Fireplace Catalogue


Catalog excerpts

Fireplace Catalogue - 1

Környezetünkért - gyermekeinkért – ez vezérel bennünnket kályháink fejlesztésénél és gyártásánál. A fatüzelés támogatása révén a Fireplace gondoskodik róla, hogy a hatákony és tiszta égésfolyamat során ne szabaduljon fel több CO2, mint amennyit a fák növekedésük során felvettek s az egészséges ökológiai körforgáshoz szükséges. A Föld ökológiai egyensúlyának fenntartása közös célunk. Çà íàøó îêðóæàþùóþ ñðåäó – çà íàøèõ äåòåé – ýòî ÿâëÿåòñÿ íàøèì ðóêîâîäÿùèì ïðèíöèïîì ïðè ðàçâèòèè è èçãîòîâëåíèè íàøèõ ïå÷åé. Ïîñðåäñòâîì ïîääåðæêè îòîïëåíèÿ äðîâàìè ôèðìà Fireplace çàáîòèòñÿ î òîì, ÷òî â õîäå ýôôåêòèâíîãî è ÷èñòîãî ïðîöåññà ãîðåíèÿ íå äîëæíî âûäåëÿòüñÿ áîëüøå CO2, ÷åì áûëî óñâîåíî äåðåâüÿìè âî âðåìÿ èõ ðîñòà, è ÷åì íåîáõîäèìî äëÿ çäîðîâîé ýêîëîãè÷å- ñêîé öèðêóëÿöèè. Ïîääåðæêà ýêîëîãè÷åñêîãî áàëàíñà Çåìëè ÿâëÿåòñÿ íàøåé îáùåé öåëüþ. For our environment – for our children – this is the major guideline to us in developing and manufacturing our stoves. Through supporting wood-burning, Fireplace makes sure that in the course of effective and clean combustion process no more CO2 should be released than the amount the trees took up during their growing and is required for healthy ecological circulation. It is our aim in common to maintain the ecological balance of the Earth.

Open the catalog to page 1
Fireplace Catalogue - 2

2 Fireplace – we look prepared into future Fireplace – felkészülten tekintünk a jövõbe Fireplace – ìû ãëÿäèì â áóäóùåå ïîäãîòîâëåííûå Fire has had magic attractive force over humans since ancient times. Our firm, Fireplace Kft., brings ancient fire experience to your home by means of its fireplace-stoves of excellent quality. A tûz õsidõk óta bûvös vonzerõvel hat az emberekre. Cégünk, a Fireplace Kft., kiváló minõségû kandallókályhái segítségével az Ön otthonába hozza az õsi tûzélményt. Îãîíü âëèÿåò íà ëþäåé âîëøåáíîé ïðèòÿãàòåëüíîñòüþ ñ äðåâíåéøèõ âðåìåí. Íàøà ôèðìà, Fireplace Kft.,...

Open the catalog to page 2
Fireplace Catalogue - 3

3 The Fire Plus-system A Fire Plus-rendszer Ñèñòåìà «Fire Plus» A considerable part of energy is released at the time of burning the gas fumes discharged from the fuel. The optimum, environmentally sound combustion, and the resultant high efficiency, are attributable to the well-directed introduction of fresh air. The effect of primary air flowing through the grate is fortified by glass-flushing air and tertiary air. Air ensuring after-burning enters the combustion chamber in the upper third part of the firebox. This makes sure that the components of unburnt gases are fully burnt. In...

Open the catalog to page 3
Fireplace Catalogue - 4

fireplace-stoves 4 ATlantis Article no. Height Width Depth Weight Firebox Height Width Depth Visible glass size Height Width Height of lower edge of connection pipe-end At the top At the back Outer diameter of connection pipe-end Building type Rated power (normal firing) Rated power (slow firing) Maximum heating capacity Smoke bulk flow Flue pipe-end temperature Minimum delivery pressure Safety distance for combustible materials At the side At the back Safety distance from glass Colour of stove body Fuels Log Wood briquette Brown coal briquette Automatics Outside air inlet Height of the...

Open the catalog to page 4

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