Catalog excerpts

ecoPET Acoustic Lighting ACOUSTIC SURFACE ACOUSTIC SURFACE Blade X / Blade Y Blade X and Blade Y are innovative acoustic luminaires designed to address both lighting and sound-absorption needs in various environments, particularly open-plan offices. The X and Y shaped designs, created with three and four PET panels respectively, highlight their unique structure, which allows for efficient absorption of ambient noise. These panels likely consist of sound-absorbing materials to help dampen and minimize unwanted sound reflections, contributing to a quieter and more focused work environment. These luminaires offer high-quality light sources alongside their acoustic features. This means they can provide effective illumination for multiple workstations. DL Blade X und Blade Y sind innovative Akustikleuchten, die sowohl den Anforderungen an die Beleuchtung als auch an die Schallabsorption in verschiedenen Umgebungen, insbesondere in GroSraumburos, gerecht werden. Die X- und Y-formigen Designs, die aus drei bzw. vier PET-Paneelen bestehen, heben ihre einzigartige Struktur hervor, die eine effiziente Absorption von Umgebungsgerauschen ermoglicht. Diese Paneele bestehen wahrscheinlich aus schallabsorbierenden Materialien, die uner-wunschte Schallreflexionen dampfen und minimieren und so zu einer ruhigeren und konzentrierteren Arbeitsumgebung beitra-gen. Diese Leuchten bieten neben ihren akustischen Eigenschaf-ten auch hochwertige Lichtquellen. Das bedeutet, dass sie eine effektive Beleuchtung fur mehrere Arbeitsplatze bieten konnen. Create my unique code! Blade X 2152 - 00 - ~ - ▲ - O - * - * - 2 - ♦ Blade Y 2153 - 00 - ~ - ▲ - O - * - * - 2 - ♦ Example dark optics 65° Blade standard with black ARCHI felt color 1201 Cloud one DALI luminaire pendant luminaire size light source size system power luminous flux Technical information fabric color ARCHI felt ecoPET color palette ♦ archixxx archixxx - choose color from page 266 * Photometric data: dark optics 65°, white reflector, 4000 K
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EN The high-quality PET sound panels are robust, durable, and have a slightly textile surface that can be washed. They have excellent sound-absorbing properties, are flame-resistant and recyclable. EN Flexxica wool felt color palette is high-quality 5 mm thick felt. Wool felt has many technical uses, including, among others, in acoustics. The natural properties of wool make this felt not only look designer but also absorb noise and sound perfectly. DE Hochwertige PET-Akustikplatten sind massiv, strapazierfähig, mit einer leicht textilen Oberfläche, die gewaschen werden kann. Sie haben...
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Guidelines for cleaning and maintenance of materials used in flexxica luminaires. To maintain the beautiful color and appearance of flexxica lighting fittings, we recommend gentle vacuuming with a soft tip, preferably weekly. Stain removal – the golden rule Remove the stain as soon as possible. Most stains can be removed with lukewarm water, possibly with the addition of a neutral detergent. Merino wool felt Wool is antistatic and does not attract dirt like other fabrics. Wool is also water-repellent, so the liquids slowly penetrate the fabric. Cleaning: First, soak up as much liquid as...
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Blinds Floor
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142 Pages