Stocco un modello unico dal design esclusivo. Stocco washbasins style reflects that of the collection of whichthey form part: rigorous and minimal, capacious, and with rounded, asymmetric, smooth and elegant lines. Whether they are over or undercounter, built-in or with integrated top, all Stocco washbasins are unique in appearance and exclusive in...

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E nei dettagli che il mobile Stocco rivela il suo valore. Lemaniglie dei nostri arredi non sono accessori standard: sono tutte caratterizzate da disegno esclusivo e vengono progettate in armonia con il mobile e la sua anta. Realizzate con cromature lucenti, a prova dҒacqua, ruggine ed umidit, personalizzano il mobile con un tocco di preziosa, funzionale raffinatezza. > Stocco furniture reveals its true value in the finer details. Our handles, for example, are not simply standard accessories: instead they are all characterised by an exclusive design, carefully chosen to match the unit and...

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All F.lli Stocco s.r.l. catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Catalogue 46

    28 Pages

  2. Top

    83 Pages

  3. Loop

    47 Pages

  4. Stilo

    39 Pages

  5. Met

    39 Pages

  6. 51.5 Catalog

    41 Pages


    53 Pages


    4 Pages

  9. Eklò

    14 Pages

  10. Modula

    76 Pages

  11. IKS

    110 Pages

  12. TAO

    2 Pages

  13. Catalogue 51.5

    41 Pages

  14. Vela Arco Ares

    51 Pages

  15. 48

    75 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. salonedelbagno

    24 Pages

  2. newscersaie

    24 Pages

  3. ARCO

    22 Pages

  4. ARES

    14 Pages


    39 Pages


    34 Pages

  7. VELA

    13 Pages


    8 Pages

  9. 120 Piu

    17 Pages

  10. ART DECO

    26 Pages


    6 Pages