Apparecchi Bar /
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Catalog excerpts

Apparecchi Bar / - 1

FRULLINI DRINKS MIXERS Apparecchi per uso professionale Ideale per bar, ristoranti, piano bar, coffè bar, chiosco Struttura in alluminio preso fuso e plastica Motore ventilato Bicchiere in acciaio inox o plastica Due velocità Farfalla in acciaio inox Disponibile anche la versione doppia e da muro Norme CE Fabbricato in Italia Professional equipment Ideally suited small hotel, pub, snack bar, café, club Structured in plastic and pressure die cast aluminium Ventilated motor Grade stainless steel jug or in plastic Two speed included Stainless steel blending blades Double jug and wall mounted options also available CE approved Proudly Made in italy

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Apparecchi Bar / - 2

Alimentazione Power supply (Volt/Hz] Potenza Motor power (Kwatt/Hp] Velocita Speed (rpm] Capacita Capacity (lt] Peso netto monofase Net weight single phase (kg] Peso lordo monofase Gross weight single phase (kg] Dimensione imballo Packing dimensions (mm] DisponibiLe anche con bicchiere in plastica Available with plastic container also MF 4D Alimentazione Power supply (Volt/Hz] Potenza Motor power (Kwatt/Hp] Velocita Speed (rpm] Capacita Capacity (lt] Peso netto monofase Net weight single phase (kg] Peso lordo monofase Gross weight single phase (kg] Dimensione imballo Packing dimensions (mm]...

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