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Catalog excerpts

Catalogue - 9

Data Sheet 1.6 Standard Range exitil WALL & CEILING o WD/PB/FD Designed to fit into any type of wall (or ceiling) system, allowing easy access into the cavity/void where regular maintenance to services is required to be carried out. FIRE RATING AIR TIGHT ACOUSTIC 60 mins not rated not rated o Budget Lock Suited Keylock Tamper KeylOck 5mm Bit Insert Ball Catch Touch Catch Dzus Catch Slotted Lock Euro Profile 3 Way Lock IP65 Insert LOCK OPTIONS Some locks have size restrictions. Please contact out technical department for more information Structural opening to be +5mm greater than access...

Open the catalog to page 9
Catalogue - 24

Data Sheet 2.8 Ceiling Range exitil CEILING o PB/SB/FD Designed to fit into any type of fire rated ceiling system, allowing easy access into the cavity/void where regular maintenance to services is required to be carried out. FIRE RATING AIR TIGHT ACOUSTIC o 60 mins not rated not rated Budget Lock Tamper 5mm Bit Keylock Insert 3 Way Lock IP65 Insert LOCK OPTIONS Some locks have size restrictions. Please contact out technical department for more information Structural opening to be +5mm greater than access panel frame O/a access panel frame Clear opening with door removed = o/a panel frame...

Open the catalog to page 24

All Exitile catalogs and technical brochures

  1. MP SB FD120

    1 Pages

  2. MP SB

    1 Pages

  3. MP PF AT

    1 Pages

  4. MP PF FD120

    1 Pages

  5. MP PF

    1 Pages


    1 Pages

  7. CIRC/SB

    1 Pages

  8. WD/SB/FD/24O

    1 Pages

  9. MT/SB/FD/060

    1 Pages

  10. MT/PF

    1 Pages

  11. PB SB CIRC

    1 Pages

  12. WD PF AT

    1 Pages

  13. WD PF AC40

    1 Pages

  14. XL TD TC

    1 Pages

  15. XL WD TD

    1 Pages

  16. XL PF FD

    1 Pages

  17. XP SB

    1 Pages

  18. XL PF

    1 Pages

  19. XL SB

    1 Pages

  20. CG

    1 Pages

  21. TC

    1 Pages

  22. EG

    1 Pages

  23. PB SB FD

    1 Pages

  24. PB SB

    1 Pages

  25. SB

    1 Pages

  26. MT SB

    1 Pages