Catalog excerpts

the brand theatre experience Light expressing different personalities
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THE BRAND THEATRE EXPERIENCE Light expressing different personalities
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OUR BRAND JOURNEY OF LIGHT Let us invite you to the world of commercial light light affects people. It affects how we feel. If we feel of course, knowledge about lighting – how it affects awake or tired, if we feel busy or relaxed, or perhaps people and, most importantly, how it can be used as a inspired. Our goal is to evoke feelings that result in gre- commercial tool. ater shopping experiences - we want to enhance the commercial environment with the power of light. The cally developed for retail environments. However, we feelings that are being evoked in your shop should be a want to...
Open the catalog to page 6
THE ART OF RETAIL LIGHTING Attentive planning in every detail light is complex. Its complexity has fascinated man barndoors. High levels of light and reflections from since the beginning of time. Harnessing light for a spe- glossy surfaces can be a cause of glare, which is why cific purpose requires knowledge about how it behaves. it is important to know what type of interior is being There are many aspects to consider when designing an planned when creating the lighting scheme. artificial lighting solution if it is to be visually effective, comfortable and pleasant. What we do know is that...
Open the catalog to page 9
THE COMMERCIAL IMPACT OF LIGHT Setting the stage for your customers light has been proven to significantly affect two human compared this with the same display using only general areas: vision and sense of excitement. Lighting is neces- lighting, which is very common in supermarkets today. sary for shoppers to process the relevant information The result was that the customers paid more attention in the shop, but it can also enhance specific products to the accentuated bottles and the sales of those bott- where the retailer wants to boost sales. In that way a les increased. It all comes down...
Open the catalog to page 10
SOLUTIONS FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Energy efficient lighting crystal clear is fagerhult’s environmental initiative. with an upgraded one and drawing conclusions from It’s our way of emphasising the importance of working the result. It is crucial to know the basic information in a way that has the least possible environmen- about the shop’s layout and ceiling height, but also tal impact. And key to that is our focus on people. to understand what feeling the customer wants to The people for whom we make lighting, but also our employees, and above all the coming generations. We are...
Open the catalog to page 13
efficiency of the luminaire. Different types of control great opportunities to dim down your lighting and take What technology you use is a very important issue. gear work best in different types of luminaires – and advantage of the natural light while saving energy. Sometimes the initial investment cost is higher for a this, of course, is a choice that we make for our custo- more energy efficient light source, but the total cost mers. At the design and development stage, we ensure want to save energy by decreasing some of the bright- over a few years makes it a lot more cost effective to...
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CARING ABOUT THE LIGHT How to maintain a commercial installation a lighting installation can lose up to 30% of the light it is possible to know when it is time to change light quantity in one year. When you visit the shop daily it can be difficult for the eye to detect. We know that a well-planned lighting installation enhances your brand, asingly important to reduce and control future energy highlight your merchandise and create an environment demands and directives. It will not be enough buying that your customers feel comfortable and inspired energy efficient products but also necessary...
Open the catalog to page 16
RETAIL TREND INSIGHTS The impact of tomorrow’s reality the rapid expansion of digital technology, especially platform that engages and reaches out to consumers. the evolution of convenient mobile devices such as The future of retail will be a fluid, exciting mix of online, tablets, has radically changed the way we shop and offline and mobile commerce. As a result, the actual our relationship with brands. This technology is also retail space will be about so much more than just shop- shaping the consumers of tomorrow. Teenagers of ping. Retailers need to rethink their relationship with today...
Open the catalog to page 19
FLEXIBLE AND DYNAMIC SETTINGS The decline of uniform retail blueprints as the pace of communication and lifestyles accele- and concept are appropriate for the location and local rates, the hyper-local store experience will become culture. Consumers are turning away from globalised, increasingly important to a generation of consumers uniform retail blueprints to locally authentic offerings, nurtured on the Internet – global in their outlook yet which are in touch with communities. And the retai- determined to feel a sense of community in an increa- lers are responding. Several larger chains...
Open the catalog to page 20
EXPERIENCE IS THE NEW COMMODITY Seeing and experiencing amazing things as digital technology makes it easier for consumers to compare, create, interact and purchase, retailers need theatrical scene, taking brands and retail concepts to to intensify their offer. Why bother going all the way to new startling heights. Clever retailers engage custo- an actual store when you can get the same merchandise mers with stimulating scenery and intriguing stories more easily and more conveniently online? The answer thoroughly narrated around the brand – they surprise is a well-planned multi-channel mix...
Open the catalog to page 23
THE POP-UP CONCEPT Instant, raw and honest as consumers’ lives have become busier, shopping pat- the pop-up trend has emerged beneath the portable terns have shifted away from the weekly shop to the format – many brands also embrace the type of style in ‘what I need now’ shop. Consequently shops need to be terms of interior and setting that is created in pop-up where the consumers are. That is just one reason why stores even if the store itself is permanent. the pop-up concept has been so successful. Retailers also want to attract attention and to create a buzz so by the Danish-born...
Open the catalog to page 24All FAGERHULT catalogs and technical brochures
How to illuminate car showrooms
11 Pages
60 Pages
Personal Light
20 Pages
the office in a new light
44 Pages
10 Pages
Discovery Evo
11 Pages
8 Pages
Multilume Hydro LED
7 Pages
creativity at work
32 Pages
16 Pages
Archived catalogs
16 Pages