Catalog excerpts

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Human value, technology, aesthetics.
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Adhesives, an essential part of our system History speaks for us We invest in research, to produce quality The environment is our royal road Four fields of application, for a unique system SUBSTRATE PREPARATION ST 444 SILENS STA 10 SILENS SLE 23 FASSACEM SV 472 - SV 472 P SR 450 SL 416 SM 485 PRIMER DG 74 PRIMERTEK PRO-MST REPAR-MST SE 477 GAPER 3.30 FASSA REMOVE FIBER MST 20 CR 90 AQUAZIP GE 97 AQUAZIP ADV AQUAZIP ONE AQUAZIP RDY MO 660 ACCESSORIES FOR WATERPROOFERS AD 8 AK 82 ADYS AP 71 FLEX AZ 59 FLEX AT 99 MAXY FLEX AQ 60 STONE FASSATECH 2 SPECIAL ONE A 81 FASSAFIX 1000 FASSAFIX AX 91...
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Open the catalog to page 6
Fassa Bortolo has always had a mission: create quality for the construction industry. We do this by using the best materials, developing innovative solutions through research, constantly expanding the range of our products. Always with particular attention to respect for the environment, for humankind and eco-sustainability. Even the System for Laying Floor and Wall Coverings naturally meets all these requirements, offering building professionals a wide range of solutions for substrates, adhesives, waterproong, grouts. To always ensure the job is done with the best working standards.
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The credibility of a company is built year after year, through the quality of its work and enhancing the skills and passion of our employees. History speaks for us: for over 300 years Fassa Bortolo has been a well known presence in the construction sector, with a leading role that we have gained in the premixed plaster market in Italy. And with a full range of solutions for the construction industry, 12 production facilities in Italy and 1 in Portugal, 3 sales ofces in Italy, 2 in Switzerland, 1 in France and 1 in Spain. To continue to offer the construction sector the superior quality that...
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Spresiano (Treviso): Research centre WE INVEST IN RESEARCH, TO PRODUCE QUALITY
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Investing in research is essential for any company that wants to constantly improve its results. That is why we created a Research Centre, an advanced laboratory with a wide range of devices and equipment. To analyse the material at microscopic level and to evaluate the physical-chemical characteristics, in order to identify formulations that guarantee the quality of products and predict, through specic tests, the behaviour in the most diverse environmental conditions. The emphasis on research has also allowed us to obtain the ISO 9001-2008 Certication. A further conrmation of the superior...
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Gypsum extraction in tunnel We respect the environment, we believe in it. We do it in the quarries from which we extract the raw materials, respecting the geomorphological, hydrogeological and landscape balance, and within our factories, with eco-sustainable production cycles. The widespread presence of our facilities also greatly reduces the exhaust fumes deriving from road transport, helping to improve the air we all breathe.
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The System for Laying Floor and Wall Coverings addresses and solves all the possible applications, with products of excellent quality, selected and tested in the Fassa Bortolo Research Centre to offer installers the best solution, from substrate preparation to waterproofing, from adhesives to grouts.
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A good preparation of the substrate is essential to achieve an excellent result when installing the coverings, both technically and aesthetically. The substrate must have the right mechanical strength and must be made with antishrinkage technology, to prevent detachments, imperfections and ensure durability over time. Standard EN 13813 Denes the requirements for screed materials used in the construction of indoor oors. It is a European standard, which classies screeds in relation to the binder used: CT = cementitious screeds C = compressive strength F = exural strength ST 444 SILENS STA 10...
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Lightweight underlay for indoors based on selected cement and polystyrene beads measuring under 5 mm with both thermal insulating and noise reduction properties. ST 444 FIELD OF APPLICATION: Realisation of lightweight lling underlays with thermal lambda 0.09 W/mk. Thanks to the particular composition and size of the polystyrene beads it is ideal for the realisation of lightweight lling substrates and helps to reduce noise transmission. Appearance: light grey and grainy Storage: 6 months in a dry place Consumption: 1 bag/m2 for 40 mm thickness Thermal conductivity coeff. : 0.09 W/mk...
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Acoustic insulation sheets for impact noise. Chemically cross linked polyethylene foam with closed cells coupled with polyester bre non-woven fabric. Impact noise reduction by 21 dB in compliance with Standard EN-ISO 1408:1999 and EN-ISO 717-2:2007 with 10.65 m2 normalised sample FIELD OF APPLICATION: Impact noise insulation of oors in compliance with the provisions of Prime Ministerial Decree 05.12.97, by creating a oating screed for laying coverings such as ceramics, wood, stone, resilient and textile material. A oating screed, if made properly, allows to isolate the upper structure of...
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Acoustic insulation sheets for impact noise. Flame retardant closed cell expanded polystyrene (EPS) sheet, water vapour sintered and elasticised to comply with soundproong material requirements. Impact noise reduction by 24 dB in compliance with Standard EN-ISO 1408:1999 and EN-ISO 717-2:2007 with 10.65 m2 normalised sample 18 SILENS SLE 23 FIELD OF APPLICATION: Impact sound insulation of oors in compliance with the provisions of Prime Ministerial Decree 05.12.97, by creating a oating screed for laying coverings such as ceramics, wood, stone, resilient and textile material. A oating screed,...
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Special hydraulic binder for the realisation of screeds, quick drying and controlled shrinkage for indoors and outdoors. Suitable for laying ceramics, wood, vinyl, carpets, linoleum. The product mixed with sand with grain size 0-8 mm, is very workable and gives an excellent nish. FIELD OF APPLICATION: Realisation of 3.5 cm oating screeds, 2 cm bonded screeds; particularly suitable for high trafc environments. Indicated for heated screeds thanks to excellent thermal conductivity, patching and relaying of screeds. Installation of ceramic oors can take place after 48 hours, the installation of...
Open the catalog to page 21All Fassa Bortolo catalogs and technical brochures
8 Pages
Seal your style
8 Pages
Restoration Line EX NOVO
20 Pages
External thermal insulation
48 Pages