Catalog excerpts
Ven, entra, estás en tu casa. Un lugar vivo que Expormim te ayuda a construir con nuevas propuestas de interior. Indoor 2011 - 2012 responde a tus necesidades. Soluciones actuales a una nueva forma de vivir, que encuentra en la naturalidad su principal inspiración. Come in, you are at home, a lively place, a place which Expormim wants to help you to define, with new indoor Indoor 2011 is an answer to your needs. Current solutions for a new way of life, that finds the natural thing as its main inspiration. Todas las dimensiones que aparecen en el catálogo están en centímetros.
Open the catalog to page 3Light defines and enriches your space, your life. Dining Rooms
Open the catalog to page 5Volúmenes claros y precisos
Open the catalog to page 6Volúmenes claros y precisos dibujan una funcionalidad perfectamente adaptada a tus necesidades, permitiéndote combinarlos a tu gusto, en función de tu espacio. Las nuevas composiciones Mistral son una respuesta actual, equilibrada y sólida. Clear and accurate volumes provide functionality that adapts to your needs, and allows you to combine them as you like, depending on the space you have. The new compositions Mistral are a current, solid and balanced answer.
Open the catalog to page 13El frescor y la luminosidad de los tonos blancos, el tacto suave y natural de un acabado sedoso, la utilización de la profundidad y la transparencia del vidrio lacado a tono son calidades que Mistral combina con eficiencia. The freshness and brightness of white shades; the smooth and natural touch of a silky finish; the use of the depth and transparency of the lacquered glass; all of them are features that Mistral combines efficiently.
Open the catalog to page 19Porque tú necesitas ordenar tu espacio, los nuevos contenedores Mistral son prácticos y funcionales y te permiten aprovechar su espacio de manera lógica. You need to organize your space, and the new cabinets Mistral are practical and functional, thus they make possible a better use of your space in a logical manner.
Open the catalog to page 26Necesitas funcionalidad, necesitas resolver tus problemas de espacio, de organización, de almacenaje. Mistral responde a tus exigencias sin renunciar a la calidez de los materiales y acabados, y todo ello con un equilibrado diseño. You need functionality, you need to solve your problems of space and storage. Mistral meets your needs without renouncing to the warmth of materials and finishings, and everything with
Open the catalog to page 32NOVA Equilibrio en proporciones 34
Open the catalog to page 34Ven, estás en tu casa, disfruta de Come in, you are at home, enjoy your time, enjoy the light and the
Open the catalog to page 36Nuevos materiales enriquecen la colección Nova. Frentes en porcelánico, material noble y de tacto agradable, proporcionan distinción y modernidad a las piezas más New materials enrich the Nova collection. Porcelain fronts, fine materials and a smooth and natural touch give elegance and modernity to the most representative pieces.
Open the catalog to page 43Nova te ayuda a organizar tus objetos, los ordena bajo formas depuradas. Geometrías básicas que encierran toda la funcionalidad necesaria sin renunciar al diseño y a la Nova helps you to organize and put in order your things, with refined shapes. The basic geometry contains all the necessary functionality without sacrificing design and modernity.
Open the catalog to page 44Orden resuelto de forma lógica, así son los nuevos aparadores Nova. Los frentes de cajón ocultan espacios interiores que te permiten clasificar tus objetos en The order is solved in a logical manner, with the new sideboards Nova. The drawer fronts hide the interior spaces which make possible the classification of your belongings according to your needs.
Open the catalog to page 48Materiales nobles e intempora
Open the catalog to page 56Dentro, fuera, tu casa es tu refugio lleno de luz y vida. Inside, outside, your house is your shelterfull of light and life.
Open the catalog to page 58La tranquilidad, la vitalidad y la naturalidad son cualidades que se cultivan. Bari white te ayuda a construir dichas cualidades en tu hábitat. Formas imperecederas acompañadas de matices y materiales utilizados en los pequeños detalles. Tranquillity, vitality and naturalness are qualities that can be cultivated. Bari white helps you to create these features in your habitat. Imperishable shapes accompanied by material and shades that are used in the small details.
Open the catalog to page 63Cuidar Los detalles es básico en la definición de tu casa. Bari white matiza sus composiciones con el brillo del metal en los tiradores, iluminando tus muebles y enriqueciendo tus ambientes. It is really important to take care over the details when defining your home. Bari white qualifies its compositions with the brightness of the metal in the handles, which lights your furniture and enriches your environments.
Open the catalog to page 64que quieras, estás en tu casa. Enjoy your time, do what you
Open the catalog to page 66Disfruta de un buen vino blanco, Enjoya good white wine, the company of your family and friends, the peace of a moment, what else do you need?
Open the catalog to page 69sitio para cada cosa y cada
Open the catalog to page 72onalidades cálidas en madera
Open the catalog to page 76Pasa, estás en tu casa, es como like you, it is cosy, it is yours.
Open the catalog to page 78Nuevos materiales enriquecen la colección Bari. Tiradores acabados en pizarra que combinan perfectamente con la calidez de la madera natural. New materials enrich the Bari collection. The handles are finished with slate and combine perfectly with the warmth of
Open the catalog to page 82Combinaciones contemporáneas. La luz del metal con la elegancia de los tonos oscuros diseña y construye composiciones perfectas para tu hábitat, un espacio joven y actual. Contemporary combinations. The light of metal together with the elegance of the dark tones design and construct perfect compositions for your environment, a young and current space.
Open the catalog to page 86Recuerdos, libros, objetos, vivencias, tu casa encierra un Memories, books, valuables, experiences, your house encloses a treasure: your life.
Open the catalog to page 93casa, disfruta del silencio. Rest in the privacy of your house, Catia Baruto Bari Kabir Armarios wardrobes
Open the catalog to page 103Te ofrecemos complementos que te ayudan a vestir tu dormitorio, soluciones para que organices un espacio tan propio, colores y acabados cálidos que se anticipan a tus deseos y que decoran un espacio tan preciado. Utilízalos... We offer you the complements that help you to dress your bedroom, the solutions to organize such a personal space, with colours and warm finishings that anticipate your desires and decorate such a valuable space. Use them ...
Open the catalog to page 118All Expormim catalogs and technical brochures
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Cask Armchair / sillón
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Cask XL ottoman
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Cask Sofa
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Cask Armchair
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Huma Swivel armchair
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Liz Low armchair
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“Gata” Dining chair / silla
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“Fontal” armchair / sillón
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“Käbu” sofa
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“Gres” low barstool
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“Gres” high barstool
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“Fontal” dining chair
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112 Pages
Tumbona ?Slim?
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Tumbona doble ?Slim?
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Sillón ?Slim?
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Cama redonda ?Slim?
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Sofá ?Slim?
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Módulo central ?Slim?
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Tumbona doble ?Rimini?
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Tumbona ?Rimini?
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Sofá ?Rimini?
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Sillón ?Rimini? / armchair
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Parabán "Frames"
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hand-woven chair
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round coffee table
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Sudán : C326
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Air chairs : C911
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Käbu C770B
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IN : Traditional T411
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IN:Slim Double chaise longue
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IN:Trim Round coffee table
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OUT:"Copa outdoor" Armchair
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OUT:Solid TV module 4 doors
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IN:Reposo Chaise longue
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IN:Fontal Lounge chair
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IN:?Fontal? Dining armchair
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