Catalog excerpts

living* grouts
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For a proper use of the product read the data sheet on the www.fassabortolo.com website
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Transparent White Light grey Ice Manhattan Quartz grey Grey Sand Anthracite Black in-WOOD Pergamon Jasmine Beige Anemone Light Sand Powder Pink Caramel Brown All Fassa Bortolo joint sealants used to fill non-structural joints meet the requirements of EN 15651-1, 15651-2, 1561-3 and 15651-4. The colours reproduced are purely indicative and may vary for reasons due to printing, reproduction and conversion of the images. It should also be noted that colour rendering is affected by several other factors, including, by way of example: natural light, which is not uniform or constant; artificial...
Open the catalog to page 3
One-component, non-corrosive, neutral alkoxy crosslinking silicone sealant, with low modulus of elasticity. USE for elastic joints between glass, metals, ceramics, cement, rigid plastics and wood. Suitable for application on walls and walkable floors, interiors and exteriors, to create perimeter, control and expansion joints on terraces, balconies, flat rools, exterior paving, connecting joints between precast elements, etc. The product can be applied on fagades, on glazed surfaces, in sanitary environments and areas used as pedestrian walkways. • EXCELLENT ELASTICITY AND DURABILITY • IDEAL...
Open the catalog to page 4
InstructioSubstrate and joint preparation The joint to be sealed must be free of dust, dirt, oil, grease, wax, non-adherent materials in general, etc. Glass, metals and other nonabsorbent surfaces must cleaned with solvent beforehand. The joint must be appropriately sized in terms of width and depth by the designer. Approximately, the width of the joint must be between 5 mm (less extreme situations) and 10-12 mm. Furthermore, we recommend that the ratio between width and depth of the division/expansion joint is between 1 and 2 mm, and that expected movement does not exceed the movement...
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IT - Silicone sigillante professionale monocomponente neutro alcolico. Ottima graniti, pietre naturali, adesione su ceramica, marmi, in PVC, ABS, vetro, specchi, policarbonato, serramenti metalli, legno. Ideale per giunti di sgrassate e completamente asciutte.Conservazione: prodotto se mantenuto il in contenitori integri, asciutto in ambiente e fresco, si contiene un biocidaconserva per 12 mesi. Questo prodotto con Principio attivo: Zinco proprietà fungicida per pellicole. piritione (CAS 13463-41-7). accordo all’art. 58 In del Regolamento 528/2012 questo prodotto biocida). Consultare sempre...
Open the catalog to page 7All Fassa Bortolo catalogs and technical brochures
8 Pages
Restoration Line EX NOVO
20 Pages
External thermal insulation
48 Pages