Lumina 50X110


Catalog excerpts

Lumina 50X110 - 1

LUMINA 50x110 RT _ pure luminosity. Via Ghiarola Nuova, 44 - 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO) Italy tel. +39 0536 837511 - fax +39 0536 837532 - fax estero +39 0536 837542 - Hamovnichevskiy Val, 36 - Moscow Metro / Sportivnaya tel. +7 (495) 775 05 20 - MOSCOW SHOWROOM

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Lumina 50X110 - 2

- Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited raffinate tridimensionalità si associano alle tonalità più neutre sophisticated three-dimensional effects meet neutral shades De gracieux reliefs 3D associés à des tons neutres. Raffinierte dreidimensionale Effekte in Kombination mit den neutralsten Farbtönen. Refinadas tridimensionalidades se unen a las tonalidades más neutras. Изысканная трехмерная структура в сочетаним с

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Lumina 50X110 - 3

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Lumina delinea nuovi confini, associando al bianco più puro e luminoso le tonalità del Beige e Grey, due morbide e delicate nuance che vestono le superfici contemporanee con raffinatezza e nuovo slancio creativo: tutto nella calda e materica finitura Matt. Lumina shapes new borders, pairing the purest, brightest white with Beige and Grey, two soft, delicate nuances that caress contemporary surfaces with a sophisticated, creative slant:...

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Lumina 50X110 - 4

FLAT SURFACES BIANCO GLOSS DIAMANTE GLOSS WHITE MATT Polished and matt surfaces, inviting shades of colour and gorgeous three-dimensional effects: Fap pursues beauty and function for maximum creative freedom. Superfici lucide e opache, accoglienti sfumature di colore e preziosi effetti tridimensionali; Fap insegue l’eccellenza estetica e funzionale per la massima libertà espressiva. Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Des surfaces brillantes et mates, des nuances...

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Lumina 50X110 - 5

BORDI RETTIFICATI Piastrelle squadrate per pareti senza fughe. Squared tiles for jointless walls. BORDS RECTIFIÉS. Des carreaux rectifiés pour des joints qui s’effacent. REKTIFIZIERTE KANTEN. Perfekt rechtwinkelige Fliesen für fugenlose Wände. BORDES RECTIFICADOS. Placas cuadradas para paredes sin juntas. РЕКТИФИЦИРОВАННЫЕ КРАЯ. Плитка со срезанными краями для бесшовной укладки. Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reprodu

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Lumina 50X110 - 6

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited GREY MATT Nel mondo dell’interior design, il grey è il colore neutro per eccellenza; questa nuance è ideale come sfondo per abbinamenti ad altre tonalità e ispira nuovi spazi creativi. In the world of interior design, grey is the neutral colour par excellence, making it the ideal shade as a backdrop for combinations with other colours and to inspire new creative settings. En décoration d’intérieur, Grey est la teinte neutre par...

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Lumina 50X110 - 7

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Lumina Diamante Grey Matt 50x110 RT 10

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Lumina 50X110 - 8

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Lumina Line Grey Matt 50x110 RT 12

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Lumina 50X110 - 9

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited incisioni ceramiche e finiture naturali ceramic engravings and natural finishes Gravures céramiques et finitions brutes Keramische Gravuren und natürliche Oberflächen Incisiones cerámicas y acabados naturales Керамические гравировки и естественные отдел

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Lumina 50X110 - 10

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited BEIGE MATT Beige è la tonalità che unisce calore e leggerezza. La sua semplicità possiede eleganza e armonia e rievoca sensazioni di relax e quiete. Beige is the shade that brings a light touch to warmth. Simple, subtle elegance and harmony to conjure up calm, relaxing sensations. Beige est la couleur qui unit chaleur et légèreté. Elle doit son élégance et son harmonie à sa simplicité et aux sensations de tranquillité et de sérénité...

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Lumina 50X110 - 11

Lumina Line Beige Matt 50x110 RT Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited

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Lumina 50X110 - 12

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited Lumina Diamante Beige Matt 50x110 RT

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Lumina 50X110 - 13

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited raffinate superfici che disegnano l’intimità sophisticated textures that create intimacy Des surfaces raffinées qui dessinent l’intimité Edle Oberflächen, die Intimität schaffen Refinadas superficies que perfilan la intimidad Изящные поверхности, создающие уют

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Lumina 50X110 - 14

Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited - Fap ceramiche, all rights reserved. Reproduction of this image is prohibited WHITE MATT La superficie Matt dona alle pareti un carattere sofisticato e mai banale. Il bianco, associato ad una finitura calda e materica, rappresenta la scelta perfetta per creare spazi dal grande valore estetico. The Matt surfaces give walls a sophisticated, distinctive character. White combines with a warm, material finish to shape the perfect choice to create truly beautiful spaces. La surface Matt confère aux murs un caractère...

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