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Catalog excerpts

UNA - 2

UNA, by Romano Adolini, is an architectural system for bathroom which, according to materialsand sizes, creates different solutions for both small and large spaces dedicated to wellness. UNA is a real system at designers disposal; infact they can customize each room matching the various structures and the semi-inset sanitaryware. Back to wall cases for wc and bidet can be mixed with wall hung cases or thick shelves for basin. UNA cases perfectly suit all furniture and accessories of Ceramica Flaminia collection. UNA, un sistema architettonico per la stanza da bagno disegnato da Romano...

Open the catalog to page 2
UNA - 3

Legno, marmo, mosaico, pietraluce in diversi colori sono i materiali in cui si possonorealizzarei moduli UNA, conferendo forte personalizzazione allambiente bagno. UNA cases can be realized in wood, marble, mosaic and pietraluce in different colours,giving to bathroom a great customized aspect. > 0203 size="-1">

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UNA - 6

Moduli a terra, moduli sospesi, grandi mensole personalizzabili nelle dimensioni, fanno diUNA un vero e proprio sistema di architettura per il bagno. UNA back to wall or wall hung cases and large shelves, customized in lenght, create a realarchitectural system for bathroom. > 0809 size="-1">

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UNA - 14

Diverse dimensioni dei moduli UNA permettono di risolvere larredo sia di piccoli bagni chedi grandi stanze. Furnishing both small and large bathrooms is simple using UNA cases in various dimensions. > 2425 size="-1">

Open the catalog to page 14
UNA - 23

red / white black bianco nero / rosso cuoio / marine blue sand / beige beige blu ultramarina / sabbia / light oak dark oak zebrano > rovere sbiancato / rovere moro / zebrano / >

Open the catalog to page 23
UNA - 24

connessione di scarico apavimento (in dotazione) > tubo di risciacquo Ҙ40 conmorsetto in gomma (in dotazione) water outlet tube 40 with holdfast (included in the box) > wc floor drainage connector (included in the box) > 4827848374 140450 70 > 170260430 335 374 elemento rimovibile per lؒispezione 450 565 140450 removable part for inspection > erogatore bidet (in dotazione) > bidet spout (included in the box) gruppo sifone per bidet1"1/4 - 32 mm (in dotazione) > 1"1/4 - 32 mm siphon kit for bidet (included in the box) 48 > 160 160 170260420 400430 100160 225 120 elemento rimovibile per...

Open the catalog to page 24
UNA - 25

vista laterale vista frontale >

Open the catalog to page 25
UNA - 26

450590800 400830400 / zenital view 450 59040036040 400 / zenital view vista zenitale > / side view 360 / frontal view / side view 830400 800 800 / frontal view 40 > vista laterale vista frontale vista laterale vista frontale > 450590800 400830400 / zenital view 450 59040036040 / zenital view vista zenitale > / side view 360 400 / frontal view / side view 830400 / frontal view 40 > vista laterale vista frontale vista laterale vista frontale >

Open the catalog to page 26
UNA - 27

450590800 400830400 450590800 400830400 / zenital view / zenital view vista zenitale vista zenitale > 50300450590800 400830400 / side view / side view / frontal view / frontal view 830400 50 830400 800 800 800 > vista laterale vista laterale vista frontale vista frontale > 450590800 400830400 / zenital view / zenital view vista zenitale vista zenitale > 50300 / side view / side view / frontal view / frontal view 830400 50 830400 800 > vista laterale vista laterale vista frontale vista frontale >

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UNA - 28

min 900/max 1200750 min 500/max 1500750 750 min 500/max 1900 450590 450590 > 50300450590800 400830400 / side view / side view / frontal view / frontal view 830400 50 830600 450590800 200830600 800 800 50400 50400 50400 > vista laterale vista laterale vista frontale vista frontale min 1000/max 1200 min 1000/max 1200900 min 1000/max 1200 min 500/max 1900 min 500/max 1900 > / zenital view / zenital view vista zenitale vista zenitale min 1000/max 1200900 min 500/max 1900750 450590 450590 > 50300 / side view / side view / frontal view / frontal view 830400 50 830600 800 800 50400 > vista...

Open the catalog to page 28
UNA - 29

light oak wood finishes marine blue > pietraluce dark oak materials red zebrano sand white beige black / zenital view bianco - blu ultramarina - nero - rosso cuoio - sabbia - beige - rovere moro - rovere sbiancato - zebrano - struttura in legno multistratofenolico da rivestire multilayer wooden structure to be covered pietraluce - finiture legno / materiali / vista zenitale > / side view / frontal view 830600 800 vista laterale vista frontale > photocopy this A4 page, carefully fill in and send it with the order. notes: - fill in each blank with the length in millimiter. - a = left distance...

Open the catalog to page 29
UNA - 30

light oak wood finishes light oak marine blue wood finishes marine blue pietraluce dark oak pietraluce dark oak materials red materials red zebrano zebrano sand white beige sand white beige black black bianco - nero - rosso cuoio - sabbia - beige - rovere moro - zebrano - blu ultramarina - rovere sbiancato - struttura in legno multistratofenolico da rivestire multilayer wooden structure to be covered pietraluce - finiture legno / bianco - nero - rosso cuoio - sabbia - beige - rovere moro - zebrano - blu ultramarina - rovere sbiancato - struttura in legno multistratofenolico da rivestire...

Open the catalog to page 30
UNA - 31

light oak wood finishes marine blue light oak wood finishes marine blue art. UNA75/90V1 pietraluce dark oak pietraluce materials red dark oak for materials art. UNA75/90V1 red zebrano for right opening left opening zebrano sand white - right beige / only sand white beige black black / only dx beige - bianco - nero - rosso cuoio - sabbia - rovere moro - zebrano - vano dx - vano sx - blu ultramarina - rovere sbiancato - pietraluce - solo per finiture legno / rovere moro - bianco - blu ultramarina - nero - rosso cuoio - sabbia - beige - rovere sbiancato - zebrano - pietraluce - finiture legno...

Open the catalog to page 31

All FLAMINIA catalogs and technical brochures

  1. ST200ACC

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  2. NEWS 2024

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  3. AP113RS

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  4. AP115S

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  5. AP214

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  6. AP114RS

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  7. APD70

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  8. APPLIGHT 120

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  9. FLAMINIA 2023

    24 Pages

  10. Water Drop

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  11. X1

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  12. App goclean®

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  13. Acquagrande

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  14. design book

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  15. NEWS 2019

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  16. Madre

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  30. Solid

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  34. Terra

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  38. news 2016

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  40. Mono'

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  42. Forty6

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  45. QUICK | PASS

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Archived catalogs

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  2. Sprint

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  5. Volo 80

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  6. IO

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  7. io:sì

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  8. News 2013

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  9. Mono' Noke'

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  10. NEWS 06_2012

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  11. 11CITTA'

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  12. Como Preview

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  13. NEWS 05_2012

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  14. collezione_2011

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  15. Monò Niokè

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