Catalog excerpts

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EN KEVI is the classic office chair with the hardwearing principle: The better you sit, the more you get done. Designed by an architect and dedicated to schools and workplaces where one solution must satisfy many demands. Everything is visible, nothing is superfluous: seat, back, base, and controls. A simple well-balanced formula that incorporates visual appeal with freedom of movement plus the flexibility you expect from a full-service programme. DK KEVI er en klassiker baseret på en uopslidelig idé: Jo bedre du sidder, des mere får du fra hånden. Tegnet af en arkitekt og tilegnet skoler...
Open the catalog to page 3
EN The technical construction is clearly visible throughout the design, creating a balanced and well-proportioned whole. DK Den tekniske konstruktion bliver selve stolens form med en enkel og logisk harmoni. DE Die Konstruktion bildet die Form – mit logisch klarer Harmonie.
Open the catalog to page 4
EN The wheel re-invented: two rollers connect through a protective shield to distribute pressure and reduce friction. DK To ruller holdt sammen af et beskyttende skjold fordeler vægten og mindsker modstanden – hjulet opfundet på ny. DE Rollen im Doppelpack reduzieren Druckbelastung und Rollwiderstand – das Rad erneut erfunden.
Open the catalog to page 9
EN KEVI AIR is available in eight different colors and now also with seat upholstery in countless colors and qualities. DK KEVI AIR fås i otte forskellige farver og nu også med sædepolstring i utallige farver og kvaliteter. DE KEVI AIR ist in acht verschiedenen Farben und ab sofort auch mit einem Sitzpolster in unzähligen Farben und Stoffqualitäten erhältlich.
Open the catalog to page 10
EN This swivel chair is aptly named KEVI AIR after the small holes in the plastic of the seat and backrest. The ʽair holesʼ ventilate the body and contribute to the non-slip surface. DK Stolen hedder KEVI AIR. Og navnet kommer af de små udstansninger i kunststoffet, der er lavet i hhv. ryg- og siddefladen. Disse ʽlufthullerʼ gør, at kroppen kan ventilere, og at man ikke rutsjer ud af stolen. DE Dieser Drehstuhl heißt KEVI AIR und ist nach den kleinen Aussparungen im Kunststoff der Sitzfläche und Rückenlehne benannt. Diese ʻLuftlöcherʼ sorgen dafür, dass der Körper stets belüftet wird und...
Open the catalog to page 11
STUDIO JØRGEN RASMUSSEN EN BRINGING UP A CLASSIC Nicolai Abildgaard, Denmark’s great romantic painter, designed the Sparrow’s Hideaway in neo-classical style. Jørgen Rasmussen invites us into his upstairs studio for and tells of his world famous classic, but would rather sterr the conversation towards its future. DK Why is the chair named Kevi? Because the first chair was designed for a company called Kettel & Villadsen. Villadsen was the manager and he had problems with his back. In those days there weren’t so many pieces of furniture that cared about that. Money was a bit tight, so every...
Open the catalog to page 13
KEVI SERIES OFFICE / EDUCATION CHAIRS EN From the Danish Design Canon ”With the design of the ’double-roller’ – the wheel underneath the Kevi chair – a standard was shaped that would conquer the world, because it offered a genuine improvement of working conditions for millions of people.” DK Fra Den Danske Designkanon ”Med udviklingen af ’dobbelt-rulleren’ – hjulet under Kevi-stolen, skabtes et princip, der i dag går igen over hele verden, hvor en konkret forbedring af arbejdsvilkårene for millioner af mennesker.” DE Der Danske Designkanon im Verzeichnis der dänischen Kulturschätze...
Open the catalog to page 14
COLOURS & MATERIALS EN Kevi comes in a wide array of colours, materials and functions: DK DK Kevi fås i et stort udvalg af farver, materialer og udformninger: DE Erhältlich in Farben, Materialien und Ausführungen nach Wahl: – Seat and painted veneer, integral foam or upholstery – Standard or extra height with or without adjustable foot ring – Hard or soft castors or glides – Oversized seat and back (2539/u) – Sæde og ryg i lakeret finér, intergralskum eller polstret – Standard eller ekstra højde med eller uden regulerbar fodring – Hårde- eller bløde hjul eller glidessko – Sæde og...
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