Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1Alt sh a Ulm usen Aa le Me n m Ke ming mp en t Nö en rdl ing en We rtin ge n AMAZEMENT IS THE BEGINNING OF KNOWLEDGE. gLass MaNuFacture Float glass Laminated safety glass gLass cOatiNg C Thermal insulation glass Sun protection glass Anti-condensation glass Anti-reflective and mirrored glass sOLar gLass Solar glass Fire PrOtectiON gLass CZECH REPUBLIC Fire protection glass FRANCE STRASBOURG Glas Trösch COmpANy pOrTrAIT GLAS TRÖSCH COMPANY PORTRAIT Pr at Gr teln en ch en Bu Bo lle Ste llige ffis n b Bü urg tzb Oe erg n Ur singe se n n Tri bach mb Ob ach erk ulm Bu oc hs Vo lke tsw il Ma lan...
Open the catalog to page 2Erich Trösch Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO Glas Trösch Holding AG Dear Readers No other ancient material is more modern and has a brighter future than glass. From the formation of natural glass in the heat of a volcano through industrial production of largescale construction glasses to design glass for a modern lifestyle – the history of glass is every bit as fascinating as its properties. Glass is a timeless material with enormous functionality. It captures sunlight and keeps the cold at bay. It acts as a heat and sound insulator and provides security. Glass enables us to...
Open the catalog to page 3GLAS TröSCH GrOUp rolls-royce phantom Drophead Coupé Dassault aviation Falcon 7X coulD There sooN be a ciTy MaDe of Glass? Glas Trösch enables cutting-edge architectural projects to come to fruition all over the world. From the headquarters of the telecommunications giant Telefónica in madrid to the Swiss Tower in Dubai and the circular Aldar headquarters building in Abu Dhabi. Even a complete city made of glass is no longer inconceivable. New Monte-rosa hut Zermatt witzerland /S The world is constantly changing. The world of glass, too. New technologies and products are opening up...
Open the catalog to page 4GLAS TröSCH GrOUp Bruno Gygax Silverstar Jürgen Servais Euroglas Sales Dieter Gaile Glas Trösch Factories Germany Erich Trösch Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO martin Haas Glas Trösch Factories Switzerland Frank Studer Automotive Four generations of entrepreneurial spirit, quality-oriented thinking and readiness to assume risk are the bedrock on which Glas Trösch stands and continues to grow. Facts & Figures Year of foundation Headquarters Number of factories Countries Glas Trösch COmpANy pO
Open the catalog to page 5GLAS TröSCH GrOUp eo center Spiez witzerland b /S Facade with four-season glass for heat and sun protection, SILVErSTAr SELEKT WhaT MaKes Glas Trösch The PerfecT ParTNer? The flexibility of a medium-sized company, the established r eliability management, broad product range, professional pride of the personnel and their quick response are just a few of the reasons why Glas Trösch has enjoyed the trust of its customers for over a century. What started out as a small mirror factory and glass grinding works became the Swiss market leader and a leading company for the production and...
Open the catalog to page 6THE FIRST SNOW * When it turns cold and grey outside, the long wait begins. For the moment when the snowflakes finally flutter pi past the window. When you press your nose right up to the pane, they seem to dance all around it. This magic never fails to^lose its fascination for us, % * 1 year after year. GLAS TROSCH STANDS FOR QUALITY OF LIFE ' Glass enables us to watch the wintry goings-on while sitting comfortably indoors in the warm. The finely tuned SILVERSTAR programme offers the right insulating glazing for every need.
Open the catalog to page 7GLASS mANUFACTUrE Strictly speaking, glass is never really cut. A computer-controlled cutting machine first scribes the float glass with a carbide tip, after which it is snapped automatically. FLOAT GLASS EUROFLOAT AND EUROWHITE hoW Much QuarTZ is There iN The WorlD? The world’s reserves of quartz sand are virtually unlimited. Quartz sand consists mainly of quartz grains. And quartz is the second most common mineral on Earth. It consists of silicon and oxygen and forms crystals in many different shapes and colours. Flat glass made with the float glass process is the starter material for...
Open the catalog to page 8GLASS mANUFACTUrE In the clean room, the plastic film is inserted between the glass plates and the “sandwich” subjected to heat and pressure in autoclaves. LAMINATED SAFETY GLASS EUROLAMEX caN safeTy be iNvisible? A highly transparent film lends the glass new safety properties. It protects against injuries in the event of breakage, and keeps unwanted guests out. Great importance is accorded to safety when it comes to glass applications. This is the reason why laminated safety glass is now the standard both in architecture as well as in vehicle and aircraft construction. EUROLAMEX...
Open the catalog to page 9AT HOME One morning, everything is finally ready. You open your eyes and glimpse – at first still somewhat indistinctly – a ceiling, four walls, the sun flickering through the window. Barefoot, you grope your way downstairs. And slowly come to the realisation that it is no longer a dream but your very own home. Glas Trösch sTaNDs for TraDiTioN For four generations, the family company has played its part in helping people to realise their lifetime dreams. Tailor-made interior applications combining the lightness of glass and great durability create an open, harmonious sense of spaciousnes
Open the catalog to page 10GLASS COATING THERMAL INSULATION GLASS SUN PROTECTION GLASS SILVERSTAR COMBI AND SILVERSTAR SUNSTOP T aND WhaT abouT The eNerGy balaNce? It takes only around 4 kWh of energy to coat a square metre of glass. Compared to conventional, uncoated double glazing, this results in a saving of around 15 litres of fuel oil per square metre of window surface and heating period. This corresponds to around 150 kWh. silversTar coating plant Ujazd oland /p Nycomed Constance ermany /G santander consumer bank mönchengladbach ermany /G The realisation of contemporary glass projects calls for an...
Open the catalog to page 11All Euroglas catalogs and technical brochures
8 Pages
SILVERSTAR - coated glass
6 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
6 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
LUXAR® Anti-reflective glass
8 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages